Planned Battle Rating changes for April 2024

Well, you have every right to process, sir self-described Russian main.
HSTVL is not over-tiered and has never been.


Not seeing the Obj. 292 or 2S38 not being moved up is lowkey ridiculous. I really do enjoy facing it in my OF-40 Mk.2 Gaijin!


The mig 19 and f104 will just go back down again if u move them up, they’re at 9.3 now because they get cancelled out by literally any high-G missile carrier thats literally everywhere at that matchmaker-

better idea would have to decompress the entire bracket those aircraft are in before you can even touch flareless supersonic aircraft


Ye kinda sad because there is not many 7.0 tanks to bring with in that line up unless is premium ? I was usins with pershings and now i will be probably play that tank solo and leave after i die twice.


their overtiered 9 times out of 10 because every dumbass tried to turn with them rather than just running away which is just a hard counter, everything is faster


I miss your adjustments for AiR RB regarding props in the range 3.7 - 5.0.

Wyvern - i recommend an increase to 4.7 until June (when Ground and Air BRs will be splitted).


Although the increase to 4.3 was a step in the right direction, the sheer masses of them create vacuum cleaner effects for the poor souls in 3.3 aircraft. Im mean i see daily masses of Wyverns mainly used as fighters in Air RB - they kill all medium bombers and disrupt the climb phase of the enemy team - if used in a clean (no payload) configuration.
They decide most of the matches regarding the numbers game in Air RB.
If flown as described (and a lot of yt cc recommend this) their climb and speed advantage allows them together with 1.200 mm rounds multiple headons - whilst the average rookie in a fighter get slammed by them.


the 9.3 supersonics stomp in downtiers and only need to be played with slight caution in uptiers, hell all cna counter the F-5C relatively easily if you have 5 braincells which should arguably be 10.7, in additonthe F-5E should really go back to 11.0, its a menace even if it means they have to give it the AIM-9L


need actual decompression, just not just moving the compression around a bit in air/ground/sea, cause that fixes nothing really.


can we also get R2Y2s to 7.7 or 7.3 BRs? since we are getting some jets 0.3 lower and R2Y2 isn’t that competitive at the BR it is c:


Roland 1 has no irst and only 35 elevation. For an spaa thats very very bad elevation to have. Also no line up probably doesn’t help its stat.


You see, APKWS rockets are the most insanely OP weapon known to man so it has to be 11.7


A-10 Late with AGM65D AIM-9L GAU-8 =10.3 A-6E with HD thermal imaging GBU-12/16/24 AIM-9L =10.3 AND AMX GBU12/16/24=10.7 ? Great work Gaijin You hate all Italian vehicles very equally


the R2Y2 shoudl probaballly be 7.7, and the Vampire FB4 should be 7.7 or 7.3 aswell, id say its equivalent to the Meteor Mk 3, not 0.7 better and it certainetly isnt comarable to MiG-15s and F-86s


Decompress ground, that’s all im asking.


A-10 is slower, A-6E has to sacrifice pylon to carry 9L or a gun even.

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now for the changes:
concerning that its compressed down instead of, once again
(magic dust fx) expanding the BR
love the su22m3 change
wheres the goddamn nerf for f104a? its absolutely dominating at its BR
barely played it lately at top tier xd
its shame fox is moving up but I absolutely see why
I dont see anything wrong with other stuff, maybe use the fact 12.7 exists now and decompress BRs
I do see somehting wrong
Black cat didnt get the engine buff and is going up?

snail wadehel?
also where 2s38 nerf



9.7 → 10.3

Replace M774 with M900, which the M35 low-recoil gun was compatible with, and the vehicle used historically. Implement missing blow-out functionality for all ammunition racks.


10.0 → 10.0

No BR change, but like the XM8 it should receive it’s missing blow-out functionality. Since the CCVL was the developmental predecessor to XM8, it makes more sense to have it in a comparatively lesser BR, with the XM8 having the superior ammunition selection.

Now for the HSTV-L… I have two proposals.

HSTV-L (Option A)

11.3 → 10.0?

Lower BR to 10.0 to be equal with 2S38, or raise 2S38 up to equal HSTV-L. The two are too similar in performance to justify the current 1.3 seperation. The 2S38 has superior ammunition capacity, rate of fire, IRST, more modern thermals, and HE-VT for use against aircraft, while the only things in favor of HSTV-L is slightly better mobility and penetration, and lower profile.

HSTV-L (Option B)

11.3 → 11.3 or 11.7

BR stays the same or increases to 11.7, and implement the following missing features: APFSDS penetration equal to 105mm M774, increase ROF from 1.5s to 1s, add IRST tracking and lead indicator vs aircraft, and XM884 HE-VT.


forgetting the AMX is in all practical purposes around twice as fast as A-10, and not even mentioning Mavericks are unreliable, the A-6E is likely equivalent due to having to sacrafice all offesive weaponry to take its max payload, and is slightly more of a boat, hten you have the AMX with a vulcan, 9Ls and respectable flight performance for an attacker, anything to reduce the amount of 9Ls facing vehicles in the 9.0-9.7 range


Lmao, no


C1 Ariete 11.3-11.0 (Unless reload buff and armour fix or SHARD to make it ultimate glass cannon)
Lackluster everything except round and gun handling

Ariete PSO 11.3-11.0 (Unless same as above)
Same as above

Ariete AMV 11.7-11.0 (Unless above mentioned)
More of a sidegrade than an upgrade compared to the other top tier mbts

Otomatic 11.3-10.3
Glory days are over its no longer what it used to be. Maybe 11.0 with unlimited APFSDS but 10.3 as it currently is