Lower the SU-25BM pleass

Tornado Gr1 without GBUs should have been added along side the Mig-27 (was a year later)
Tornado F3 with Stage W radar alongside Mig-23MLD (A year later)
Im hoping for SHar FA2 with 9M and AMRAAM in the next update, but I doubt it. and I guess it will be 9L from the start
Sea harrier FRS1 is still unfinished and should have been TT not SQV (been 9 months)

Im dreading the implementation of Brimstone and other advanced british weapons. The few unqiue British weapons we’ve got in game like the SRAAM and Red Top ,even to a degree the SKyflash are about as historically accurate as saying that the moon is made out of cheese

a NATO Main would need to play

US, Germany, UK, Italy, france and soon Sweden

yeah russian mains are coping hard by trying to say NATO

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yes like u nato main, its a uno reverse

A crack enjoyer i see

Nobody can be a NATO main sweetie. It’s not a thing.

No sweetie. You CAN be a Russian main, that’s ONE nation. Let’s count up from zero to it! … One! Oh shit we’re there!

Now let’s try to do it with NATO!

Onetwothreefourfive oh shit its almost like YOU CANT BE A “NATO MAIN”



He does have 1 thing right htough. As for Feb last year, its not Russia anymore, its soviet again. So technically soviet main is more accurate

US soon if they introduce bonuses to grind other nations :>
Your sentences are so pathetic that they made me laugh. Thank you

Fly it in GRB little man, it’s an attacker, an inherently gimped role in Gaijin matchmaking, pray for EC comeback If you want a more enjoyable stock grind.


Aim-7’s didn’t get a monopulse seeker until the M variant. As for why monopulse isn’t model in game currently is due to lack of information on how it works.

R-60M’s have way worse flare resistance than Aim-9L’s.

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The limitation on low altitude interception is not due to the seeker, but the fuse (and AI radar being able to maintain the track), Conical scan Sparrows should otherwise have no issue at low altitude.

It’s not hard to find how Monopulse guidance works, its that it would increase the need for a number of other things to be modeled to properly model conical scanning, the range filters, AGC, FM-CWI / PD waveforms, and a number of other functions inherent to guidance, only to still use PID control would be wasteful of dev / computation time for actual change outside making SARH’s far harder to deal with.


All the data they need is here. At least for skyflash

But why should they make a good change to Britain? I don’t understand? They should hurry up and give Russia their R-77s! Woooh. /s

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True, Im somewhat expecting soviets to get R-77 a full update before AMRAAM and 3 to 4 updates before Britain get AMRAAM

I mean why should Britain get AMRAAM at all? I think that gaijin should just add more 1/4 finished aircraft because Britain is just too OP as it is. /s

True. Id quite happily take typhoon with no radar or AAMs, just its gun next update :P

Yk what that sounds too op let’s just give it RN rockets

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The answer for monopulse was the one we were given by devs on the old forum.