The double standard when talking about the Brimstone's capabilities

Yeah, if you think any Tornado are superior airframe
I guess you better shut up for your own good really it makes you look like newbies who don’t knowledge about how stuff work yet you acting like you knew everything

Hah I knew this is what you always used when you start to lose typical

I hope this is irony (in any case I just spent the last two minutes crying with laughter)


LOL! All I did was criticize the Su-34 [F-111A] a slow heavy aircraft it is and I get insulted.
People can easily interpret those insults as coming from Russians.

Guys guys, the F-111A [Su-34] is equal to the Mig-21MF [Tornado IDS], trust trust.

The good thing is he has just lost any kind of credibility he thought he may of had with such an idiotic statement like that, so silver linings i suppose.


You’re sinking, stop it’s not worth it. it’s getting embarrassing

Well, you can claim that F-111A [Su-34] is the best fighter in the game all you want.
But that won’t change reality.

What hole? I’m not the one claiming that a 30,000kg plane that has a TWR of 0.80 is ground breaking.

Yeah, you, see? he starts yapping about anyone that prove him wrong as Russian main
it typical of him

No Dual Mode Brimstone was, which is the version we have in game.

No one proved me wrong.
Tornado IDS rates at ~12 degrees per second.
I guarantee Su-34 cannot do that.

Brimstone being so rubbish is pretty shit. Brimstones should have been amongst the best, but you choose to make them shit.


LOL how you even know even SU-34 don’t even in the game yet?
and dude my Tornado IDS ASSTA 1 alone i had like way more battle than your all three variants combine
I’m sure i know them well enough than you do and how it performs

They are not Russians. Whenever people have a discussion with you, this is what it looks like:


Added these to the post: Even Su-27 loses to Tornado IDS in a poorly simulated [In Su-34’s favor] Su-34 comparison.


When people don’t test aircraft after they’ve been buffed, let alone try to simulate similar fuel loads vs a superior airframe.
Then call people stupid for criticizing Russian aircraft for not being as good as Russia claims them to be… ehhh.

Its pure bliss not having to read his dribble, i would highly recommend to anyone else just to simply mute him for a year. It works wonders.


Oh no! You can’t see me refuting your posts and criticizing Russian equipment!
Anyway. Thanks for free Ws I guess.

I seriously don’t understand why you think people are less than you just cause they don’t praise Russia.

Have you seen the Su-34 segment of the English stream? All it needs to do is snap the nose around and ripple fire off some missiles using the HMD, it won’t need to sustain a turn for an extended period.

Oh, I’ll be doing acceleration tests as well.
I’m just saying, especially as CAS, it’s probably the most bus aircraft to be added since F-111A.
Same engines as Su-27 while weighing far more.


That is inevitable. Russia has been behind nato since it became a thing. Its either this or you get a useless nation.

That sound a lot like an issue that is not NATO’s.

Maybe Russia should not be 30 years behind NATO tech wise.

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