Major Update "Firebirds" - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Consider that it’s a possible balancing tool that aligns with realism. Perhaps they thought the Leo overperformed and decided to nerf it, using realism as a justification.

Whether we agree with it or not, the ulterior motive seems to come back to gameplay.

Might be early wip or just a CnP premium

Probably C&P premium, i’d guess the J35XS isn’t selling well after the rocket nerf

Well because it’s not the focus this update. Why it hasn’t been added before is anyone’s guess. However now that we are seeing P/AESA on aircraft, hopefully the F-2 shows up in the big December update as Japan’s crowning addition.

Depends which version they add. If they did the same thing they did with the F-15J(M), they’ll add an F-2 with J/APG-1 and HMD but no AAM-5 or AAM-4B. It may or may not have the sniper pod along with L-JDAMs which should function like the new Paveway IVs IIRC, having both GPS guidance and Laser guidance packaged into one.

The flight model should be at minimum like the Gripen and at best a bit better than it, but that assumes maybe with just 2 wingtip AAM-3s as AAM-4s, especially 4 of them, are heavy. If it’s somehow worse than the F-16AJ then we have issues lol.


They must be smoking something is they think that JA37Di with CnP weaponry would sell well

The Leopard 2A7 and Swedish/Hungarian derivatives is the best tank in the game by a long margin.

I mean the German’s are getting a C&P Su-22 but yea this patch is all about filling this premium gaps I think, possibly getting ready for the new shiny toys

premium gap?

germany had an 11.3 Premium striker gap?

where is it?


how you do that?

When on dev server, click the soldier that is somewhere around the hangar

Cool, was just looking at it yesterday, wondering why it hasn´t had its FOX3 added. Though I am not sure how this airframe gonna handle top tier :/

I played the JA37D (stock) just a moment ago in SIM and it´s being pushed to its limits there at 11.7 NGL.

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just press alt+F2 if you have GeForce experience for free cam

I know, but this is way more practical hahah

More dynamic movement, always at ground level without having to manually calibrate, don’t have to deal with camera settings so it’s not blurry or too close depending on the distance, faster, and doesn’t crash or bug out.

alt+F2 would still be better for other things, but for basic/standard viewings, this is much better.

on dev? how do you get dev server?

JA37D moving from 12.0 to 13.0 would probably be one of the worst decisions they could make for sweden. It leaves a giant hole at 12.0 and its not going to be that great. Maybe if BOL was modeled correctly, it would stand a better chance though.

But yeah, JA37Di (TT or premium) at 13.0 with AMRAAM would be the way better solution . Its what they did with the F3 and im so happy they did.

Hu… Tpods break when using the person


Looks like a capsule to stick a message in because no inside is modelled.

So, let me find a peace of paper we can from on some poor boy’s head.

Active Viggen premium would be tragic.

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Yeah, but I see it as a real possibility for Sweden that I dont think can be dimsised outrght