It’s a bug for AA, small guns AI controlled that they shot and aim at those distances and nothing to do with aiming. btw. I still can bomb just need more maneuvers to get close to target and chose targets carefully.
there is no “2/3 to 3/4” you imagining it
i know why, cause they most of all used to old one, and that not making that system good.
How can I be “imagining it?” The poll is at the top of the page. All you have to do is literally look at it.
I get why you like it and I acknowledged it. What I don’t understand it why you can’t understand why other don’t. That seems like either troll or bad faith behavior.
The cannon’s accuracity is still exists, not every shell can hit the point u crosshair aimed.
They VASTLY improved shell accuracy this patch as well. I’ve played 2 matches since the patch came out. In each one, I never missed a magazine or shell room on my first salvo. That’s not a large sample size, but it’s been my experience. It’s MUCH easier to hit things now with the increased accuracy.
The poll is not representative, i explained why couple of posts above.
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Use your ship in AB test map, both target CL/CA and u own ship are stationary, and aim Admiral Hiper or Brooklyn’ s magazine, not every shell u shoot is on what u crosshair aimed.
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Right. Nothing that goes against your opinion is “representative” or valid. So troll it is then. I’m done responding to you. I only wish I could block you.
I didn’t claim it did. I claimed they vastly increased accuracy this patch, which they did. Shell spread has been lowered significantly which you can find by looking in the files. This especially true for anything 14" and above.
And my friend, u just say it is u experience, seems like u need more test before u can finally prove that. When I playing BR4.7/5.3 AB, even the ship and enemy both stopped, I agree the accuracy was improved, but when you shoot more, there still some shells hit out of crosshair. When I test it in test map, it is still like this.
You are not wrong but there is validity to the protest. Look at Bud Light and Arby’s. Bud Light is still suffering from the initial boycott and is rewriting the books on marketing and boycotts. Arby’s removed the potato cake option (it was never a big seller) but discovered that a huge number of their regular customers stopped coming because it was gone. People complained and were ignored and Arby’s started shutting down locations. Arby’s finally discovered that, while potato cakes were not a hot seller, they were directly tied to their regular customers who were refusing to return. Now potato cakes are back.
The old rules about ignoring the complainers are rapidly getting thrown out the window in light of the new market which is unwilling to accept a product deemed inferior (regardless of whether it actually is inferior or not). Back in the 50’s and 60’s with only 3 major television networks (in the US), you accepted because you had no choice. Now, with over 120 channels, people aren’t satisfied and switching to streaming. Major businesses can no longer afford to ignore the protests because, despite being less than 1% of the total, may fully represent 60% who just aren’t talking but are switching off.
I know it is, but which part of it is real and which is just tantrum? The time will show who was right. And i have a good feeling about it.
I acknowledged it was personal experience, but the fact that the accuracy values have changed for large guns is unarguable. It’s literally in the config files, and has been talked about in the dev blog. Please stop pretending I said “all shells hit their targets everytime” because that’s never what I said.
Yes, and now the thing is some skillful players think their skill was totally replaced by the new aiming system, but they don’t know not only aim skill and both have movement skill, the movement skill is still work under the new aiming system, and they even think new players are as familiar with the hull structure as them, what a joke haha! Wheelchair is still wheelchair even the system was changed!
Maybe there was no skill in the beginning.
Full teams of enjoyers btw.
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Agree with u dude!
Everyone got their own score and hit, that’s the real fun of the game.
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Longer range means lower accuracy. For 5inch cannon 8-10km is enough to cause obviously significant reduction of accuracy, For 14inch or larger cannon, 13-15km maybe even 16km will cause a significant reduction of accuracy.And that’s why some players in battleship prefer in long range battle.
btw. saw your 2 replays, which you played after patch, definitely you can be objective when played one respawn on Strasbourg and died in the first part of the matches. Which represent that poll show nothing close to real deal.
That is correct. I played the Strasbourg twice. That’s what I already said. The rest of my matches were on the dev server.
Those matches what didn’t start cause no players? Truly objective.
What pisses me off is the amount of bots… lets all make a pact of targeting bots first and killing them once and for all. Then we can be player vs player.