Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025


Hi everyone! Today we’re introducing a round of planned Battle Rating changes for February.

We have a number of planned changes for ground vehicles, aircraft and naval vehicles in most modes. Please check them out and let us know what you think.

Removing the R2Y2 aircraft from research

Along with the planned Battle Rating changes, we also plan to remove the R2Y2s from research on April 30th. A fully detailed article on this can be found here.

Leaving feedback and suggestions

In order to properly and efficiently take on board your feedback, we’ll consider one vehicle change / request per comment in order to keep the flow of feedback clear for everyone and allow for better collaboration and comprehension of requests.

Note: Please don’t make lists — comments that contain more than one suggestion will not be considered. If you’d like to suggest more, please use the one-comment-one vehicle rule using the template below. You can leave more than one comment in this thread, there’s no limit to this.

Here’s an example template (per comment):

  • Mode, vehicle name. 8.0 > 8.3. Reasoning.

If you’d like to write more proposals and participate more actively in proposing changes, make sure to invite your friends and like proposals from other players that you agree with!

We’ll be reading your feedback on the planned Battle Rating changes, so please share your thoughts and suggestions! Make sure to read comments from other players and click on the ‘like’ button on suggestions that you think are most important so that we can see them.

The War Thunder Team.


Oh lord. Here we go.


the otomatic must be 10.7
it makes no sense that it is still that high RB given that there are tons of anti-aircraft doing the same job at a lower RB with half the size


So spaa are going down and other up…hm well this is gonna need a revsion lol


So I assume the IRIAF finally gets R-73s or the ability to carry 6x Fakours. Right? RIGHT?!

Because Gaijin wouldn’t put an F-14A with rear-aspect IR missiles and PD head-on radar against Eurofighters, Rafales, and F-15Es… Surely not.

Air RB - F-14A IRIAF 13.0 > 12.7 Because unless you’re buffing it this patch, it’s not equipped to fight its new matchmaker. I think a solution of adding the R-73E it was successfully tested with and allowing it to use all 6 Fakour slots would be beneficial. If deemed too strong for 13.0, remove the R-27R-1. I also recommend looking into possibly buffing the radar/RWR, as even with its missiles, there are certain standards for 13.0 aircraft that the F-14A airframe from the 70s cannot overcome with the Fakour-90 missiles.


No F-14B chamges it is the same BR as the F15A and Su27 but has no IRCCM and lacks an all aspect radar the Phoenixs don’t save it


Amazing how the chalice passes the Russian 10.3 lineup again…


M26(A1) RB 6.7>6.3.
Come on guys. It is worse that KTH and it’s own upgraded versions on the same BR.


Oh and the UFO F-16 is now 12.3. That’s totally balanced.


Promised Su-25 and A-10 spawn changes when? Su-25SM3 and A-10C are a joke at their BRs.
Still not done since May of previous year.



Will the PT16 get its missing composites and thermals now that it’ll be the same BR as the 2A4? :D


GRB, M18 GMCs should go back to 5.7 not 6.0, been a lot of powercreep and US has no 6.0 lineup, making them really awkward to use in any existing lineup


Air Realistic Battles & Simulator Battles, Mirage 2000D-RMV, 12.7>12.3

This plane is very limited in its air to air armaments to justify being at 12.7. It doesn’t get a useful radar for finding air targets, doesn’t get in-built guns and the external gun pod is placed in an usual location and affects performance, only two IR missiles.


Air Realistic Battles, F-16A OCU. 13.7 > 13.3. Low amount of countermeasures and no HMD, this aircraft is too weak in comparison with aircraft on its BR.


Vehicle: Tornado F3 Late
Gamemode: Air Sim
Change: 13.3 —> 13.0
Reason: It moved down in RB. When the ICE moved down to 13.0 it moved down in both gamemodes. It is unplayable vs 14.0s and there doesnt seem to be the new brackets expected this change to accomodate 14.0s properly into sim


RB, All M26 variants, including T99: 6.7 → 6.3
There is no reason that the Pershing should be at the same BR as multiple directly superior variants. It is in no way on par with the heavies of 6.7 whilst having similar mobility, and lacks the mobility to act as a competent medium at the BR.


RB Ozelot 9.7> 9.3 He has no advantages over his rivals and he perfectly fits into the seitap of Germany at 9.3


With the introduction of 14.0. It should be possible to add new Sim Brakcets that accomodate 12.3 and 13.3 properly within the sim brackets.

It is rediculous this is another BR change with no proposed SIM changes and especially no new Sim brackets.

Here is my proposal for new Sim brackets to be introduced this update


why J-7D should play with SU-25SM3 and fight R-73? I think it’s a bit unfair sort of…


F-20 (RB) 12.7 → 12.3
its worse than the f16 As while sitting at the same br