Like I said, they don’t even know how to use Wikipedia.
I just realised Germany is probably getting Bismarck next update…
Smin said: “within the November and December updates, all nations will have got a new Rank VI ship”.
U.S got Tennessee
Fr*nce got Dunkerque
U.K got Repulse
Japan got Amagi
Russia got Izmail
Italy got Francesco Caracciolo…
Well, good thing I grinded out Germany, hahahah.
Yeah… I hope Britain gets more (next update) because Repulse is only a 6.7 and a clear downgrade over Renown, Hood and Barham for top tier. Only good for those that dont have either event ship
more possibility of getting mackensen before Scharnhorst as in case of Russian Izmail(in front of Kronshtadt), Francesco Caracciolo(in front of Cavour) and UK Repulse(in front of Hood)
There are also personal wish that Gaijin do not break balance with early Bismarck release. It should be with Iowa and Yamato, considering War Thunder Naval’s environment which turtleback and high pen small caliber gun is better.
Bismarck and Arkhangelsk for December update please
Calling it now: bunch of ARH premiums this December, kind of like the top tier premiums for ground last year. I know it’s not something a lot of y’all will want (wallet warriors with ARH), but knowing gaijin it’s something they’re going to seek sooner or later. We’re already pretty much there with the IRIAF F-14A and JF-17… it’s bound to happen sooner or later.
With that being said, here’s my predictions for top tier aviation premiums with ARH missiles:
• USA will have a new ARH premium or Aim-120s added to the F-20A
• Germany will have some subtree premium of sorts (maybe even the trialed F-20A for Germany)
• USSR will get the MiG-23-98 (which didn’t exist but I’m willing to bet they get it anyway, or maybe the MiG-21-93 instead)

• Great Britain will have the R-77 added to the MiG-21 Bison present ingame. Would be surprised if not.

• Japan F-4EJ Kai ADTW (XAAM-4), Or a subtree ARH carrier of sorts maybe?
• China honestly not sure, maybe a Taiwanese F-16? A JF-17 was my original guess…

• Italy (watch them add a premium F-16 with Aim-120s instead of correcting to current one, or maybe an Hungarian ARH Gripen lmao)

• France modernized Mirage F-1 possibly, or some foreign modernized French aircraft of sorts

• Sweden seems the “Ja-37Di” is what’s coming

• Israel either a production IAI Lavi with Derby’s, or an aircraft modernized by Israel, like the Kfir 2000, Brazilian F-5 or Chilean F-5, or Ecuador/Columbia Kfir C.10.

What y’all think? I’ll add images for you picture book kids if yall want lmao added :P
Anyway that’s my take,
Definitely, hahah.
Repulse is basically Renown, but with 50mm thick turtleback instead of 101mm one and worse anti-air suite.
I thought they would be getting a WW2 QE, but it seems like I was wrong.
The way I see it, it’s just another obstacle to get to Hood.
Yep, They really like screwing over Britain / making sure Britain doesnt get good ships
Must be F-14A late which is basically F-14B with TF-30.
Im still holding out hope that past patterns for Britain repeat themselves and we get a new premium in Decemeber (typically we get one in june and then one in Decemeber and then nothing for 2 years)
Now that could mean a new one at 12.0 ish and then the Bison moving to 13.3, but also could mean something like Sea Harrier FRS51 or Cheatah D for top tier Premium ARH slinger.
Anyone else find the release timeline a bit strange? Dev server till the 6th so I presume update not till the 2nd week of November.
Curious to see if that impacts the December update.
Su-32 would make for a better premium
Its a late ish release, but I doubt it will have much of an impact.
Does Gaijin forget they have promised that the USSR will get KV1-1942 which is the same as the Sweden one? At last update, they said that it seems they broke their promise…
But more useful than Renown with armor on crew compartment and presence of hydroplane. Lower BR too.
Wouldn’t surprise me if they do add the testing F-14 with the prototype Aim-120A, since it’s highly requested.
That would be my first guess for the new premium if they don’t upgrade the Bison. However if they don’t upgrade the Bison’s kit I’d be truly shocked, it should def only have its R-77s.
Never heard of it. Might also require gaijin to put more effort into adding it rather than just copy pasting a pre-existing aircraft and slapping ARH on it if it’s a new airframe and such, which they’re more likely to do given how lazy their implementations seem to be sometimes.
I doubt they will move it. Limited missile count, limited CMs, outdated airframe. Its a 1 trick pony that only works because its 12.3. At even 13.0, it would be a free kill for anyone. Especially if we see the next gen of aircraft added like the Typhoon
Or it’ll just be Gneisenau. Maybe Mackensen if they’re generous.
I mean it’ll probably be easier to use than the J35Xs, so it’ll probably sell fine.
Remember these premiums aren’t marketed towards people who already have the whole tree researched.
If CnP, pass for me. Only because i have the 37D already. Cool jet, if i didn’t have it already CnP would’ve been acceptable.