Good Afternoon All,
I don’t know if this has been proposed and I’ve only performed a cursory forum search to see if it’s already been suggested.
Before flagging this for suggestions, this is aimed at the forum itself not War Thunder the game client.
I’m proposing a curated system of requesting BR reviews, where users request that a vehilce’s BR be reviewed by the developers, with a standard of evidence or reason as to why the vehicle is either over or under performing. However, players do not demand a specific BR change, for example:
“The T-50 is overperforming at BR 2.7 and is ruining rank 1 games, it should be moved up to BR 3.0 at minimum”
would instead be:
“The T-50 is overperforming as evidenced below please consider this vehicle for Battle Rating review”
To which ideally we’d get at the very least “this vehicle has been considered for re-evaluation” or “there is insufficent evidence to be considered for re-evaluation at this time”
I feel like the interval for reviews should be at least once per major update, once per vehicle addition plus or minus 1 BR of the added vehicle (premium, battlepass, event or TT inclusive) and once more per “Planned BR changes” from the developer.
The goal would at least be to eliminate or reduce the number of topics, that go nowhere, have no resolution but stir up negativity. Examples being:
- BR x.x is compressed/requires decompression
- Game is unbalanced please fix (with or without denigration of the developers)
- Game is broken please fix (with or without denigration of the developers)
- Vehicle is broken please fix (“”)
In the suggestions section of the forum there exists a established and understood format for the suggestion of new vehicles to be added to the game. The community generally recognised the criteria and positively engages with the system. Additionally, forum moderators carefully curate the suggestions to eliminate duplication.
I’m proposing a similar framework be put forward for the discussion of battle ratings. Typically a player will be either frustrated with a specific vehicle or class of vehicles at a certain bracket and unleash their vexations on the general discussion of machinery of war sections.
Contained within these calls to address vehicle battle ratings are:
- Appeals to historical accuracy and immersion;
- Complaints where vehicle A is unfairly matched against vehicles B, C and D;
- Complaints that vehicle A is overpowered/underpowered, overtiered undertiered;
- Vehicle is missing key feature, or requires a buff/debuff to remain competitive;
Among others.
Arguments to the contrary consist of:
- Doubts expressed as to Complainant’s competence and understanding of game mechanics resulting in perceived struggle;
- Denigrations of player statistics on the whole
Generally speaking, the discussions devolve into confrontations as users argue over elements of a vehicle that are difficult to quantify, and as frustrations mount, name calling and insults ensue.