THEY ARE not adding better SPAA they are allegedly "testing " it
I said after they are added I said nothing about them being added right now. Idk why you even bring it up
They are adding more advance jets for certain with hte trailer they are not adding anything in terms of spaa but a 1970s british sam system which in no way will help fight the cas problem in ground.
oh hey they also undid the stupid radar scan patterns. theyre back to how they used to be where they just go one way
BECAUSE They are not being added. They are being "tested " What is being added is the f18 and su30 etc. More jets that groundf is already plagued with. Two nations still do not have RADAR for their top tier Anti air two
Bruh, they really be out there nerfing chaff
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Only major CAS addition was the Su-30SM
Does that affect F8E’s radar?
thef18 even as a premium is added
a band-aid fix for the CAS problem would be to make spawning a plane with a purely A2A loadout cost less SP
Im willing to bet you see a f18 in the tech tree non premuim before these alleged testing mult vehicle sams come out
Are you able to disclose if we’re get any further premiums for other nations which have not yet been announced?
Currently it seems like a lot of nations are missing a rank 8 premium aircraft.
Not sure what generation the F8 is in
Japan should get the oh-2 with a2a missiles to help but no that wont happen
There is one? Have you actually check the update?
its in the trailer
No, the real bandaid fix would be to artificially nerf the biggest offenders and add a cutoff for planes way above the tanks in terms of BR
Stuff like the F-15E, Su-34, Eurofighter Typhoon, etc shouldn’t even be allowed in GRB right now
Wow I agree with you
It would be neat but also ATAS and Type 91 missiles currently aren’t great in terms of performance