Lower the SU-25BM pleass

The fact that the target was behind the jet. There is no way the missile knew where the target was. Aim-9X requires some form of imput to tell it where to go initially. Besides thats comparing a 2000s missiles with a 1980 missile

Its been said mutliple times

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you know 9X (and IRIS-T and ASRAAM) was developed only because NATO tested GDR R-73 and got scared of it

No, the capture range will be similar to aim-9L.
As for the flares, I doubt they will give any grazing IRCM because of the balance. Still if someone fires a rocket head-on at you it will just motor at 100% or less and a couple of flares you will shoot turn and that’s it.
Same in the rear and to the sides. Just be aware of how a su-25 is coming at you then start a little flare 1-2 flares and nothing will be able to do.
Remember there is a report yet on the Magic 2 and its IRCM which is much better than that of the R-73.
As for the Aim-9M it should be added with the advent of the F-16 the same with the R-73 with the mig-29

The counterpart to the Aim-9X, Iris-T if I remember correctly is the R-74M2.
So let’s not quickly set our sights on these missiles

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NATO (Well, actually just the US) was working on a much better missile than the R73 in the mid 70s but canceled it in favor of the AIM-9L


(AIM-95 AGILE project)
Hughes AIM-95 Agile - Off boresight before it was cool

yes they cancelled it because they didn’t think anyone would build better IR missiles and that Radar was the future

well, they were right for the most part :P

Either way, Aim-9L/i or the British mod of Aim-9L should have been in the game by now. Aim-9M should around the corner, likelyhood is that neither will be coming any time soon. But Im guessing R-73 roll out will happen December update I reckon. 9M and AMRAAM should have come with the Tornado F3, but nope. Not a chance

he demanded it

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I mean yes but a Double edged sword cuts better they say

in term of CAS capability lmao.
its just SU-25SK with useless kab-500kr and 2x KH-29T thats all.
I’ve written this before, but you clearly can’t read.
It’s a waste of time for you

I know that guy did and then everyone started flaming him and Morvran is now going to such absurd levels that it doesn’t make sense anymore

like I support the basic argument but why do you have to lie about current missile performance to prove a point, all it does is make our point seem unreasonable

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it has the Tv guided KABs not the Laser ones

honestly I think it’s fine with those

I did not lie. My experience is that if the target uses a single flare, 9L will go for the flare 99% of the time in any asperct. Including in rear aspect when target is on reheat. 9Ls should ignore flares 100% of the time if the target is on reheat, this is reproted bug.


The AIM-9 Sidewinder missile - Information & Discussion topic - Page 34 - Aircraft Discussion - War Thunder - Official Forum

In contrast, to evade an R-60M I have to at minimum drop out of reheat and drop more than 1 flare to evade it. Might not be the case for all jets, but 100% is the case for the Tornado.

Your experience might differ, but mine comes from ASB in one of the worst performing nations in teh game right now. Forgive me If im constantly pissed off at being passed over and having to paly with massive ahistorical handicaps

We should have had the Torando F3 at the same time as Mig-23MLD, or been added with Aim-9M + AMRAAM, Instead we got SkyTrash that have about 3 or 4 open bug reports than will likely never get fixed, Aim-9L that arent historical (either to jet or in current implementaion) and have to fight against F-16 and Mig-29.

Im 100% expecting Typhoon to be 1-2 years late and be artifically nerfed as well, because that’s what Gaijin does to the minor nations to keep them minor

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i always said dont take the R73 as an argument it is in a bugged state, and already does 180°C shoots. wait until it gets fixed at least before demanding stuff

now that last edit I think you’re right

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“NATO main” isn’t a term.

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Tornado Gr1 without GBUs should have been added along side the Mig-27 (was a year later)
Tornado F3 with Stage W radar alongside Mig-23MLD (A year later)
Im hoping for SHar FA2 with 9M and AMRAAM in the next update, but I doubt it. and I guess it will be 9L from the start
Sea harrier FRS1 is still unfinished and should have been TT not SQV (been 9 months)

Im dreading the implementation of Brimstone and other advanced british weapons. The few unqiue British weapons we’ve got in game like the SRAAM and Red Top ,even to a degree the SKyflash are about as historically accurate as saying that the moon is made out of cheese

a NATO Main would need to play

US, Germany, UK, Italy, france and soon Sweden