Storm Warning - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I dont see any upset minor nation players in here tbh

Well looks like I need to be ill again : P

Out of date versions that I’ve made lol



My god US mains cannot handle not being in the spotlight, like he said, you just got the F-15E, let someone else have the limelight for 1 patch


No, just every update before this.

There is a topic for that, its called the Wishlist topic: Next patch and beyond wishlist(Everything except Tech Trees)

We never hinted at or suggested the F-18 would be in this update. We have now been clear what the update is focused on.

If its feedback for the major update, then that would be for a feedback thread when there is a dev server section and changelog. This topic is for discussing the rumours, news roundup and otherwise information for things that are coming in the next major update.

Its not a feedback topic for the update and never has been.


Technically JH-7A can use PL-12 lol.

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Why would it be DOA? Do you expect it to be placed at the highest br?

thank you for removing the swear word

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Yea JH-7 is good in GRB until the moment you have to compete with other aircraft. China does need a multirole with both standoff A2G weapons and ARH missiles.

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Still the Meta is missile payload, the Gripen C doesnt have the climb or the payload to be on par with the current jets. Especially since all gripens rn are fake and dont exist.

have not personally seen any of that in either this or the teaser trailer thread

I don’t remember the last time I’ve seen the forum THIS active.

And some of it is due to US mains crying because they didn’t get a new jet for the 27th (I’m exaggerating) update in a row


I heard about it, but I haven’t seen any pictures of them. But I want at least the pl5-2, which they didn’t give to either the leopard or the j-8f…

I have a literal thousand post backlog to read through, but until then, I’m gonna say this:

  • German PzH 2000 is tech-tree
  • the store link was real


Oh and when Smin said about the stream to “stay tuned to the news tomorrow”, he meant it.


@TheKnightOfZero someone didn’t get the memo lol

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Su-30MKK is an option.
Or just give J-10A its actual air-to-ground ordnance.


It’s definitely one from the TaktLwG 31 Bölke. The insignia on the stabilizer.

Probably as you said this one 31+37 which would really put it as a Tranche 3A


Considering the Su-27S is sitting at a BR of 13.0 and can enter full top tier games, I don’t believe a heavier Su-27S with more weaponry is going to be lower than it.

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