Major Update “Hornet's Sting” — DEV Server Changelog (10.03.2025)

Known Bugs

  • New vehicles in this update may have inaccuracies in their characteristics, armor and weaponry settings.
  • The armor model for new ground vehicles in this update is “work in progress” for adjustment and improvement.
  • Some new aircraft lack cockpits.
  • Some new ground vehicles lack a visible crew.
  • On some aircraft, the separation of wing consoles may be displayed incorrectly.
  • Some vehicle icons are missing.
  • There may be lack of localization for some vehicles.
  • No sound played on some events.
  • Some aircraft may have inaccuracies in their damage model, missing fuel, oil and water leaks, and armor materials.
  • The composite armor of Leopard 2 series tanks may not produce fragments on penetration.
  • New modules for helicopter are work in progress.
  • Tiger HAC — weapons are not yet configured.
  • Tornado IDS MLU (RET.8) — weapons are not yet configured.
  • F/A-18C Early — has the wrong Battle Rating in Air Realistic Battles. The intended Battle Rating is 12.7.

Items marked in green are new additions to the dev server since it originally released.

Items marked in red have been removed from the dev server since it originally released.

New vehicles



  • F/A-18A
  • F/A-18C Early (Pack)
  • F/A-18C Late


  • Su-30SM

Great Britain

  • Harrier T.10 (Pack)


  • J-11B


  • Tornado IDS MLU (RET.8)


  • F-18C


  • F-16A Netz (mod) (Pack)

Ground vehicles


  • XM246
  • ADATS — visual model has been updated.


  • Marder Clovis (Pack)
  • Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) PaK


  • 2S19M1
  • 2S19M2 (Squadron Vehicle)

Great Britain

  • Harry Hopkins Mk.I
  • Tracked Rapier


  • Type 74 Red Star (Pack)


  • VT-5 (Squadron Vehicle)


  • Ariete Certezza (Pack)


  • AMD.35 (PaK 38)
  • Marder Clovis (Premium)
  • DF105



  • AH-64 (all variants) —vnew modules have been added.


  • Tiger HAD (Pack)
  • Tiger (all variants) — new modules have been added.


  • Ka-50, Ka-52 — new modules have been added.
  • Mi-8 (all variants) — new modules have been added.


  • Tiger HAС

Naval Fleet


  • USS Colorado


  • Schütze (M1062)


  • SM-4

Great Britain

  • HMS Warspite
  • MTB-35


  • IJN Matsu
  • Type T-14 (mod.2)


  • Grecale


  • Marne
  • Aconit
  • VTB-12
  • VTB-18

New locations and missions

  • New missions for battles of Battle Rating 10.7 and above have been added to Air Realistic Battles :

    • [Operation] Smolensk
    • [Operation] Denmark
    • [Operation] Afghanistan
  • Eastern Europe — some trenches have been removed from the roads in the city on this location to allow the eastern team to get to the C point in the [Domination #2] mission easier.

  • Normandy — the low concrete gabions have been removed from the city. Players often didn’t see them and bumped into them.

  • Small trees that appeared on all locations in one of the previous updates due to a bug have been removed.

  • A bug that caused all objects on all locations to not be damaged by HE shell explosions has been fixed.

  • The sizes of the destruction effects for small bushes have been corrected.

Location and mission updates

  • The following locations have received visual rework (new materials have been added, used assets have been replaced with new ones, visual bugs have been fixed):
    • Sinai
    • Jungle
    • Advance to the Rhine
  • A new spawn point called “On Water” has been added for hydroplanes to the following test flight locations:
    • Western Europe
    • Desert
    • Jungle
    • Middle East. Mediterranean

Ground Vehicle model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

  • Abrams (all variants) — internal module placements have been supplemented and refined. A module for the under-turret compartment (basket) has been added, which acts as a horizontal guidance module.

  • Leopard 2 (all variants) — internal module placements have been supplemented and refined. A module for the under-turret compartment (basket) has been added, which acts as a horizontal guidance module.

  • Panther II — the physical night vision devices on the model are now part of the added NVG modification. They are removed from the vehicle by default and can be installed via modification.

  • QF 3.7 RAM — crew size has been increased from 6 to 7. (Report).

  • Tetrarch I — internal armor elements have been added. (Report).

  • Charioteer Mk.VII — shell placement has been corrected. (Report).

  • Chi-To Late — shell placement and total number of shells have been corrected. (Report).

  • FV4030/3 — sight magnification has been changed from 4-11.4x to 7-10x. (Report).

  • Avenger — turret rotation speed has been increased from 14°/s to 21°/s. (Report).

  • Valentine XI — sight magnification has been changed from 1.9x–3.5x to 3.0x–6.0x. (Report).

  • Cromwell V (all variants) — sight magnification has been changed from 1.9x–3.5x to 3.0x–6.0x. (Report).

  • OTOMATIC — the number of reverse gears has been reduced to two and the reverse speed has been decreased from 60 to 24 km/h. Sources: OTOMATIC Brochure by OTO Melara; West Europe Report (1986) by Joint Publications Research Service; Air-Cooled Diesel Tank Engines by Teledyne Continental Motors.

  • Tortoise — sight magnification has been changed from 1.9x–3.5x to 3.0x–6.0x. (Report).

  • Ho-Ro — gun depression and elevation angles have been changed from -5/30 degrees to -10/20 degrees, and the horizontal guidance angles have been set to -3/3 degrees. (Report). Sources: Jiro Sayama, “Japanese Army Artillery: Infantry Guns, Anti-Tank Guns, etc.,” 2011. ISBN-13: 978-4769826972. pp. 511-515. · “偕行 Kaikō: Rikushū Kaikōsha Journal,” April 1980. Published by Rikushū Kaikōsha. p.24. · Ordnance Technical Intelligence Report No.10 - antitank artillery table.

  • Freccia — vehicle name has been changed from “Freccia” to “VBM Freccia C/C”.

  • ZSU-23-4 (all variants) — vehicle name has been changed from “ZSU-23-4” to “ZSU-23-4V”. (Report). Sources: Ганин С.М., Карпенко А.В. Современные самоходные зенитные установки; Steven J. Zaloga ZSU-23-4 Shilka and Soviet Air Defense Gun Vehicles.

  • HSTV-L, RDF/LT — gun name has been changed from “XM274” to “75mm ADMAG”. (Report).

  • Type 94 — transmission gear ratio values ​​have been adjusted, reverse speed has been decreased from 17.2 to 8.6 km/h. Source: 兵器生產基本教程 十四.

  • AMX-50 Foch — the 15 mm MG 151 cannon has been replaced with the 20 mm MG 151. (Report).

  • Tortoise — the amount of machine gun ammunition has been increased from 6750 to 7200 rounds. (Report).

  • SANTAL — a bug that caused the mismatch between the physical model and the X-ray model when firing the rockets has been fixed.

  • Charioteer Mk.VII — the amount of ammunition for the L3A1 machine gun has been reduced from 5000 to 3500. Source: Royal Armored Corps Training. Volume III - Armament. Charioteer.

  • M60 120S — track model has been changed.

  • Ratel 20, Ratel 90 — anti-air machine gun elevation angle has been increased to 17 degrees like on the other mounts of the same type. (Report).

  • M18 GMC (all variants) — R975-C4 engine RPM has been reduced from 2400 to 2300 rpm. (Report).

  • Ratel (all variants) — the turning radius has been corrected. (Report).

  • Scimitar — turret rotation speed has been reduced from 60°/s to 30°/s. (Report).

  • Fox — turret rotation speed has been reduced from 60°/s to 30°/s. (Report).

  • Charioteer Mk.VII (all variants) — gun depression angle at the rear sector has been increased to -5°.

  • VCC-80/30, Type 89, Dardo — a bug with the ATGM ammunition consumption from the stowage in the hull has been fixed. (Report, Report).

  • ZSL92, PTL02, WMA301 — the turning radius of the vehicles has been reduced from 10.5 to 9.5 meters. (Report).

  • VBM Freccia C/C — the turning radius of the vehicle has been reduced from 24 to 18 meters. Source: VBM Freccia IFV Datasheet.

  • KF41 — machine gun has been changed from M240 to FN MAG 60-40. Source: LANCE2 Turret Brochure by Rheinmetall

  • T29 — gun elevation angle has been increased from 15 to 20 degrees. (Report).

  • Object 211, Type 63, ZTS63 — reverse speed on water has been reduced from 7 to 6 km/h. (Report). Source: 常规兵器产品手册 第一分册 坦克履带车辆及配套产品.

  • Gepard, Gepard 1A2 — gun depression angle has been fixed. The angle has been set to -5°. (Report).

  • Tetrarch I — maximum engine RPM has been increased from 2700 to 2850 rpm. (Report).

  • Namer RCWS-30 — the amount of ammunition for the coaxial machine gun has been increased from 400 to 460. Source: Datasheet SAMSON - RWCS 30.

  • SANTAL — vehicle mass has been reduced from 13.8 to 11.8 tons. Sources: Fiche technique VAB, Renault Trucks; Gamme Blindee, Renault Trucks; Délégation Ministérielle pour l’Armement, 1983. SATORY IX EXPOSITION DE MATERIELS D’ARMEMENT TERRESTRE: tome 1. In: Boulogne: NAUTAVIA; VAB 4x4 and 6x6 Technical Manual.

  • Phòng không T-34 (all variants) — gun depression angle has been increased from -5 to -10 degrees. (Report). Source: 1965年式双管37毫米 高射机关炮教材

  • Falcon — sight magnification values ​​of the gunner and commander optics has been changed from 1.9x–3.5x to fixed 6.0x. (Report).

  • Crusader AA Mk.I — gun depression angles have been adjusted so that the vehicle is no longer able to fire through its external fuel tank at the back. (Report).

  • Pz.38(t) (all variants) — turret rotation speed has been increased from 14°/s to 25°/s. (Report). Source: D 652/38 Panzerkampfwagen 38 (t) Ausf. A bis G und S. Gerätbeschreibung und Bedienungsanweisung zum Aufbau. Vom 1. 9. 43.

  • AMX-50 Foch — the thickness of the front part of the underside of the tank has been increased from 10 to 30 mm. Source: Chasseur de char de 120 mm AMX, 1948.

  • AMX M4 — the thickness of the front part of the underside of the tank has been increased from 25 to 30 mm. Sources: Char de supériorité AMX M-4, 1947; Caracteristiques performance et devis de poids du char M4.

  • M46 (all variants), M26 (all variants) — the tank roof material has been changed from rolled homogeneous armor to cast homogeneous armor.

  • OTOMATIC — the maximum speed has been reduced from 65 to 60 km/h. Source: OTOMATIC Brochure by OTO Melara.

  • Merkava Mk.4B, Merkava Mk.4M, Merkava Mk.4 LIC — gun name has been changed from “MG251” to “MG251-LR”. (Report). Source: Elbit Systems Land Tank Ammunition Portfolio.

  • PTL02, WMA301 — the functionality of turning the rear wheels of the vehicle has been removed. (Report).

  • T-80UD/BE/Object 478BE — vehicle name has been changed from “T-80UD/BE/Object 478BE” to “T-80UD/DU1 (Object 478DU1)”. (Report).

  • Strv 104, Strv 105 — the armor type at the upper rear part has been changed from cast homogeneous armor to rolled homogeneous armor. (Report).

  • BMD-4M — the machine gun type has been changed from PKT to PKTM. (Report).

  • M44 — crew size has been reduced from 7 to 5. (Report).
    Aircraft and helicopter model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:


  • 30 mm Hispano HS 825 — shell weight has been increased from 220 to 225 g. Bullet speed has been increased from 1050 to 1100 m/s. Gun weight has been changed from 150 to 112 kg. Source: 30 mm Flugzeug-Maschinenkanone Hispano-Suiza 825, Mappen der Hispano-Suiza.
  • 30 mm Hispano HS 825 — armor-piercing cartridge has been added. Sources: Typ 825 HSS, Hispano - Suiza (Dossiers) E5150C-01#1971-203#63_3067825; Hispano-Suiza 20 mm Ammunition type 820 A for Anti-Aircraft and Infantry Gun - №206; Hispano-Suiza Ammunition - №203.
  • Ariete, FFA P-16, Sagittario 2 — new air and ground belts for the 30 mm Hispano HS 825 cannon have been added.
  • Kurnass 2000 — the possibility of using the GBU-15(V)1/B guided bomb and air-to-air missiles on the same pylon has been removed. (Report).
  • Do 217 K-1, Do 217 M-1 — the SC1800 bomb has been added.
  • P-51H-5-NA — additional HVAR rockets have been added. Source: Pilot’s handbook for model P-51H-1, -5, -10 airplanes. AN 01-60JF-1 page 30.
  • Re.2005 Serie 0 — the number of rounds for the 12.7 mm Breda SAFAT machine gun has been reduced from 380 to 350 per barrel.
  • P1Y1 mod. 11 — the Type 99 number 80 800 kg armor-piercing bomb has been added. Source: P1Y1取扱説明書案(兵)
  • F-14 (all variants) — a bug that caused the installation of the AIM-54 missiles on the wing pylons or on the rear underfuselage pylons to not cause the underfuselage pylons with the necessary cooling equipment for AIM-54 to appear has been fixed. The ability to use the AIM-7 on the central underfuselage pylons while the AIM-54 is in use on the frontal underfuselage pylons has been removed. The ability to use the AIM-7 on the frontal underfuselage pylons while the AIM-54 cooling equipment, which covers them, is present has been removed. (Report).
  • For 7.7 mm caliber machine guns, a bug in the “New 7 mm MGs” modification that led to an increase in dispersion has been fixed.
  • B-17G — the option to mount additional AN-MK1 1,600 lb armor-piercing bombs has been added for the external hardpoints. (Report).
  • Yer-2 (M-105), Yer-2 (M-105R) LU, Yer-2 (M-105) TAT, Yer-2 (M-105R) TAT — four additional BRAB-220 armor-piercing bombs have been added. Source: Акт по результатам испытаний самолёта ЕР-2 АМ-37.
  • Ju 87D-3 — the SC1800 bomb has been added. Source:* Ju87D-1 Trop Teil 12B.
  • Ju 87D-5 — the SC1000, SC1800 and PC1000 bombs have been added. Source: Ju 87 D-5 Bo. Entwurf einer Bedienungs- und Beladevorschrift für die Abwurfwaffe.
  • Su-25T, Su-39 — separate launch of rockets and bomb releases has been removed for the S-24 and S-25 large-caliber rockets, as well as bombs on hardpoints 2, 3, 9 and 10. Source: Комплекс авиационного вооружения Су-25Т и его боевое применение.
  • Ki-49 (all variants) — an 800 kg Number 80 Model 1 bomb and 10 x 100 kg Type 94 bombs have been added. (Report, Report).
  • J-7II — 250-2 incendiary bombs have been added. (Report).
  • Me 262 A-2a — ammunition for the 30 mm MK108 cannon has been reduced from 100 to 80 rounds per gun. Source: Me 262.- Aufbau und Einsatzmöglichkeiten des Grundmusters, Kennzeichnende MErkmale der übrigen verfügbaren Baureihen, Leistungen und Reichweiten im Vergleich mit neuen deutschen Flugzeugen.
  • Mi-24D, Mi-24D (Hungary) — CCIP functionality has been removed for suspended gunpods and rockets. Sources: Ми-24Д. Инструкция экипажу вертолета Ми-24Д. Книга 1. Часть 1, 2. Руководство по летной эксплуатации Ми-8МТВ Боевое применение.
  • Mi-24A — CCIP functionality has been removed for the suspended gunpods and rockets. (Report).
  • F1 — ballistic computer for the rockets and guns has been removed. Source: 技術教範 操縦と戦技 (F-1) Section 6.
  • MiG-21PFM — ballistic computer for the rockets and guns has been removed. (Report).
  • Super Mystere B2 Sa’ar — ballistic computer for bombs has been removed. Source: Mystere IVA (pilots handbook) July 1958 SMB-2 Aircraft with J-52 engine - Armament manual
  • F-15E — the GBU-15(V)2 and AGM-130 drop limits have been changed from 1.01 to 1.4M. (Report). Source: T.O. 1F-15E-1 - F-15E Flight Manual - April 1993.
  • F-15I Ra`am — the GBU-15(V)2 drop limit has been changed from 1.01 to 1.4M.[(Report). Source: T.O. 1F-15E-1 - F-15E Flight Manual - April 1993.


  • Mirage 2000-5F, MiG-29SMT, Yak-141, Su-39, MiG-21 Bison (Britain), AV-8B Plus (all variants), F-16C/D, F-14A/B, F-15C/E, EF-2000, Typhoon FGR.4, F-2000A, Tornado F.3/F.3 Late/ADV — an improved TWS mode has been added. In this mode each time after a full scan pattern is completed, scanned targets are matched to already created tracks, which lowers the probability of track switching to another target, which would lead to missile retargeting through data link. In the hangar the mode is named “TWS+” in the radar X-ray.

  • Su-34, Rafale C F3, Kfir C.10 — since these aircraft have ESA radars, TWS mode now also tracks targets outside of the current scanning area but inside the radar scanning limits. In the hangar the mode is named “TWS ESA” in the radar X-ray.

  • Pulse radars of 3rd generation fighters and higher have received protection from re-targeting to other objects if their speed differs from the speed of initial target. Therefore employed chaff should no longer get acquired if the target was flying towards or away from the radar.

  • MiG-29 (all variants), Su-27 (all variants), J-11 (all variants), Typhoon FGR.4, F-2000A, Rafale C F3 — with the inability to continue tracking via radar, when tracking automatically switches to IRST, it is now possible to launch SARH and ARH missiles. When switching to IRST manually, it is still impossible to launch SARH and ARH missiles.

  • EF-2000, Typhoon FGR.4, F-2000A, Rafale C F3, A-10C, Harrier GR.7 — MAWS countermeasure release logic has been changed. Now, MAWS releases either flares or chaff depending on the information acquired from the RWR.

  • MH-60L DAP — AN/APR-39 SPO has been replaced by AN/APR-39(V)1 with voice warning system integration.

  • AV-8B(NA), AV-8B Plus — the Engine Fire System (EFS) modification has been removed. Golden Eagles spent on buying this modification have been compensated.

  • F-8E, F8U-2, A-4 (all modifications) — ejection seat has been added.

  • Vautour IIN — a bug where the SNEB rocket launcher inside the fuselage would not extend has been fixed.

  • F-15I Ra’am — a bug where the single AGM-65 had no launcher on the pylon has been fixed. (Report).

  • AH-1W, AH-1W China — a bug where the 20 mm M197 cannons were always displayed in X-ray mode has been fixed. (Report).

  • Jaguar GR.1A — a bug where the sight for the TIALD targeting pod was always displayed in the cockpit even if the targeting pod was not equipped has been fixed.

  • Beaufighter Mk I (40mm) — a bug that caused the elevator to not be damaged when the horizontal stabilizer was torn off has been fixed.

  • Tu-4 — the thickness of the armored glass in the cockpit has been reduced from 60 mm to 40 mm. Source: Самолёт Ту-4. Техническое описание. Конструкция самолёта. Книга третья. Издание 2 Москва 1953. Страница 23.

  • Mi-24D — the RI-65 voice warning system has been added. Source: Ми-24Д. Инструкция экипажу вертолета Ми-24Д. Книга 1. Часть 1, 2.

  • AMX, AMX A-1A — the EFS modification has been removed. Silver Lions and Golden Eagles spent on its research have been refunded. Source: AER.1F-AMX-1 Flight Manual AMX series Aircraft.

  • Su-33 — a bug where the animation of the canards was not displayed in cockpit view has been fixed. (Report).

  • F.C.20 Bis, Bf 110 G-4 — a bug that affected the display of smoke trail effects when starting the engines has been fixed.

  • AV-8B (NA) — erroneously present EEGS mode of the HUD has been removed.

  • Tiger HAD Block 2 — the thermal imaging sight has been changed to GEN 2.

  • F-5A — in the modifications window, the following changes have been made: “G-suit” has been moved from tier IV to II. “Offensive 20 mm” has been moved from tier II to tier I. “New 20 mm cannons” has been moved from tier IV to tier III. “Engine” has been moved from tier III to tier IV.

  • F-5E — in the modifications window, the following changes have been made: “Flares/Chaff” has been moved from tier II to tier I. The connection between the “AIM-9J” and “Flares/Chaff” modifications has been removed. “G-suit” has been moved from tier III to tier II.

  • F-5E (China), F-5E FCU — in the modifications window, the following changes have been made: “Flares/Chaff” has been moved from tier II to tier I. “G-suit” has been moved from tier III to tier II.

  • Su-9, Su-11 — a bug where the tail fin of the aircraft would break off incorrectly has been fixed.

  • Ju 188 A-2 — nose turret elevation angles have been corrected: horizontal elevation from -18/+27 to 15/+15. Vertical elevation from -10/+18 to -40/+18. Ammunition has been reduced from 250 to 200 rounds. Ammunition has been increased for the upper turret from 250 to 450 rounds. Source**:** Ju 188.- Flugzeug-Handbuch A-2, A-3, D-2.- Teil 8A.- Schusswaffenanlage

  • Ki-49-I — in the modifications window, the following changes have been made: “Turret 7 mm” has been moved from tier III to tier I. “New 7 mm MGs (turret)” has been moved from tier IV to tier II.

  • Sea Harrier FRS.1 (e), Sea Harrier FRS.1, Sea Harrier FA 2 — a new custom HUD has been added to the cockpit.

  • Rafale C F3 — a custom MFD weapons page has been added.

  • TIS MA — the number of fuel tanks has been increased. Source: Отчет по заводским испытаниям модифицированного двухместного истребителя сопровождения ТИС-2АМ38Ф конструкции Н.Н. Поликарпова.

The Secondary Weapons menu has been added to the following aircraft:

  • SB 2M-103, SB 2M-105, SB 2M-103U, SB 2M-103U MV3, SB 2M-103 MV3, Do 217 E-2, Do 217 E-4, Do 217 K-1, Do-217 M-1

Flight Model changes:

  • Su-27 (all variants), Su-33, Su-34, J-11 (all variants), Rafale C F3, EF-2000, Typhoon FGR.4, F-2000A, F-15 (all variants), МiG-29 (all variants), JAS39 (all variants), J35 (all variants), J-10A — for the “mouse aiming” and Simplified control” control modes, the “Switch maneuvering and limitations mode” action has been added. This disables the limitation on reaching critical angles of attack, which for example allows you to perform the “cobra” maneuver. In the full control mode, this action disables the limitation on the angle of attack in the ACS “damping” mode.

  • Ju 188 A-2 — maximum fuel capacity has been reduced to 1935 kg. Source: Ju 188 E-1 Flugzeug-Handbuch Teil 0 Allgemeine Angaben.

  • Ju 288 C — engine fire extinguishing system has been added. Source: Flugzeug Classic 2006-06. Junkers Ju 288 - Der Unglücksbomber (Tail 5).

  • P.108 (all variants), Ju 87 (all variants), S.M.79 (all variants), C. 200 / 202 (all variants) — automatic flap retraction system depending on flight speed according to the technical description has been added.

  • J9 Early — the aircraft’s flight model has been updated. Controllability on all control types has been improved. (Report).

  • MB.5 — engine fire extinguishing system has been added.

  • P-39Q-15/25 — the flight model has been completely updated using all current capabilities of the physics model. Maximum fuel capacity has been set to 334 kg (120 US gal).

  • P-39N (all variants) — the flight model has been completely updated using all current capabilities of the physics model. Maximum fuel capacity set to 237 kg (87 US gal).

  • P-39K-1, P-400 — the flight model has been completely updated using all current capabilities of the physics model.

  • Wyvern S.4 — a bug that caused the engine to run for a shorter period of time when overheated has been fixed. (Report). Sources: Pilot’s Notes for the Westland Wyvern S.4.

  • SB 2 (all variants) — landing gear retraction and release time has been increased to 15 seconds. Source: Самолет “СБ”. Часть 2. Издание 2.

  • He 219 A-7 — automatic flap retraction system depending on the flight speed has been added. Flap operation has been fixed, the “fight” position has been removed according to the aircraft’s technical documentation. Source: He 219 A-0 Flugzeug-Handbuch. Teil 9C: Druckölanlage.- Heft 1: Beschreibung.

  • Ki-45 (all variants) — the flight model has been completely updated using all current capabilities of the physics model. Landing gear extension and retraction times have been adjusted. Cockpit lighting at night has been fixed.

  • IAR 93B — intermediate flap positions have been removed. (Report).

  • Mirage 2000 (all variants) — fuel mass has been adjusted in accordance with the flight manual.

  • Rafale C F3 — the maximum speed at maximum thrust without using the afterburner has been increased to M1.35 at high altitudes. (Report). Maximum Mach number has been increased to M2.0. (Report).

  • EF-2000, Typhoon FGR.4, F-2000A — behavior and balance at higher than critical angles of attack have been corrected. Maximum overload in maneuvers at high speeds has been decreased to ~12G.

  • F-15 (all variants), MiG-29 (all variants), JAS39 (all variants), J35 (all variants), J-10A — behavior at higher than critical angles of attack has been corrected.

Naval fleet model, damage model, characteristic and weaponry changes:

Naval weaponry:

  • Kinetic armor penetration has been added to high-explosive shells that are 20 mm caliber or higher. These shells will be able to penetrate thin armor due to their energy and explode inside with a delay of 0.001 s, which will make high-explosive shells more effective in hitting poorly protected targets.

  • HMS Rodney — reload time of the 406 mm 45 BL Mark I and Mark I mod2 guns has been reduced from 40 to 35 seconds.

  • Arkhangelsk, HMS Renown, HMS Repulse, HMS Hood — the Mk.XVIIb armor-piercing shell has been added.

  • JDS Murasame (DD-107) — the ability to fire the main and secondary caliber guns with one button has been disabled due to the different types of guns. The ship has secondary caliber semi-automatic guns. (Report).

  • Z25, Z32, Emden, Marceau — the horizontal and vertical aiming speed of the turret mount with two 15 cm/48 KC 36 cannons has been increased to 8°/s.

Naval modifications and crew skills:

  • Arkhangelsk — the Mk.Ia armor-piercing shell has been replaced by the Mk.XIIa at tier I in the modification window.

Naval characteristics, physics and damage model:

  • The aiming system in Arcade Battles has been changed. Now, the required lead value is generated automatically, taking into account the parameters of the player’s ship and the target ship’s movement. When aiming at the desired part of an enemy ship, the gunners will independently determine these parameters and take the required lead. In addition to reducing the chance of an aiming error, this change makes shooting at long distances (and especially on opposite courses) better, as the target will no longer be outside of the player’s field of view. In addition to this, the shell impact point marker and the FCS calculation update progress bar have been disabled in AB, since with the new aiming system, these elements are no longer necessary.

  • The hulls of ships have had their strength mechanic returned, expanded and redesigned. All other methods of destroying an enemy remain the same, with the addition of a way to destroy its hull to such an extent that unsinkability is lost:

    • Small and medium boats can be destroyed by the destruction of any of the hull sections. If one section accumulates damage comparable to what is needed to destroy all the sections of the boat, this will cause enough destruction, not allowing it to maintain combat capability and structural integrity.
    • Large ships, from frigates to heavier ships, have been given a more complex system. When several sections of the hull are completely destroyed, the ship loses its unsinkability and begins to take on water until it is completely flooded. At the same time, the end (i.e. first and last) sections do not participate in this system. Now you need to destroy two sections to start the fatal processes. The strength of the sections depends on the class and size of the ship. It is selected in such a way that their destruction does not become a quick and easy task and will not be the primary way of destroying the ship in other ways familiar to players.
    • You can track the condition of your ship’s hull using the additional section in the ship DM panel at the bottom left. The combat-ready crew indicator has been moved to the top and a scale with segments has been added next to it. Each segment corresponds to a section of the hull.
    • The enemy’s hull condition can be assessed using the same scale under the hit camera when the enemy is in the sights.
  • Due to the addition of loss of unsinkability, the non-repairable holes mechanic has been disabled.

    • The final number of destroyed sections r**equired to lose unsinkability and their durability is to be determined*, including during the dev server.*
    • It should also be noted that on the dev server there will be no indication of the integrity of the sections of your ship as the interface is in development. But players will be able to assess the damage inflicted on the enemy: under the hit camera you can see a new e**lement reflecting each section of the enemy ship and its condition.
  • Torpedoes and mines now have the effect of hydraulic shock on ship hulls. Previously, torpedoes (mines) had an effect only by the force of the explosion of the torpedo’s explosive itself. We added the force of a hydraulic shock, the sphere of which also depends on the mass and type of explosive, as does the explosion. The destructive effect on the hull has now increased. At the same time, the chances of ammunition detonation, damage to modules and the crew remained the same. Note that this change directly echoes the loss of unsinkability as described above.

  • Groza — a bug that caused the armor shield of the front turret to not stop shrapnel has been fixed. (Report).

  • HMS Repulse — flooding scheme has been fixed. The ship no longer loses up to half of its buoyancy when one of its aft compartments is flooded.


  • Control over hit result icons has been added to the settings. You can choose which ones to display or turn them all off. You can find them in the Options > Main parameters > Naval Battle Settings > Show hit icons setting.

Economy and research

  • Following the Roadmap: The ability to recycle inventory items (boosters, universal backups, wagers, orders and discounts) into random items of other types has been added. Any items of the specified types can be recycled in the “Item Recycling” tab in the Inventory. Players can create new, random items from them in the ratio of 2:1. There is also a small chance when creating an item to get 500,000 or 1 million Silver Lions instead of an item.

  • In Naval Battles, the reward in Silver Lions and Research Points for destroying AI-controlled ships (both “named” bots and mission AI) has been increased to the level of the reward for players. AI-controlled ships in Naval Battles do not differ much in their combat efficiency from players, and the reward for damaging them (the main source of income in Naval Battles) was already equal to the reward for damaging players. Therefore, now the rewards for damage and destruction (finishing off the target) will not depend on who controls the target ship — a player or an AI.

  • Reserve boats for the USSR (G-5), Germany (LS 3), Great Britain (MTB-1(1)), Japan (Type T-14) and France (VTB-8) have been replaced. The old reserves will be available for obtaining upon purchasing the first vessel of rank II.

  • The VTB-8, VTB-11, and VTB-14 have been grouped together.

  • D-3 — Battle Rating has been reduced from 1.3 to 1.0 in all modes.

  • S38 — Battle Rating has been reduced from 1.3 to 1.0 in Arcade Battles and from 1.7 to 1.0 in Realistic Battles.

  • Pz.Sfl.Ic — Battle Rating has been increased from 2.3 to 2.7 in Realistic and Simulator Battles.

  • The AML-90 and AMX-13-90 have been grouped together.


  • A new decal collection called “Game updates (2023-2024)” has been added.

  • Tasks to receive old additional camouflages previously available only for Golden Eagles have been added to the majority of helicopters.

  • R2Y2 Kai V1 — with the release of the 2nd major update of 2025 (2.47), a task to receive an additional camouflage will be changed to match the aircraft class. The base bombing condition will be replaced with enemy aircraft destruction. (Report).

  • Tempest Mk.V — with the release of the 2nd major update of 2025 (2.47) a task to receive an additional camouflage will be changed to match the aircraft class. The vehicle destruction condition will be replaced with enemy aircraft destruction.

  • T-69 II G — Bangladesh Army camouflages that are unlockable for completing tasks or by purchasing with Golden Eagles have been added.


  • A reward (Silver Lions, Research Points and Mission Points) for destroying enemy ammunition has been added. The reward is fixed and does not depend on the player’s vehicle, the type of ammunition or the method of interception.
  • A combat reward called “Not on my watch” for destroying an enemy bomb weighing more than 5000 kg has been added. The award can be received no more than three times during one battle.


  • Four new player profile showcases have been added:

    • Vehicle Collector. Becomes available after purchasing 500 vehicles. You can choose 1 to 3 vehicles to display. The total number of vehicles purchased by country and in total is also shown.
    • Ace of Spades. Available by default. You can select the vehicle types and nations to display the number of spaded vehicles (vehicles with all modifications unlocked). The total number of selected spaded vehicles and the total number of purchased vehicles of the selected type in the selected nations are also shown.
    • Medalist. Available by default. You can choose from 1 to 10 medals to display. The total number of owned medals is also shown.
    • Achievement Hunter. Available by default. You can select 1 to 10 achievements from the achievement section to display. The total number of achievements obtained is also shown.
  • The control functions of moving the tactical map, setting a point of interest and switching the map type is now possible using keys. Additionally for these functions and for the “Attention to the designated grid square!” on the tactical map screen, hints with keys have been added.

  • The stat cards for all shells, rockets, ammo belts and smoke grenades have been updated. Basic and important information such as the initial velocity, armor penetration at 100 m and TNT equivalent of explosives (if any) has been moved to the top of the stat card and are clearly visible. For weapons with several types of penetration, their presence and values are indicated.

  • A bug where the Favorite Mode and Battle-Hardened profile showcases would display zero stats for players who had played less than 100 battles in the selected mode has been fixed.

  • The appearance of the player’s pop-up card in the contacts list and squad menu has been changed. The player’s profile background has been added to the card. The squad leadership indicator has been moved to the player’s nickname so that it does not replace game status and so that it is always visible.

  • A bug in some cases that caused the status of squad members to not show in the queue or in combat has been fixed.

  • The “Collections” button has been moved from the Shop dropdown menu to the Player Profile.

  • The vehicle context menu has received a more modern look.

  • 11 new profile icon frames have been added.

Game mechanics

  • A message about the destruction of enemy ammunition has been added to the vehicle destruction log.

  • A function for displaying the video (picture-in-picture) from a Scout UAV to the tank has been added. Players can change from the minimap view to Scout UAV view by clicking the icon above the minimap using ALT + Click. The video feed from the UAV is then displayed instead of the minimap when activated.

  • The method for controlling the tilt of the aircraft radar antenna has been changed. Now, the antenna stabilization mode by elevation angle relative to the world coordinates can be enabled and disabled via a new control called “Switch Radar/IRST gyro stabilization on/off” without going into the game settings. When enabled, the antenna is stabilized by an elevation angle relative to the world coordinates, which is the same as it was before when the “Constant elevation of radar antenna” option was deactivated. When disabled, the antenna stabilizes relative to the aircraft, as it was before with the “Constant elevation of radar antenna”, but now the antenna can be controlled with “Radar/IRST tilt cotrol axis”. A “Reset Radar/IRST direction to boresight” control for quick antenna centering in both axis has also been added.

  • The “Constant elevation of radar antenna” option has been removed, the “Disable radar antenna gyro stabilization at mission start” option has been added.

  • A thrust vectoring (thrust vector control, TVC) mechanic has been added. Aircraft that use engines with this functionality can use the “Switch maneuver and limits mode” control which disables the limitation on going beyond critical angles of attack and enables control of angular speeds.

  • Mechanics for predicting the lead direction for launching air-to-air missiles to ensure the most efficient kinematic trajectory has been added. The mechanics for predicting the optimal lead point are enabled on the F-16C, F-18C and Su-30SM.

  • The thermal signature of missiles and bombs now accounts for aerodynamic heating. This causes the distances at which the munitions can be acquired by IR seekers to depend on their speed.

  • MAWS countermeasure release logic has been changed. Now, MAWS releases either flares or chaff depending on the information acquired from the RWR.


  • The effects of hits by shells of all calibers on all types of surfaces has been updated.
  • A soot effect has been added to the part of a tank surface near to where a fire occurred.
  • Support for Vulkan API (beta) has been added to the Windows version of the game.


  • The sounds of ground vehicle gunfire now have unique distinctive features. Each gun has its own sound character. This applies to the sound of player guns and enemy/allied guns.
  • The speed of sound is now applied to the sounds of shells and bullets hitting enemy/allied vehicles. This applies to ground vehicles, aircraft and naval vehicles.
  • Artillery marker shell hits now have a new sound that better matches the sound of a smoke shell falling.
  • Some aircraft guns used sounds from ones that were on ground vehicles. Now they have their own sounds, taking into account the specifics of the environment. This includes the following guns: MG 151, MG 131, MK 103, MK 108, Degtyarev machine gun, Hispano-Suiza, MG 15, MG 17, MG C/30L, M1919.

It really sucks that Gaijin can’t get its act together to deliver a plane that should’ve come immediately after the abomination that’s the F-16AJ.

We are very unlikely to get the F-2 late, so now we have to wait again for an F-2 with only four JDAMS, probably NO ASM-2s at all, AIM-7s instead of AAM-4….



i m sad to see nothing about the PzH 2000 reports Spall Liner Modern Ammo that could be copy pasted from the Type 99 still nothing about the Ready Rack on the CR2s


Seriously? What a stealthly nerf of all things


Any hope of getting, the following report looked since it seems to have been missed when revising the M1 modules?

or does it need to be re-reported?


Im gonna come in here and ask where the model change for the Kfir C.10 is.

It has the wrong cockpit window externally, bug report was accepted and im just curious if its been implemented this patch! spend so many hours grinding this aircraft out just for the wrong window


Adding the historically correct Netz as an 80 euro pack is insane
It has to be added as a TT plane too


As yes, a basket, some metal sheets preventing the crew’s feet/legs from getting caught is clearly integral to the traverse mechanism of the turret.

As usual, 1 step forwards, 2 steps back.

Gaijin’s motto.


I’m sorry but removing the CCIP from the domestically upgraded Super Mystere using a source from the pre-upgrade version makes very little sense


Good update to uninstall the game…
Until something interesting happens like decompression or something that will make things we already have and they are not viable, viable.


from a ground main this update is very dissapointing


Isnt it a premium vehicle?


More variety is good, and I’m glad to see Denmark in air RB.

Hell yeah. Hopefully it can do more damage now.


The most fire resistant bomber is getting more fire resistant?


have you seen the HSTV-L?


If you want to sell the Ariete pack fix it first


Are you seriously doomposting right now? It is almost likely that we are going to see the F-2A Late in some update in full capability since we literally had fighter jets from the 2010s right now.

I think Gaijin is still figuring out a crucial part of the F-2A kit which is the AN/AAQ-33 Sniper targeting pod.

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Hey, this is actually GREAT news, thank you!!! I am looking forward to play Naval now.

Since ships are getting more refined and realistic ways to be destroyed and sunk, can we get rid of the artificial survivability nerf involving lethal shell room detonations? I don’t think it is necessary anymore.

The more detailed and refined modules are welcome, but I am not sure about making the turret baskets a part of the horizontal drive; specially since only 2 families of MBTs would be getting this treatment.

I believe the turret baskets on the Abrams and Leopards should only act as a sort of spall protection (as of now, they don’t even stop any spalling at all).

Otherwise, these two families of MBTs will be receiving a big additional weakness compared to the other tanks that still do not have any of this.

Regarding refined models related to the Abrams- will the Abrams finally receive their volumetric turret rings anytime soon, as well as revised fuel tank bulkheads and revised hydraulic pump placement?


Turret basket =/= turret drive

Developers, you should not treat them the same

The basket is purely for crew comfort and safety, nothing about it is functional so damage to it would not interfere in turret operation in any way



Look what we got here!


I’m working on a bug report, Could someone post a Screenshot of the new stat card for both of the 2.75" rocket M151 (GPHE) [e.g APKWS II; AH-1Z / F-16C etc.] & M247 (HEAT) [standard Hydra / FFAR warhead; LAV-AD / many aircraft] warheads please, I need them for a report.

and I’m trying to pre calculate what the overpressure penetration values should be if they align with the following source.

Report is live