Move Wyvern S4 to 4.7 5.0 or 5.3. PLEASE

True, but still, I’d like to know

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As the topic got a little bit off track - i like to point out the following:

  1. I do agree that i am happy when BRs of Ground RB and Air RB gets separated. This might be suited to focus on the air-to-air capabilities of Wyverns in Air RB in this discussion.
  2. As i see that the fellow Ground RB players have a need for premium CAS - fine for me. Same as for fellow player using them in Naval battles.
  3. Discussing about Air RB usage is always (at least moee than often) connected to the strike aircraft spawn. Even as a removal would make sense from a game play perspective - just ask yourself the following question:
    How likely is it that gaijin will nerf a good selling premium aircraft with a removal of it’s airspawn? Except the removal of the airspawn for P-47s years ago i am not aware of any premium plane getting nerfed in such an obvious manner.
  4. Regarding the usage of other existing air spawns - how should gaijin justify this? They would indirectly admit that it is way too powerfull if used as a fighter from the strike aircraft spawn and also that their BR setting policy based on plain average is useless, because if it is too strong the BR has to increase. The players eager to bpmb bases would complain (imho comprehensibly) that the way is much longer (just or them) - imho such a step is ot of any realistic possibility.
  5. Regarding guys arguing it is fine where it is - if you refer to Air RB with current spawn location:
    Sorry this is nonsense and either you are trolling or you can’t fly it properly. Just ask the guys i see scoring 3-5 kills a match. With one ammo load, without dying.
    It is correct that a hell of players waste the potential of the plane with base bombing - and another group trying to use it to intercept and kill clueless tankers flying bombers in a straight line in bombardier view, but there are also a lot of excellent pilots using the plane to it’s strengths - these guys create severe problems.

To all players doing their best in trying to increase the BR by using it as a fighter (guys like @Loofah, ~ 3 kpB, and ~ 5:1 K/D in it) it looks like you are on a mission impossible.


I see them falling like flies. The buff of aaa around the 4 bases kills them very often even before they can drop. The strange thing is that this buffed base AAA is not active on all maps, so the rookie performing a successful bomb run on map A will get killed by base AAA before he had a chance to drop on map B.


So in order to increase the 4.3 BR of the Wyvern you have to fly them a lot more just in order to compensate these losses and way more to have a statistical impact. It might help to warn rookie Wyvrn pilots if you see them running low to a base. I am currently working on a list of affected maps.

Another way would be to support my bug report included in this thread.

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AAA around bases is super frustrating. On the canyon with rock pillars map I routinely miss out 1 kill because the fast bomber I’m chasing during cleanup is almost always killed by base AAA.
It’s absolutely ridiculous harmful to gameplay and of course inconsistent - so basically typical Gaijin design.

I don’t have my hopes high regarding Wyvern going to 4.7
I did my best. I mean, kinda best, cause I often played pretty brainlessly and missed opportunities. But still - even if I throw my initial alt advantage through the window because I have to run from overeager XP-50/P-61/Do-335, Wyvern allows to bounce back extremely easily due to insane straight level speed and ability for 1000m snipes. So I just slash through map middle, shoot (3rd party) 1-2 guys and extend.

What Wyvern is notoriously bad at is killing bombers, I mean, it can and will kill the target, but then 3-plane stabilized gunner slaps me from 1200m with Shvak :D (thx Gaijin fot giving Shvak 10 times better ballistics than MG151/20 - try hitting anything flying away from you and extending the distance by 100m/s with MG151/20 beyond 800m - GLHF).

BTW right now real sh*tter is again not working so Hispano HE shell is waaaay less effective, and Wyvern heavily relies on “one and done” approach to attacking enemy fighters.

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I’m not sure how realshatter can be considered broken considering the level of hurt I’ve been dishing out with Hispano V this patch. Is it just luck?

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It’s not broken. I haven’t played Wyvern for a day when I made.previous post. Protection analysis showed no fragmentation but I think it was just before the patch. Right now we’re 100% back to nukereal shatter even in analysis

Feel free to add a like here - it might help:

It does not work, I can not climb any more than 4km on a B25, which has same payload as wyvern, 200km/h slower, no maneuverablility and 12.7s instead of 20mm. Today I have seen as many as 9 wyverns, it is insane to see 8 of them in another game destroy all bases and airport before I reached battlefield. If there are on average more wyverns than all british planes combine, that is a big problem. They bombed all bases and left the bombers aka me, hang out to be killed.

Same thing happens at high tiers.

Yeah me grinding with B25, 4 hours and 25000 rp

Imho you descrcibe 3 different topics here:

  1. Wyverns kill medium bombers (and too low strategic bombers)

  2. Wyverns kill bases before designated bombers can reach their targets

  3. Wyverns dominate lobbies during grinding events

From my pov you are correct with all 3 observations.

Even a BR of 4.7 would not change # 2 & 3. And most bombers can’t get above 5.5 km to be safe very early match - late match you find them up to 8 km if they feel the need to do so.

Regarding your B-25 issue:

  • I recommend either you fly a bomber with a higher survival rate and trade bombload for speed and altitude early game or you try to make yourself a harder target by turning away from them when you got intercepted.

  • Technically seen you can open fire from 2,5 km with your 0.50 cals - and there is nothing wrong with turning away from an approaching Wyvern and to retreat towards own fighters.

  • In other words - you might prolong the usually very short time span when you can out range their hispanoes or just offer them a maybe easier target.

A last word regarding grinding:

  • Imho you need way more experience to make a bomber work. I watched your last match in a PB4Y - flying direct into enemies despite you had 2 own fighters at co alt is a recipe for disaster.
  • There are a lot of ways to at least drop your payload - like doing a 180 right after spawn in order to get your fighters going in first or flying detours are the most common.
  • Even such rather simple things like reacting in time to incoming fighters by turning away from them and peppering them from very long ranges are proven to be suited to scare a lot of guys away. They usually prefer way easier targets.

Have a good one!

I tend to not shy away since if they get below me I’m dead, and I can’t turn fight them, but I do have 5 12.7s upfront and 2 at the back, if I just try and head on interceptors I have a chance. Any way, I’m using mustang more now. Thanks for the advice, it will help when grinding soviet air with premium B25J.

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Move it to 5BR and refund me my money I paid for a 4.0 BR plane

Lol, that won’t have it… Especially if you have used it

My point is you can cheat your paying customers only so much and so often before they take offence and stop paying.I know I am not the only player frustrated by this.

Oh okay. Yeah, kinda sad about m551(76)

I didn’t buy any premiums, except for ground 10.0, the pack gave me enough to have brought the B25J for soviet, but it is trash, it can bomb no more than 1 base, and it flies at 400km/h which allows you to be bullied by any fighter. This is crap, I suggest that since the B25 has similar turn radius and payload with wyvern, how is 0.3 BR 200km/h speed difference, 5 12.7 turned into 4 20mm. This is not fair, at least 5.0 since that is where it sometimes struggle to bomb a single base with 3 1000lbs.

It was 4.7 when I bought it, in a game with information about BRs changing at regular intervals, so I don’t think when it went down all them years ago they expected me to pay for the reduction (in this case we all know why the “stats” influence a under tiered BR placement) so I doubt they will pay you for mis-selling anything. Nice try though!

So the Wyvern should be higher as is too strong at current BR for a Strike Plane (That is a good interceptor with speed to run away).

However, the “problem” of spam will never be solved due to not being able to limit certain vehicles (just types, so limiting to a low number of Strikers would screw all other users of Strikers, in non–Wyvern matches especially). Just like the Ju288 spam it will always wreck a certain bracket as they are essentially SL/RP printing machines for spamming the PvE elements of the maps and they promote very basic use (run and drop and quit), the Ju288 creating the 6 v 6 4 x bombers/2 fighters? v 6 fighters matches (not fun for all, not always the right players/vehicles to challenge) and the Wyvern creating the huge deadweight of strikers going for bases and not much else (allied bombers being delayed waiting for respawns).

The Do 355 B2 sits at 5.7 however and appears to be at a much more reasonable BR, yet still a pain for enemy bombers and matches with AI planes effecting ticket bleed.

While Wyvern is definitely a royal PITA (just like XP-50 - yeah Fw 190 D9 can just run away from him - and throw away one of the main advantages - good climb), the true issue is your deliberate choice of using planes that are basically useless.
You are not helping your team, you are not supporting their effort. You play only for yourself in a goddamn team game.
And that’s your main problem.

Bombers are not suited for Air RB. Just like shotguns are not suited for long range combat. Not every plane is or can be viable. And there’s nothing wrong with that, you just have to learn to accept that bombers simply can’t be balanced in Air RB, and their current standing is: mostly useless, space climbing/AF camping source of random deaths due to 3-plane stabilized gunners with infinite ammo.
I hate bombers.
And even bomber players don’t enjoy bomber gameplay.
So why are you doing this?

Edit: Also Wyvern to 4.7 please. I have 80% WR in this monstrosity and I’m mostly flying straight and firing at anything I can get my guns on, 0 depth/strateg6 to such gameplay, yet it works.

I have that B25, it prints SL and all B25’s are great bombers.

What was you expecting from a B25 when you bought it?

Problem being as usual:

This is a non-competitive mode that you can be competitive in.
The game is based around unlocking and modifying increasingly “better” aircraft.

So are people in each match playing for:

Competitive PvP action in a mode with many PvE elements/possibilities.
Team play (random or not)
[any more you can think of]

Basically if you are a collector/spader (as valid as any other niche in WT) how can you research/try out said “poor choice” vehicles otherwise? We are all in the same modes for differing, but all valid, reasons.

So the “winning/playing for your team” is defied by the fact al types of planes exist and people are encouraged to access this game in many different ways (as above).

These issues will always exist as inherent with how the system of obtaining aircraft (or any vehicle) works and the people it attracts due to lack of any other game with this “ease” of use.

(edit: I am not countering your position, but really pointing out this game allows for many differing and contradictory positions).

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