Move Wyvern S4 to 4.7 5.0 or 5.3. PLEASE

I have that B25, it prints SL and all B25’s are great bombers.

What was you expecting from a B25 when you bought it?

Problem being as usual:

This is a non-competitive mode that you can be competitive in.
The game is based around unlocking and modifying increasingly “better” aircraft.

So are people in each match playing for:

Competitive PvP action in a mode with many PvE elements/possibilities.
Team play (random or not)
[any more you can think of]

Basically if you are a collector/spader (as valid as any other niche in WT) how can you research/try out said “poor choice” vehicles otherwise? We are all in the same modes for differing, but all valid, reasons.

So the “winning/playing for your team” is defied by the fact al types of planes exist and people are encouraged to access this game in many different ways (as above).

These issues will always exist as inherent with how the system of obtaining aircraft (or any vehicle) works and the people it attracts due to lack of any other game with this “ease” of use.

(edit: I am not countering your position, but really pointing out this game allows for many differing and contradictory positions).

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And just remember, you are a highly skilled player at a relatively low BR (which is why I liked AirRB… no pearl clutching with people playing as they like).

Totally agree however, as bought at 4.7 and though poor with it over the years I know it could exist there with no issue, other than never be able to stop the “spam” issue of base rushing and leaving.

In a team game the only valid reasons are supporting the team. You are intentionaly making your team lose in B25, because even the best B25 user will get eaten alive by any semi-competent fighter played. The only chance of B25 is getting massively underestinated and baiting the fighter to stall behind him to hose him down with infinite ammo 3-plane stabilized gunnars.

Your team has the right to complain. You don’t.

The “grindfest” mentality is what’s killing this game.

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However that only focuses on one of the many valid player types, as I edited above:

“(edit: I am not countering your position, but really pointing out this game allows for many differing and contradictory positions).”

And I am not just focusing on the “grindfest” but the undeniable fact of how the “progress” in the game is designed and how people approach this differently. The goal to win is not relevant for those having “fun”. Spading/Collecting is not a grindfest but a very slow way to get through the game, yet just as acceptable in the game as any other type of player.

(sorry, more there as bad habit of not finishing)

If bombers are so bad then Gaijin should remove them for being a pitfall in PvP AirRB, but then maybe PvP AirRB is not the only way Gaijin want the mode approached. For the most part watching 16 v 16s where the vast majority just bundle in low and furball like melons I don’t think players are generally with the mindset of “In a team game the only valid reasons are supporting the team”; most pilots are there for non-team related goals.

(I purely play all bombers unlocked until spaded and never touched again until maybe a new upgrade, the completion was my goal, and of course getting there in as enjoyable way as possible).

FMT3 would like a word with you.

In other words, those having “fun” are egoistically and deliberately working against their team. There’s a good word to describe such people, and it ends with “holes” (in your left wing).

Gaijin shouldn’t remove anything. Just like there should always be an option to run a knife + glock in late rounds in CS GO. Because if someone wants to be useless - so be it. But lets not act like such people deserve their opinions to be heard, since they are making the game difficult for themselves.

You mean that AF camping mediocre-performing joke of a player? :D

There are good bomber players, f.e. Hitman who deliberately engaged my Do-335 in B-17 and almost took me out (I don’t usually manage 1000+m snipes vs targets performing complex maneuvers, but I got lucky).
Fmt guy is not worth talking about.

Well I am not gatekeeping the game just for one type of player in a game obviously dedicated to keep this game/mode as wide as possible. You appear to be however, but I am not against how YOU approach the game.

(and no, not defending actions of said player)

Sadly you cannot accept the game is not just for players like yourself. I do however, regardless of my own position. And yes, others with “their” playstyles trying to negatively effect other styles to solely benefit their own is not good, but that is not what I was saying.

To believe most are not just playing in this “fun but disengaged” manner is almost naive. Most of the “easy targets” will come from that pool of player, especially when us with many thousand hours of playtime meet learning players at low BRs like this (which as I said before I have no issue with as players should have this freedom off vehicle selection).

However the game is not for Try Harding only (and yes contradicted by the fact position of vehicle is determined in part by overall use, but that is just another issue in this “grind” game (as in you can’t get to vehicles without time or money grinding; it is how the whole game is setup for making money).

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Complex manoeuvres …
B17 . . . .

It’s a team game, which is something beyond the grasp of narcissistic egoistis trying to exploit their team and ruin everyone’s fun.
Within team game many playstyles are possible. Unfortunately being a malicious, useless troll is not punishable, but such is nature of every team game - some guys work so their team is having fun and winning. Others care onoy about themselves and should be playing a solo game, but they enjoy ruining others’ effort.

Being succesful and having fun in a team game requires minimal effort as long, as you’re not facing an organised squad. That’s still way too much for avg bomber/attacker scrub.

Yes. A game of teams.

No need to be rude about people not here.

I presume you are being specific to a person/type.

Yes you have bias, I am aware. However the avg bomber/attacker scrub is the same as the avg fighter scrub; In huge numbers and just as “useless” as one another in the team game. In fact probably, overall, a lot more scrubs using their fighters and playing solo not thinking of team.

Just bear in mind I agree with you on team to a point, just I am aware the game is not for one style and those other styles are not inherently “selfish” (and all the rest you threw out). But yes, plonkers and selfish players with that as an intention DO exist, not denying that.

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The wyvern is fine where its is. Whether the plane runs riot or gets shot down in seconds is purely up to the opposition as and an owner of a Wythern I can say that it certainly can go either way.

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Mike Tyson’s own version. (verthion)


My spell check was most insistent sorry

The point is it was fine at 4.7 too, back then (of course things change).

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Of im uptierd im playing at 5.3 anyway

Yeah, I meant as in the bracket involved too.

I’d rather be in a Wyvern at 5.7 (for example) than the mk 24 at 8.0 (before the alterations recently); I prefer the uptier capability of the Wyvern, personally.

I believed this is more about AirRB and its effects there. I used the Typhoon in GFRB not the Wyvern for GF personally. So where I was coming from was AirRB (since in their GFRB plan BR for GF will seperate) and not the lower use of GFRB (GFRB being not as populated than most other modes) and I think most here are relating to its BR in AirRB.

Absolutely fine ,I play GRB so presumed it was all about that ,my bad. I do believe Gaijin were looking into separate BR for both games?