He called the AI ground targets in Heliopter PvE bots… Dude. C’mon
I am gonna leave y’all to duke it out… but you are wrong in your assessments… very, very wrong.
He called the AI ground targets in Heliopter PvE bots… Dude. C’mon
I am gonna leave y’all to duke it out… but you are wrong in your assessments… very, very wrong.
He claimed heli arcade battles, which includes over 100 hours of heli PVP you and I played.
200+ AGM-114 frags against Ka-50s.
200+ Vikhr frags against general helicopters.
TOW frags against few helicopters [AH-1S].
Then there’s the realistic battles where I learned everything about every AGM and missile ranges, along with ideal tactics.
30 hours learning and using weapons to their full extent.
For a total PVP hour count well over 100.
Dying to a 20th SPAA won’t change the results of helicopter conclusions in ground battles.
The only helicopters that have a good chance against SPAA has been the HKP3C and Lynx.
Oh would you look at that, their performance is good in my stats that Honda cares so much about.
Where in that statement did he call players bots? I will wait
Looks at your profile,
has a total of 4500hrs.
Looks at my profile, has a total of 2500hrs
I’m just gonna leave it at that. If you can’t fathom that people who play helicopter don’t simply go straight up and launch ATGMs, you’re proving my point.
So your lifetime in helicopters is low. Dude… that’s even worse.
“Check my stats bro.” >Tons of battles with low life span.
And not sure why your post is posting the last sentence.
Your post trying to do a strawman or what?
I’m not even sure why your post is trying to argue against someone that wants the AH-64E in-game which solves your first post.
Just cause I don’t buy into Russia’s claims about Vikhr and did a cross-analysis personally while checking in on real helicopter pilots as well as DCS pilots.
I have countless sources of perspective when comparing a Soviet missile with a TOW-like warhead to that of an AGM-114B/K.
Conclusion: One is not objectively superior to the other.
Play style will dictate your preference more than anything else.
AGM-114 can ripple fire and frag up to and over 8 tanks in <120 seconds.
Vikhr can go fast toward 1 target at a time.
AGM-114 has a more consistent warhead.
Vikhr can go through smoke.
So yeah, stop repeating Russia’s claims about Vikhr and focus on what’s important: Balancing helicopters and implementing new helicopter systems for improvements.
Damn, didn’t know the Apache can carry 4 of em. Would be pretty dope to seem them in game though I wonder how effective it would be.
Would be really cool if we get to see this mini cruise missile in game.
What configuration would you considering the -64E being implemented with?
Basic -114L’s seem like a waste of a perfectly good airframe, considering you give up significant range for F&F LOBL capability (depending on target aspect range is reduced to 4~6km), and further makes redundant the improved radar performance among other things.
AGM-114L would make the AH-64E BR 13.3+ in ground battles with how things are currently.
SPIKES would allow AH-64E to remain 12.0.
JAGM-MR would allow ~12.7.
Select SPAA reductions would allow some 12.0 helicopters to move down to 11.7.
And if Multispectral (MMW / IR ) Smoke was universally granted due to abstractions and game balance?
Hard to say if it’d be equal or better to IR, I know radar has little issue around trees compared to IR.
So probably more similar to JAGM-MR’s BR than SPIKE’s.
A simple Google search would have revealed many articles stating it was Brimstone 2 being tested in those videos:
Dual Mode Brimstone is being added this update and Brimstone 2 uses the same guidance method…
The TIALD pod from the late 80s / early 90s can designated a target from 30 km away. So it seems unlikely that the AH-64E from the 2010s would be incapable of 25 km.
Depending on what it was guiding, it doesn’t necessarily need to be able to use the laser, GPS/INS + two way Datalink should be good enough to put it close to the target. Also it is known that a single Longbow radar can be used as an offboard sensor for fire control for an entire section to farm out targets for missiles on other airframes.
And with LOAL / independent search modes that is even less of an issue.
It would be enough if Gaijin would just unfuck current Hellfire models and/or add Romeos for improved IOG.
I qiute look forward for the new replay feature, it should be very easy to show how badly the hellfires are modeled.
Thing about proxy fuse is that you can just easily intercept aa missiles with it and since no spaa in game carries 12 ready to fire missiles, so you can just easily outspamm your spaa oponent and then take him out when he rouns out of missiles.
Ka-50 can’t fire more than 3 missiles at a time, and a Ka-50 that wastes missiles is a Ka-50 that doesn’t get any frags.
I don’t get the hate for hellfires. Their anti tank capability is amazing, and you have up to 16 of them. When I was using them, I just aimed center mass and rarely they did not one ohk/overpressure. My only issue with them is their trajectory, which has both it’s ups and downs (head on against T series tanks it always aims for the drivers hatch, which is funny). Would be nice if it got the option to select direct or loft attack modes
Since the the F&F variants are verboten (and the advanced ones are nowhere to be seen), due to Gaijin being inconstant (and being unwilling to add multispectral smoke), you get stuck needing to baby sit them all the way to the target, this combined with the fact that they are incredibly slow (36~38 seconds to max range), exposes anyone attempting to use them to increased risk, that other missiles halve the time to target (or better yet don’t require further intervention so you can immediately return to cover) so in a contested / denied environment get stuck holding the bag for extended periods opening them up to reprisal by basically any and all threats.
The erroneously modeled Blended flight pathing is also a complete invention on Gaijin’s part and so causes additional issues with overstated in flight drag values, and angle of impact were they only reach 8~16 degrees instead of the 30~55 or so that they should. Which also induces issues with how the HEAT warhead interacts with ERA & NERA arrays (though with the recent changes things are better than they have been).
they probably used tow’s in some cases although that would be extremely rare since they were facing them out by then
I got all but 2 helicopter for us by using ground so I second your statement