I feel you’re just fixating on my thread for lack of any other thing to latch on to… I’m sorry for your fixation, but it doesn’t lessen the point I made about the low effort threads.
After all, did you even check the threads I linked to? One of them makes threads so often that they’re merely a whinge to me because every thread is exactly the same… remove or bust, and always ‘It’s not about that’ when any opposing argument is posed.
Whilst you’ve jumped on the back of ULQs comments and subsequent throwouts, it’s merely detracting from the actual point of the thread, and thus I urge you to consider the rest of the thread rather than the tail-end as you’ve stumbled upon.
Maybe you want to consider that a bit more compared to going for someone directly, much the same as some of the threads where the opposition is handed out.
This crosses also into the sniping spots map, where peopel assume that people are snipers because they tell them how to deal with such a situation.
When in the CAS thread when you suggest for them to actually think and do more, ULQ challenges an SPAA to go one on one with their plane, which is a common lame comeback, because instead of there just being one of you, there can be multiples, which leads to a deterrent situation.
It also dismisses the methods of using SPAA, and where we have respawns and such in the game.
Maybe you only want to also prove someone wrong, but again, opinions aren’t wrong, but not listening to the advice handed out and complaining that it’ll still be a thing is wrong.
Much the same as the wifi example I handed out before. You will find people who will blame the servers, but if someones asking you about your connection, and you’re ignoring that to keep on complaining, then it’s clear you’re not looking for answers or engagement, you’re only looking for the excuse and ‘support’ in that excuse.