Northrop F-5EM Tiger II- The most modern and feared F-5 in the world

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Howdy, today i want to talk about the famous and ‘‘buffed’’ Brazilian F-5EM

History and introduction


In Brazil, the history of the F-5 began in practice in March 1975, but it was considered to equip the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) since 1965 in its F-5A/B version. In 1967, it was considered again, this time within the scope of the SISDACTA project. The preference was for the F-4 Phantom, but it was vetoed by the Americans, who started offering the F-5C (version proposed by Northrop with improvements based on the evaluation report made in Vietnam). The American stalemate favored the French, and the FAB acquired 16 Dassault Mirage IIIs. In a new international competition held from 1971 to replace the AT-33A, in which the Fiat G-91, MB-326K, Harrier Mk-50, Jaguar GR1 and A-4F participated, the Northrop fighter, now in its F category - version 5E, emerged as the winner.

FAB received 6 F-5B (FAB 4800 to 4805), 4 F-5F (FAB 4806 to 4809) and 58 F-5E (FAB 4820 to 4877), which were acquired in two different batches. The first batch in 1973, direct from the factory (06 F-5B + 36 F-5E), at a cost of US$ 115 million, and the second batch in 1988, ex-USAF (04 F-5F and 22 F-5E) , at a total cost of US$13.1 million. The first aircraft of “Operação Tigre”, as the transfer of the first batch became known, were delivered to Palmdale from February 28, 1975. Three F-5Bs arrived in Brazil on March 6 of the same year, followed by another 3 F-5Bs on 13 May. On June 12, 1975, the first 4 F-5Es arrived at BAGL, starting an airlift that would only end on February 12 of the following year, with a total of 36 aircraft. In 1985, after much searching, an agreement was reached with the Reagan administration


Around September 2006, there was speculation about the acquisition of 9 F-5E Tiger II aircraft from Saudi Arabia, including 6 F-5E and 3 F-5F. However, this purchase did not go ahead, and the Brazilian Air Force acquired a batch of aircraft belonging to the Jordanian Royal Air Force. In total, 11 aircraft were purchased, including 8 single-seat F-5Es and 3 two-seat F-5Fs. Jordan’s first aircraft arrived in Brazil on August 19, 2008 and were sent to the São Paulo Aeronautics Material Park (PAMA-SP). All Jordanian F-5s were converted in 2013 to F-5EM and F-5FM standards

EX-Jordanian F-5E under modernization



Embraer and Elbit systems completed a 15-year program to overhaul a total of 49 Northrop Grumman light fighters built for the Brazilian Air Force. The F-5s were upgraded with Italian Grifo F multimode radars, electronic countermeasures, and the ability to employ a variety of modern missiles and laser-guided bombs, allowing the aircraft to remain in service into the 2030s.

5 in 1975, after ordering the first 42 units a year earlier. In 1988, the country acquired additional used F-5s from the US Air Force and later from Jordan.

The Brazilian Air Force delegation that traveled to the Embraer factory to receive the last modernized F-5 Tiger II was also introduced to the first aircraft of the new generation that the South American country is buying from Sweden. In September 2019, the Swedish defense and aerospace major delivered the first Gripen E fighter to Brazil. Brazil is buying 36 Gripen E and F models under a 2014 contract. Deliveries of the Gripen E will start in 2021 and the two-seater Gripen F in 2023. The Brazilian Air Force collaborated with Embraer and a local subsidiary of Israel’s Elbit Systems, AEL Sistemas, to upgrade the F-5E/F fleet to the F-5M standard. The modernization program included adapted advanced avionics, such as a Leonardo Grifo F radar with multi-aircraft targeting capability (TWS capable of detecting 10 targets, Look down-shoot down) and a domestic data link developed by Embraer.

The upgraded F-5EM now has the capability to carry laser-guided bombs for air-to-ground missions, along with Israeli-made air-to-air missiles such as the Rafael Derby BVRAAM and Python 3,4 infrared-guided AAMs. The jets’ fuselages also underwent repairs for another 15 years of useful life and now have a fixed refueling probe that allows air-to-air refueling, including the new Embraer KC-390 tanker aircraft of the Brazilian Air Force.

In addition, weapons tests were conducted for a domestic long-range cruise missile called the MICLA-BR, which has inertial/GPS guidance and an image correlation system for terminal navigation. This missile has a range of 186 miles and is carried under the fuselage of the F-5. Despite some challenges faced during the program


such as the delay in delivering the first modernized single-seat F-5EM to the Brazilian Air Force, the modernization program provided an impressive range of additional capabilities compared to the original F-5E/F of the decade from 1970.

The updated aircraft, known collectively as the F-5Ms, also received an overhauled cockpit, including new avionics, HOTAS controls and an NVG-compatible glass cockpit. In addition, pilots receive an Elbit/AEL Targo helmet-mounted display for off-the-sight targeting. The F-5EM fighter aircraft were upgraded with new self-protection systems, including chaff/flare launchers, a new radar warning receiver and wiring for Rafael’s Sky Shield electronic warfare pod. Jet fuselages were also repaired to add another 15 years of useful life. The F-5M is now equipped with a fixed refueling probe for air-to-air refueling, including with the Brazilian Air Force’s new Embraer KC-390 tanker plane. The upgraded aircraft are capable of employing the Israeli-built Rafael Derby beyond visual range (BVRAAM) air-to-air missile, as well as the Python 3,4 and 5 short-range infrared guided AAMs. are equipped with a single Pontiac M39A2 20mm cannon in the nose.


As the perfomance keeps the same from the earlier F5E, so it will be modified of the Wikipedia


Maximum speed: Mach 1.63 (1,740 km/h; 1,080 mph) at 36,000 ft (11,000 m)
Maximum cruise speed: Mach 0.98 (1,050 km/h; 650 mph) at 36,000 ft (11,000 m)
Economical cruise speed: Mach 0.8 (850 km/h; 530 mph) at 36,000 ft (11,000 m)
Stall speed: 124 kn (143 mph, 230 km/h) 50% internal fuel, flaps and wheels extended
Never exceed speed: 710 kn (820 mph, 1,310 km/h) IAS
Range: 481 nmi (554 mi, 891 km) clean
Combat radius (20 min reserve): 120 nmi (140 mi; 220 km) with 2x Sidewinders + 5,200 lb (2,400 kg) ordnance, with 5 minutes combat at max power at sea level
Ferry range: 2,010 nmi (2,310 mi, 3,720 km) [222]
Ferry range (20 min reserve): 1,385 nmi (1,594 mi; 2,565 km) drop tanks retained
Ferry range (20 min reserve): 1,590 nmi (1,830 mi; 2,940 km) drop tanks jettisoned
Service ceiling: 51,800 ft (15,800 m)
Service ceiling one engine out: 41,000 ft (12,000 m)
Rate of climb: 34,500 ft/min (175 m/s)
Lift-to-drag: 10:1
Wing loading: 133 lb/sq ft (650 kg/m2) maximum
Thrust/weight: 0.4 take-off thrust at maximum take-off weight
Take-off run: 2,000 ft (610 m) with two Sidewinders at 15,745 lb (7,142 kg)
Take-off run to 50 ft (15 m): 2,900 ft (884 m) with two Sidewinders at 15,745 lb (7,142 kg)
Landing run from 50 ft (15 m): 3,701 ft (1,128 m) without brake-chute
Landing run from 50 ft (15 m): 2,500 ft (762 m) with brake-chute

Official perfomance and X ray diagram about performance, eletronic devices and extras about the F-5EM


Guns: 1× 20 mm (0.787 in) M39A2 Revolver cannon in the nose, 280 rounds/gun

(One cannon has been removed to give more room for the new eletronics and a larger Grifo F radar as in the photo)



Hardpoints: 7 in total (only pylon stations 3, 4 and 5 are wet plumbed): 2 × AAM launch rails at the wingtips, 4 × under the wings and 1 × pylon stations under the fuselage with a capacity of 7,000 pounds (3,200 kg)

Complete diagrams/manual of the F-5EM Air to Ground and Air to Air ordnance





And comically, it can carry and operated the AIM-9B thanks to the surplus stock of these missiles (pictures below)



Brazilian F5EM equipped with Phyton 4 and Derby missiles


F5EM equipped with Derbys and BAFG 230 low-drag bomb


MAA-1A Piranha (can carry the MAA-1B too)



New cockpit and LCD MFD

And also more important information and photos about F-5EM HUD,HMS and extra avionics fully made by Embraer and Elbit


Cockpit photos





Mantendo os Tigres Voando - Atualização de Defesa: (

44 anos del primero F-5 producido y él está aqui operando… (

Conheça seis curiosidades sobre as caças F-5 da FAB – AEROFLAP

Embraer conclui entregas do primeiro lote do caça F-5EM para o Brasil - Airforce Technology (

Asian Defense News: Força Aérea Brasileira ( FAB - Força Aérea Brasileira ) F5EM Tiger II Brasil disparando um míssil ar-ar Python-4 (

F-5 Tigre II | Força Aérea Brasileira virtual | Asas que protegem o País (

Brasil conclui programa de modernização do F-5M Tiger II | Resumo de Defesa (

Os Tiger II atualizados do Brasil podem ser os F-5 mais capazes do mundo (

Livro Northop F-5 no Brasil - Poder Aéreo – Aviação, Forças Aéreas, Indústria Aeroespacial e de Defesa (

Northrop F-5 No Brasil 2ª Edição (revisada E Ampliada) | Parcelamento sem juros (

Northrop F-5 No Brasil 2ª Edição Pag 200,201,212 and 213

Grifo Radar series

Disclaimer: Although the F-5EM tested the A-Darter air-to-air missile, it´s implementation was never finalized thanks to the arrival of the F-39E Gripen into the Brazilian Air Force inventory and investiments



11/10 addition

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nice job dude

With the new F-5E from Thailand, forgot this one.

It’s unnecessary to say something you don’t know, they are totally different modernizations


Well, im not too nerdy to correct you but this is not the most modern F-5


I’m really looking forward to receiving the Brazilian F-5 in the game, this is good to increase the presence of Brazilian variants in war thunder, considering that in the current scenario we only have the AMX.


But I also have some doubts about which Br it should fit into, as it is a much more technological variant than the original versions of the F-5, but it is not such a current plane for top tier.

Either way, it’s a great plane, I hope the snail turns its eyes to us and grants us the privilege of having our beloved Brazilian modernized F-5 in war thunder.

Excellent research!
I would like to see a Brazilian tech tree with this F-5, the Mirage III, the AMX and the Super-Tucano.
Brazil is an important aircraft producer so, it deserves a tech tree of its own, at least in aviation.

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It lacks enough vehicles to have its own ground or air tech tree. It’s either going to be added as a sub tree or a combined tech tree.


" The most modern and feared F-5 in the world"

I feel like this title is false advertising when Brazil’s F-5EM is equaled by their neighbor Chile’s F-5E Tiger III plus & arguably inferior to Thailand’s F-5TH.

Still a cool plane, would love to see it in game, but its not as if there aren’t other similar F-5E upgrades.


its the same top missiles Python 4/5/Derby, and a less advanced eletronic system/radar for the thai F-5 so its around the same thing except the Brazilian one has more options for A2G in addition to the main one being the MICLA BR

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  • As far as I am aware, the Brazilian F-5EM is Python 4 / MAA-1 / Derby, it does not have Python 5 (If it does, you should include that in the post). The Thai F-5TH can similarly carry Python 4 & Derby, but has also been seen fielding IRIS-T, a superior Fox-2. They are also rumored to be able to carry Python 5. To claim that the Brazilian plane has superior AAMs is simply false.
  • I don’t know where you are getting "less advanced electronic system/radar from, that’s just false. Both aircraft feature similarly updated glass cockpits & DASH hmd. The only major difference between the electronics is the Grifo-F found in the F-5EM vs the EL/M-2032 variant of the Thai fighter. Between the two, the advertised detection ranges of the Grifo-F is shorter, so I don’t know why you think it “more advanced” than what the F-5TH fields.
  • Firstly, I would recommend updating your post as it has no such mention of munitions such as the MTC-300. That being said, I don’t know how you can claim a GPS/INS only cruise missile gives the F-5EM superior A2G capabilities when it the F-5TH has Litening III TGP, Lizard LGBs & can carry various maverick variants. The Thai fighter is definitivley superior in CAS, more so than any other area of contention.

The F-5EM is good, no-one is denying that. But claiming its the “most modern” or “most feared” F-5 is simply just false. There is a near identical updated F-5 on the other side of Bolivia & the Thai variant is simply superior.


If I’m not mistaken, the thai F-5 only gets 2 AAMs, as compared to this one and it’s total of 4. And although the IRIS-T may have a better and tighter turning circle due to its thrust vectoring, the Python 4 is a decent equivalent with superior range and kinematic performance (plus the ability circle back to re-engage targets if it misses, which I haven’t read anywhere that the IRIS-T can do that as well). One’s not inherently better than the other if you ask me.

It’s practically the same plane to an extent, not really comparable given they were literally both developed by the same country/company. The main difference is that one went into service.

You are infact mistaken. RTAF claims it can carry 4, which makes sense, considering there isn’t really a reason to have removed the capability over the course of Thailand’s F-5E upgrades (FCU → SCU → F-5TH). Unless you have a definitive source to indicate otherwise.

There is a reason Thailand opted to integrate IRIS-T, despite already having Python-4. As far as I am aware, the published range of IRIS-T is superior to that of Python-4 ( not to mention, the P4 fundamentally relies on drag / big control surfaces for high turn rate due to the lack of TVC, so I don’t see how it’s range could exceed the lower-drag IRIS-T ), so I don’t know where you are getting superior range/kinematics from. It also should have no issue re-engaging missed targets, any 5th gen aam can do in the right conditions. IRIS-T is the better aam.

? Both entered service, as far as I’m aware.


Do you know if the brazilian F-5Es ever got the IHQ upgrade? It included the W6 LERX, shark nose, and automatic flaps.

They did not. The only ones I’m aware of that did are Tunisia, Mexico, Switzerland, USN/USMC, Taiwan, South Korea, Bahrain, Thailand, and possibly a few others

Would love this. South American tree? Until we get that, would this fit best is US or Isreali tree?

This and the Thai F-5TH TCU Super Tigris is what we need, I assume both have a very similar performance. They would make solid 13.0 aircrafts. The Brazilian F-5EM would make a great squadron vehicle, not exactly sure which nation should get it though.