- Keep the new aiming system
- Revert to the old aiming system
Let’s see what the players have to say. I know Gaijin doesn’t read the English naval forums, so feel free to cross post this wherever it will get the most traffic.
Let’s see what the players have to say. I know Gaijin doesn’t read the English naval forums, so feel free to cross post this wherever it will get the most traffic.
And the results shock no one
So far. I’m hoping to get a decent number of votes over a few days.
I’ve seen numerous polls on stuff players don’t like and it doesn’t change anything unfortunately. The only thing that will change it is lower player activity and finally they’ll do something. I’ve been a player for 10 years and stopped playing numerous times because of this.
Me too, but I’m hoping to show it’s not popular. I know Gaijin doesn’t listen to naval players, but I’m going to bug the crap out of them anyway.
At the very least make it an option like the RB aiming mode is (or was until they broke it lol)
I voted to keep the new system. I played 2 battles today and it was absolutely fine. I would at the very least like a bit more time to play the new mode to evaluate it properly.
Comparing with the old aiming system, u guys are just complaining about the cost of learning. In new aiming system, we still need to judge the relative position between enemy and your ship. We all know Gaijin never see the naval forum, but if they can set the old system as a choice will be good for everyone.
That’s not at all what at least I am complaining about. My complaints are that it has dumbed down the system to be exactly like their mobile game, that it was never pitched to us and we were never asked for feedback, and that if this had happened in ground or air, players would be revolting.
I think we may be in the death throes of the naval mode, and things like this are the result.
Gaijin is desperately trying to bring naval back, evidenced by the numerous changes made to the mode during Hornet’s Sting.
By dumbing down the mechanics, Gaijin will see a temporary boost in players. However, that change will precipitate an eventual downfall of the mode as the more loyal veterans, who stayed playing naval because they enjoyed it/saw no better alternative, are increasingly alienated.
I can’t say that Naval will truly and completely die, but I don’t see a future for it outside of being “the extra mode”, which is disappointing as despite its squandering, War Thunder is far better than WoWS.
The players not only use English to feedback the suggestions, they also using another languages, but u don’t see them not mean they are not exist. Anyway, establish a vote in forum is good for us to let Gaijin see what do player’s really want.
Looks like not “99% against the new system” to me, that some of you tried to convince us. And can you tell how much of those who against is figured out new system and can preform good results with it. I imagining 35 35 30 separation is more likely to be the real numbers. Besides that that represents only forum users which is ~1-3% of real players. So only real in game statistics can tell do people feel more engaged with the game or less. And you must to account there is a lot of bug with patch and lot of changes which can bias the votes too.
And there is a rule in marketing that people do complain publicly much more often(which some part of you is doing now) then applaud to what they like.
btw. When missles ships arrive you all be glad that system is what it is now.
unfortunataly you will only limit yourself as the aimbot gives advantage by using it - but ok 1 option is better as none…
Good thing I didn’t claim that. Of course people can do well. The point is now anyone with a pulse can do well as any semblance of skill has been removed. Just point and click. Don’t worry about having to lead your target or adjusting for either your or their course and speed changes, don’t worry about having to aim ahead or behind the aim marker to hit vital systems. Just put your cursor on the shell room/magazine and push a button. People will do great, but that’s not the point.
Ik I’ll get crucified for this, but I quite like the new aiming system. Helps with learning the basics of naval, while RB allows you to still have the old system.
I don’t think you’ll be crucified. It’s only the trolls who are. You can like the new system. I’d like to ask you a couple of questions. For those of us who never enjoyed realistic, what are our options now? Do you believe the new system, which can allow new players to do very well, will get boring for them?
If people do great, isn’t thats good, isn’t they will have fun?
No. Being given a reward without a challenge isn’t fun at all. If I enter a race, and I get a trophy just for participating, it isn’t fun or rewarding. It’s boring, and I know I didn’t earn anything.
Who told you there is no challenge, are we playing singlplayer shooting range on a rails, looks like no? We play game with other players who can shot you, dodge you bomb you, gang bang you. Being good at it is fun, not being good at targeting green snot or “V” in the middle of the sea sitting in a fist person view. Now you must move must be aware what’s happening around, god damn, even shoot without crosshair view. Now game is more like “Battlestation pacific” and for Arcade it’s good.
No, the game is now “put crosshair on magazine/shell room and push left mouse button.” You aren’t getting bombed, because a plane can’t get within 10km of a ship now. There is no “good or bad” now. Everyone just has to follow the same pattern. That’s not fun. That’s not challenging.
You already had to maneuver to be good before. Now it’s irrelevant what you do. I understand you are all for this change, as it was your suggestion, but can you understand why at least 2/3 to 3/4 of players are against it, or will you not even acknowledge why some players don’t like it?
I understand your position that more RP and SL equals more fun. That easier gameplay is more fun. I just disagree with it.