Is it about time to start merging all of these whinge and moan threads, and finally make a stance on them?

Like, lets face it…

We’ve got so many repeat posts from the old forum, where people are constantly wanting to change the modes in such a way that it’s actually not the direction the game is genuinely wanting to take.

After all, if it were to want to go that way, it would already have been done already.

And all of these damn threads with the ‘remove’/‘delete’/‘disable’ mantra which have been posted HUNDREDS of times since the forums have been ‘refreshed’ make the forum a genuine mess.

Whilst there may be a perceived ‘issue’ the actual problem is the ‘want’ to remove and change everything to suit the ‘end’ of that player rather than actually doing anything about it that is constructive.

Don’t like CAS, call on more SPAA to be added. Don’t like spawncampers, be more aware. Don’t like bad teams, be the change you need to see.

The sheer non-communication in matches, the want to ONLY play tanks, the want to merely be blissfully situationally unaware and ignorant to the threat is beyond me…

The gatekeeping via statshaming is getting stupid too, because it’s not a reason to be ignoring the point.

This forum change really isn’t helping overall because no-one is paying attention to the ‘Your topic is similar to’ side post, and this ignoring feature is being abused now compared to the flagging feature being abused from before so that people can sit in thier own echo chambers ignoring any counterpoint or rebuttal of thier nonsense.

It’s actually really ‘spammy’ and I feel the workload this forum change, and these players who constantly post these threads, and flag the replies, have made the work of the forum moderators an actual CHORE compared to work.


Aye, good idea.
Just make the Whine and cope general thread and farm it all up lol


have made the work of the forum moderators an actual CHORE compared to work.

What work have you seen them do that makes it seem like a chore?

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The flagging has to be manually checked… That abuse in itself is enough ‘work’ to make it a problem, as much of what I had removed, I doubt anyone understood correctly.

This would naturally include this thread whinging and moaning about whinging and moaning.


My topic is original is it not?

Most of these others, are all fixated about a certain stance…

They are the ones doing most of the flagging anyways, and they only get notified of flags when people go through the effort of editing them and they get flagged again, and even then from experience I can say they don’t get checked all that often.

Besides, we’ve complained about the abusive flagging system and we’ve gotten no response about it, this is their system, if there’s a problem with it, they can change it.


That’s so reverse logic that it doesn’t make sense… Those that abused the system to flag things to HIDE THEM are the abusers, we subsequently reedit to unhide them and bring it to the attention of those who are supposed to rule on them…

That workload is created by the INITIAL FLAGGERS…

The reason they aren’t being checked again is because of that extra workload…

The ammount of notifications of those flags, would be absolutely making people not want to even bother, and make things ‘missed’ because of the flood and spam of them.

And I’m sure that they actually did, because they posted about stopping peopel from flagging as much, or it having such an effect.


Yeah, and I’m saying the moderators themselves are responsible for a lot of the flagging in the first place.

And the people flag things because they can because the system allows for it, which just means the system is bad, something we’ve pointed out since the first few days of this forum, but if the mods keep this system in place despite the obvious abuse it allows for, that’s on them, you can’t complain about the workload if you refuse to solve the cause of the workload.

Like complaining the bathroom is flooded all the time but refuse to fix the leak.

And I’m sure that they actually did, because they posted about stopping peopel from flagging as much, or it having such an effect.

I have not seen anything changed, I still constantly see flagged posts despite there being nothing wrong with the comments and people flagging it because they disagree but lack the ability to argue their case so they just flag it.

They’re not lol…

You then say that the users abusing it are a factor…

That doesn’t mean nothing was done to stop the old 2 flags to hide a post issue which was highlighted…

Who said the leak wasn’t fixed?

That again, points to malicious users, making workload… Reaffirming my points about the flagging.

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They’re not lol…

I’m sure you’d know.

You then say that the users abusing it are a factor…

People will abuse any system that allows for abuse, shocker.

That doesn’t mean nothing was done to stop the old 2 flags to hide a post issue which was highlighted

Posts still get flagged that do not deserve to get flagged, bad system is still bad but just not a bad then?

Who said the leak wasn’t fixed?

Clearly it’s not.

That again, points to malicious users, making workload… Reaffirming my points about the flagging.

Users being malicious should be your default expectation.

Should this thread also go in the merge you propose? You know, being a complaint thread to complain about complainers.

Classic. :D


Maybe it should, but they should ALL be thrown in in that case…

Seriously the spam and whinge and moan on this forum is stupid…

Much the same as the crying and moaning in game about everything that can be complained about unabated…

It’s a forum. For an MMO, at that.

Trust me, it’s different from my expectations too, but in retrospect, what did we expect?

Aight, chill out you two above. Ur both right and wrong at the same time but it’s a fact that people make to many cope threads without thinking or proposing any decent changes/ propose “half baked stuff”.
And the worse issue is that the forum API pushed those through as unread topics and shoves them into players faces which definitely raises negativity and rage.
So yes, a megathread is badly BADLY needed.

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I’ve also mentioned the negativity and uncounterable ‘problems’ that people pose in game chat in the faces of the new players as well prior…

It all compounds and makes new players jaded before they even learn the game and it ends up being ‘everywhere’.

It’s actually sad to find sub level 20s already statchecking and assuming matches are done because things didn’t go the right way in the first instance.

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I got to admit that this forum really needs some “moderation” it’s out of hand. Some or especially one person spams the forum for every “idea” he has while this should be for sure in “suggestions” (even if those are sometimes … well I guess you know who I’m talking about)
Sometimes it feels like Gaijin has established this for unsatisfied people so they can unload their anger here.

You mean the place where your posts aren’t approved for a month+?. These forums feel unmoderated because Gaijin obviously doesn’t care about english speaking community, unless they decide to team up and review bomb.

So might as well let people whine, because that won’t change anything

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It’s a workload issue with that too… Just imagine how many of those suggestions are form-fed and on the back of every duplicate…

Like, that form-fed situation is terrible… Someone made a structured form that looks good, and just copy pasted everything they could into them, with some pictures and stuff. Whilst ‘good’ it’s a lot of work for someone to go through and check for duplicates or suitability.