Tornado GR.4: Tenacious Tonka

It’s unfortunate that Britain has to continue suffering in mediocrity because their ordinance would be too “game-breaking.”

It’s even more unfortunate that future US/NATO weapons will be gimped while Russia continues to have a leg up because of the Pantsir and Kh38s. US players have complained about lackluster performancs and always getting older versions of their things for the last couple of years. So much for “don’t worry, you’ll get the better stuff eventually.”


Mavericks have never been meta. They have always been trash.

It’s better to cancel the camp grouping and let the Russian camp players go play against themselves

Yep. Partially it is because of one reason. If everything that is missing would be given to other nations - USSR would be unplayable. Devs could balance everything well enough, but for the last year this “balancing” gets more and more ridiculous

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tbh… this jet shouldn’t be added. If you refuse to even find an alternate means to model its defining weapon in a way that retains the identity of said weapon. The plane shouldn’t be added to begin with.

you had various options and chose instead to completely take away the identity of a weapon.


It’s funny when Russians make it so obvious they’re doing mass false-flagging cause they’re upset NATO is getting another OP CAS aircraft.
Tornado GR4 will be great no matter how many times you false-flag us.


It’s almost like a fetish at this point. Like that South Park cable company meme.

“Oh, your missile doesn’t have its full capabilities? Ohhhhh that’s too bad. Yeaaaahhh that’s really unfortunate.”


I just remembered the other asinine things Gaijin has done to NATO vehicles. Like using the wrong model on the KVT. Putting the US AV-8B+ at Rank 8, 13.0 with stock 9Ls instead of the 9Ms. The infamous “Well, since the Soviet scientists couldn’t figure out how to make their IGLAs pull more than 12gs, everyone else will use the same”. Also, any Western ATGM carrier like the Bradley and LOSAT will immediately have its missile dive downwards for the first three seconds for absolutely no reason.


who’s the russian? out of curiosity

No, the Italian One will be Better for air battles (thanks to a bigger amount of different jdam’s, like the GBU39, 31, 32, 38 ecc) while the gr4 Is obiously going to be better in grb thanks to brimstone. The German one Is not going to have any advantage over the others two.

So you can artificially nerf weaponry by removing its features.

Now my question is - why, in that case, cant you remove high performing AP rounds from SPAAs to stop them from doing the unintended activities?


I would like for everybody to keep it on topic and avoid derailing it due to personal disputes with other users, in those cases please bring it to PM.
Please remember that talking about moderation in random threads is not permitted, if you guys have any doubts feel free to PM a moderator and we will discuss it there.

Well well well




I don’t understand the constant need of the average CAS player to die to SPAA…
It has to be a need because this behavior is not seen with any other vehicle type, not even light tanks are that reckless.
I died to exactly ONE Type 81 when its BR was 10.3, and obviously never since its BR went up to 11.3.

It’s not as if it’s impossible to learn how to play CAS effectively.
Hunter has videos on how he plays CAS effectively at the top end.

Just delete the Kh-38MT because…

Maybe I misunderstood the developer’s words?


i beg your pardon? equivalent? On what planet?

Both AIM-7F and ER are 100km class missiles with off-the-rail guidance capabilities.
Obviously radars limit these missiles to lower ranges.
Mig-29s can only get 80km out of ER in their best radar mode.
And F-15s can only get 75km out of AIM-7F/M out of their best radar mode.

And in ACM mode both are easily used.
Whoever launches their missile first loses the engagement.

I beg your pardon once again

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Don’t forget the Obj 292 from the market.

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Object 292? You mean the tank destroyer that costs more due to the medium tank label. Yeah no, not OP.
It’s like Ferdinand or Panzer IV/70. Good tanks, and not OP.


You can be offended by the Panzer IV\70 (A) for a long time, but this does not cancel out the “one-sided game” if we start talking about red missiles or SPAA.

Can Type 81 shoot down X-38MT?
No? - remove from game because: