All of the relivant reports for this were nudged. At the moment, sadly there is no new news.
It wont have any more chances of getting accepted if i made it compared to you, i get no preferential treatment. Additionally i don’t know enough about the Type 10 to put my name behind a report to any reasonable degree.
Are there still suprises when the update releases or did we see everything?
What about the one I posted?
@Smin1080p_WT On the topic of bug reports any chance you could bump this report I just made for the F/A-18’s. Currently they are missing the radar lock box on the HUD for TWS soft locks. Other elements of the radar track are present including a small dot that seems to be showing the targets current orientation and direction relative to you. The box is present when you hard lock a target.
All F/A-18’s missing TWS lock box on HUD
The issue wasn’t present during the first Dev Server after it had opened, it only appeared after either the second or third update to the Dev Server.
As a sidenote, please respect the mods… they put in tons of work to forward issues and constantly work to make the game better.
Someone has already forwarded. The fast and the furious.
I was just going to say then looks like someone has been camping the reports.
Thank you to whoever forwarded it so quickly
i do
but stuff that has been forwarded for a while is still there
does the devs still in the process of considering to fix them or did they just go “not worth it”
Garbage in Garbage out
Not one change that was asked for or that is needed
Look mum I’m famous!
You quite literally got your point proven wrong by the next message.
Something not being interesting or helpful in your opinion doesn’t mean it inherently is that way.
Whether you’re doing this intentionally or not, you need to reply to the post rather than making a post with the user tagged in. Anyone else who is reading cannot follow the conversation without scrolling through countless other posts.
This just looks like you don’t want others to read past conversations.
cough cough
looking pointedly at my own bug reports on Dev vehicles
I have an ethics rule not to click reply to posts that contain personal insults/may be removed.
If they wanted their post to be directly replied to the post should’ve avoided false accusations.
Also I found a bug with J-11B pylons and reported it. Hopefully that gets passed and fixed.
That is the type of bug that should be addressed in bug updates
Nothing substantial was added …nothing has been done in separating WWII from Cold war and Cold War from modern .
Nothing has been done to move vehicles to BR;s where they belong
At this point list of tanks that have missing armor,wrong armor missing ammo/wrong ammo and so on is so long that would take hour to remember and type.
But hey …we got worst tank added to the game …for real cash … Buying Arriete for cash is like of throwing money into the wind
What about my reports lol
That’s now how it works when it comes to debating… You of all people should that you make controversial statements.
And it’s not like you don’t make insultd/false accusations. i.e accusing other of spreading Russian propaganda is one big example.
Saying that you won’t reply to false accusations only works if you haven’t done it before.
You mean an example that shows up zero times? The most I said is “Your post reads like propaganda.” Not the person.
I forgot to include advise to be more tactful in statements, but that’s cause past me was far from tactful.
I’ll keep never accusing others.
Oh, and BTW, any instance of “you” instead of “your post” is a reflexive mistype from my youth where typing faster was necessary to win matches. All instances of “you” = “your post” and pointing them out to me will result in me deleting or amending them to be correctly typed to my intended meaning.
Incorrect JF-17’s max speed and thrust of Klimov RD-33 and RD-93 // // Issues what about this report (my)?