Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

Speed has already been resolved internally. The other reports are currently under investigation.


Do you think 3 books shouldn’t overrule a web page from an intern? Anywho, Dassault Aviation themselves have said Rafale can do Mach 2. Internal government materials show Rafale can do Mach 2. There were other sources added to the report afterwards than what is shown in that report.


Hello Smin.

Yesterday, when the dev server opened - the SU30 Flight model seems to have broken at low speeds in full-real. It’s been pointed out that it’s extremely unstable under AoA, and using TVC feels like constantly fighting against it.
It’s no longer capable of performing most of the TVC aerobatic manoeuvres typically seen at airshows.

We’re at a loss for how to address this, since it’s documents are classified and airshow videos can’t be used for bug reports. However, I was wondering if you could at least pass along the feedback to the devs that the SU30 in full-real mode broke yesterday?

It likely happened with this change:

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Ive been playing around with the Su30 since it opened again yesterday and didnt feel any changes that broke anything, wdym

Yes, I did look into the reports, but how do you define the resource as trustworthy and make sense enough for you to apply it?
I have a book published in TaiWan tells that EJ200 has 60KN and 90KN thrust with AB. That is 6118.297278 Kgf and 9177.445917 kgf respectively. And in the game now is just 5800 kgf and 8670 kgf. Would you consider taking it into consideration or just disregard it as part of the “BALANCING” that you have stated. Thank you !

Which is the same thing… accusing them them to be russian or in favor of russia fall, spreading propaganda, etc fall under the same umbrella.

Again, I would agree with if you practice what you preached

We’re going off topic again. The point is that you should reply rather than tagging because all it does is cause confusion and only puts you in a bad spotlight (even if it’s not your intention).

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So i guess the website from DA himself is fake right? Mach1.8 is fake right?

There were a total of 6 sources. 3 of which were from Dassaults origin, one from SNECMA and two other publications after that.

More than sufficiently authoritative.


And yet some other well made bug report are “not a bug” because of ???
Im seeing a double standard, im just confuse when seeing 2 well made bug report with one being reject and one approve
it confuse me


Many countries downplay their vehicle’s capabilities. MBDA stated Meteor missile was 100km only at one point, and then later on they stated it can do more than 200km…

This is nothing new.

Dassault once stated Mirage IV could do Mach 2.2, but once a pilot had stated they flew it at Mach 2.4, Dassault then revised their numbers to Mach 2.4 after news had gotten out already.


Great, then may I kindly ask how to explain about lowering the AOA and the G-Limit of EF
Not just a simple word of “Balancing”
Thank you

I’d do it myself
But coming from you, while you don’t have more preferential treatment you are more noteworthy than me at this time. I can send you the discord link, write up a summary report for the mods
You post it
Idc if you take credit
I’m not taking credit for it it’s not my research
It’s the communities research from the old forums and old Reddit post
Those guys are the hero’s and the only reason we have a shot at correcting this tank.
If you want I can send you the link, you join and I could speak to about it further. Does that sound good to you?


I agree, after the update it really did feel like it was fighting itself and the yaw stability at low speed was very poor. Though it is something I imagine will be solved by the time live server drops

Why does mentioning the harrier immediately end up in the post being deleted?

You were warned several times yesterday about going off topic within this feedback thread for the next major. You have continued to ignore that and continued to carry on with this approach.

The next case will not be a verbal warning.

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The Harriers FM buff has everything to do with this thread and topic

The Harriers buff is coming in this next major update.

The Harriers FM buff is testable on the dev server.

I have made bug reports regarding its performance in the dev server compared to the source provided

The things I talk about are all specific to the flight model changes on the dev server that will be coming next major update.

I asked politely in the beginning if the reports where being looked at and IIRC you said there are 0 planned changes or considerations regarding there performance.

This topic is about the Dev server and everything I have talked about is in relation to the performance of the planes flight model on the dev server


Is there a reason people have found the ADATS on the dev server lost neutral steering?

The Harrier changes that are within the next major update are indeed part of this next major update.

What you just posted that was removed and what has previously been posted had nothing to do with the dev server or dev server feedback. Nor is it feedback or anything relevant for this topic at all.

You asked if there were “planned changes” to the FM, to which I explained there were non as the reports had already been addressed. You then made further reports later. So naturally these are not part of those initial plans and will be reviewed in due course.

Spamming about the Harrier with sarcasm or spam tagging me is not going to get them resolved faster unfortunately. Nor does it mean anything and everything in relation to a Harrier is on topic for this thread. This is not something up for debate or discussion. You have now had numerous warnings about this.

I would strongly recommend you read the forum guidelines:


3.8. It is not allowed to discuss threads closed by the Administration or Website Managers or any Users’ posts deleted by them, challenge or discuss corresponding actions of Administration, Moderators (and/or Global Moderators), Community Managers, Coordinators, and Game Masters in any form. Depending on the circumstances and severity, the following sanctions may be imposed on the User’s Gaijin Account:

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I cannot see any reports relating to a change that would remove that, so it should be considered a bug.