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Please avoid Tech tree wish listing.Tech trees are much more complicated than vehicles.Tech trees need a separate thread for discussion
Part 2:Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 2)
You can wishlist here.
Please avoid Tech tree wish listing.Tech trees are much more complicated than vehicles.Tech trees need a separate thread for discussion
Part 2:Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees) (Part 2)
How can i bookmark this thread?
probably mods can do it
time t o eagle, f-15
Good to see this is coming back.
Thank you so much
Based on the Tatra T-815 chassis (same as vz. 77 Dana howitzer) with a turret, equipped with 30mm double-barreled 2A38 cannon & 2x 9M313 (PLRK Igla-1) SHORAD missile launchers.
Based on the Tatra T-815 chassis (same as vz. 77 Dana howitzer & STROP II SPAAG ) with a turret, equipped with 30mm double-barreled 2A38M cannon & 4x 9M313 (PLRK Igla-1) SHORAD missile launchers.
I want to see more American Tank Destroyers and Czech/Slovakian vehicles (preferably in a Visegrad Group Tree).
M1296 Dragoon、M60A3 SLEP、Ajax ARV、CV 90 Mark IV and more Spike !!!
I’d sell my kidney if they add any of the following:
-Premium Fokker G1 in any tech tree.
-Dutch air tech tree.
-MiG-17/19 carrying R-5 missiles.
-Su-9 carrying R-5 and R-55 missiles.
-Su-11, Su-15, Tu-128 and Yak-28P interceptors.
-F-89/101/102/106 with Falcons.
-Falcon missiles on capable J35’s and Swiss Mirage III’s (these had proximity fuses btw).
-Proximity fuses removed from F-89D FFARs and lead angle computing added + FFAR’s buckshotting out. This is how it actually worked…
-CF-100 Canuck with unguided FFAR’s.
-Early beam riding Sparrow missiles on the F3D and F7U.
-Fireflash missiles on Australian nighfighter Meteor variant.
-Any WW2 German jet as a premium. Preferably an Me262 or Ar234 Nightfighter variant.
-Ruhrstahl X-4 missile on anything that got tested with it. (FW-190, Me262, Do335)
-Air-to-air Genie missile (unguided small nuke set to explode at 10km distance wiht a 300m kill radius. Would be very hard to aim, can be a dud near the ground as to not be game breaking).
-Tactical nukes in Enduring Confrontation, dropped by either players or AI on airfields or whatever. Just be nice to have nukes that aren’t game ending cinematics.
-Helicopters in Air Sim Enduring Confrontation, why not add naval too when there is water.
-F-111B, perhaps as a premium?
-Tech tree/squadron/premium or otherwise non-event version of the P-59.
-F-16A Block 1, less nose authority due to smaller tail, no AIM-9L’s and only 4x AIM-9J’s, as an 11.3 premium.
-A partridge in a pear tree.
KMS Bismark and also LAV-25 pls
Make Type 93 smokeless again
Is it smokeless in real life?
Actually I have 2 country’s in mind that really need some help. Japan and Israel.
Japan really needs to get the Type 81C. Japan is struggling in the AA section and the 81C would really help.
Israel is in need of everything that’s not Magach’s. It needs to get its anti-air vehicles like the HVSD/ADAMS and SPYDER-AIO, needs vehicles like the Namer IFV, Pereh, Hafiz, needs its full Tiran-line, the Merkava Mk. 3D LIC (since the original is…locked as a USA event vehicle), Eitan MGS, Eitan IFV, Sabrah LT, Giraf, Vayzata Armor Package, and LAHAT GL-ATGM. These vehicles would really add much needed diversity and competitiveness to the tree.