Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Does this mean we could see more CAS aircraft at that BR ? since April is after the next major update.
As the F-84 and the Alpha jet’s are on either side of the BR’s the R2Y2 are at

As explained in the article, the Thai sub tree added many examples to cover a lot of the gaps where the R2Y2s were frequently used for CAS. With options now available from 7.7 - 8.7. Naturally it’s always possible more aircraft may come in the future, but the replacement was the Thai sub tree and the options that provides.


Before remove the R2Y2, Is there a plan to drop R2Y2’s BR, after removing the air respawn, they are still suffering from over-tier

The RP cost should remain the same. As long as you have RP in each one.

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The latest BR changes can be found here: Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Right now we don’t plan any changes for the R2Y2s BR.


Well let’s hope for a proper 8.0 replacement for the future if not this update, luckily for me I’ve seen the righting on the walls for these aircraft. So I managed to get them before the last update.

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In air i can agree
India is good option since it uses israeli ammunitions

Tornado F.3 Late 13.3 → 13.0

It might actually be playable now.

Holy compression.

Only good things I can see are the flareless planes going down a bit but instead of dropping their BR’s just decompress further, we really should be at 15.0BR right now.

Also all the Su-25’s with R-73’s should be at 11.7. No reason for the Su-25T/39 to be 11.3. Also @Smin1080p_WT why is the Su-25SM3 still higher than the Su-25BM, 25T, 39 when it lacks the 2 R-60Ms? All it has better is MAWS but I would rather trade IRCM to make me immune from IR missiles fired behind me than to be told that there’s a missile shot at me.

Glad to see the F-14 IRIAF going up to 13.0.

J35XS 10.7 → 10.3

I love this plane I grinded the entirety of the Swedish TT with it but it’s criminal to put that at 10.3 now.

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India is in Great Britain, it is not going to leave there, it is an official sub-tree, settle for Chile

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F-105D and F-4C to 10.0 is amazing

IRIAF should get at least like 9L now though

Cough-cough, all three planes have BR 8.0. Doubtful replacement

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Except it’s made no difference since all the missiles that plagued the F-4C and F-105 have been moved down too. 10.0’s can see R-73’s from the Su-25BM since it’s going down to 11.0

Might have to get back on the Su-25BM now that at most it fights late phantom 2’s and floggers

Then F-105D to 9.7, 4 9E is not that bad

Maybe even F-4C since it’s misisles can be dodged pretty easily

The F-84 is 7.7 and can be taken into an 8.0 lineup with ease.

  1. it’s not always possible for 1:1 replacements to exist on a specific BR
  2. BRs are always subject to change.

Pretty questionable so far, hopefully they are rectified with later iterations before going live

An aircraft with a BR of 7.0 can also end up at 8.0, can this also be called a replacement? And besides, almost no one uses this plane for joint battles

They can add them and I don’t really care anymore, tbh.
Can’t wait for 7.1 second reload on ZTQ-15 and literal video of it reloading in 4 seconds not being accepted because Gaijin not allowing video evidence.


From personal expierence its not very useful cas but it is somewhat useful in different scenarios. To be honest i rarely use F-84 for cas in ground.
They added F-84 because of more option to choose from V rank Japan.

Are u sure?
U can split it like australia so israel will get like rafale with derbys or smt
What chile can offer in air?