Tornado GR.4: Tenacious Tonka

Stop embarrassing yourself, Mr. Harrier GR7. Are you still imagining that you are flying the Su-25SM that you have never used? Lol.


AGM-65D/G motor dV: 252.21 / 185.11m/s respectively
Kh38M motor dV: 701.45m/s (with 4x longer boost and 2.29x longer sustain motors)

PGM500 motor dV: 101.48m/s, but very long burn time at 25s.

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It is possible to remain constructive and critical, yes. But that requires an honest and open interlocutor, which you are not. You shoot down valid criticism that doesn’t tow the party line, in the face of it being explicitly in line with both prior additions and prior decisions.

How is it a nonserious question? It seems like a question that should have been consideres by the devs.

Especially given serious questions are just getting blown off at this point.

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Oh look, data that coincides with my takes; takes I have that aren’t relevant to these missiles going after tanks.

Me: “I never played the SU-25SM3 cause I’ve already played its analogues and have nothing else to learn from playing CAS.”
“Dude, I’m gonna repeat what you said.” - Your post.

Seeing how hard your post defends the Su-34, makes me think you think over-highly of Tornado as well. That or you just really love that Russian aircraft, far more love than I could ever have.

Tornado IDS rates at 13.6 degrees per second at sea level.
Su-27 rates at 12.9 degrees per second at sea level with a mass that gives Su-34 16 minutes of fuel… Su-34 will rate worse than that cause you have to give it more than 16 minutes of fuel, and its wing area inherently causes more drag in turns.


Here’s a serious question; why can’t you fudge it to be FnF? You did it with Martel, and that’s not even a weapon employed on a toptier platform. Nor a weapon currently amongst the best fielded on the planet in reality. Especially given by locking it to one mode, the Brimstone you’ve given us is already ahistorical.


Shooting a nuke plane down is extremely easy

So is shooting down a tornado.

One is a longstanding hard to achieve mechanic in game that requires skill to complete and achieve. You have multiple opportunities both to prevent someone getting a nuke streak and to shoot it down when it comes in. This is a part of the games killstreaks that can conclude a battle and lead to victory if someone has enough skill to do that, and turn the tide of a battle.

The other is simply the suggestion to add Brimstone and ignore all the other concerns that brings that we outlined above, such as the huge potential for team damage and teamkills as Brimstone cannot distinguish between friend and foe in F&F modes. It has no IFF.

It is serious though.

Yes, but dropping instantly guarantees win rewards for you and your team.

The only counter is another plane, assuming the nuke pilot knows what they’re doing.

How is that not analogous?

The only balancing factor here is that a nuke plane has a warning alarm, the Brimstones won’t.

How about we respond to the serious question instead of blowing it off? After all, you want serious questions.

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The Tornado has MAWS, AIM-9M with HMS and tons of countermeasures

It can certainly defend itself

how is effective range not relevant to a discussion about how effective different ordnance is? a 20km lock range is completely irrelevant if your missile doesn’t have the energy to hit.

Plus, slower missiles means more time for a pantsir to shoot it down, and more time for the target to accidentally counter your missile by smoking or driving past a building. It also means more time for something else to kill the target and make the missile useless.


As a side note nuke aircraft don’t benefit from the scouting SP reduction. The Tornado will.

Brimstone has a historical mode that allows it to be added without the need to create an artificial mode.

Previous cases in the past where artificial measures were taken (such as Pars and Martel) lead to many people not being happy with that outcome. Doing so with Brimstone and simplifying what is a weapon on an entirely different level to both Pars and Martel also then means the doors will be fully opened for anything and everything to simply be artificially dumbed down and introduced in some way, as every possible modern system could simply be requested using the same approach.

Tornado GR.4 brings other weapons to bare that are on the table to use if someone personally does not want to use Brimstone SAL. But a F&F mode will not be introduced for the reasons detailed by the devs in the blog.

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I would suggest toning things down. Getting argumentative and confrontational is not going to lead anywhere.

Ive been responding to many questions here and elsewhere today. Please keep things civil.


Mr. Harrier GR7’s equation:
I play Harrier GR7 = I play Su-25SM, it must be the same.
I play Mavericks = I play KH38.
Mavericks is too weak = KH38 is too weak.
So KH38 is reasonable. lol


Do you know if a combined SAL + Radar mode would be viable at some point in the future? It’s historical and would allow a degree of F&F while also avoiding the implementation of the area/salvo LOAL mode

“Effective range” of KH-38 and AGM-65 are 19.5km each.
When I used Harrier GR7, my tactic was launch from 18 - 16km, turn away and Pantsir wouldn’t hit me since I was 8000 meters up going mach 0.9, and I’d get 2 - 4 frags.
Zero AGMs intercepted due to me firing so high that it arced above their missiles and weren’t going for them, but tanks around the center of the map. Two things that cause major issues for Pantsir guidance, which I learned from custom battles tests against Pantsir.

But yeah, I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to believe that a 22,500kg aircraft carrying 5000kg - 12,000kg of fuel using the same Su-27 engines with a larger wing surface causing more drag in turns that has a max speed of mach 1.8 will be slow and turn worse than most aircraft.

Funny your post claims that KH-38 and AGM-65 are weak; they’re OP, but believe whatever you want.
KH-38 and AGM-65 need SPAA counters in every tech tree.