People in sim already J out to deny kill all the time now. Its pretty annoying being behind someone to launch missile and him just Jd out before missile hit. Or they crash into ground. Already happens a lot in RB,but lately in sim too.
There’s nothing such as “PvE room”. Everyone has the right to shoot down enemy jets
60 minutes of gameplay. Now, zeroes are easy mode in sim but it still took me far more effort than this:
In 76 minutes of gameplay where I was top of the leaderboard (first for team, second overall), I’ve earned twice the RP and the same SL (less in fact due to respawns) than I did in 11 minutes doing comparable relative performance on the ground.
76 minutes for 9737 RP = 128 RP per minute
11 minutes for 4956 RP = 450 RP per minute
76 minutes for 47829 SL = 683 SL per minute
11 minutes for 45770 SL = 4161 SL per minute
(and ignoring that each time I spawned, I paid some 3000 SL while the tiger cost me only spare change in ammo resupply)
If gaijin wanted to prevent TK’ing they could easily remove it. Cant team kill directly in tanks, they could do the same for air.
This is sim. IFF is a vital skill (that gaijin is ruining with copy paste/lend lease/captured vehicles, but that’s another topic).
Do you get additional RP for winning as you do in GRB ?
What do you want, getting rewards for just flying around doing nothing ?
Getting 10 kills in a tank is mostly down to luck, as if you kill a wrong dude you can bet he’s beelining towards your position with a bomb.
You’re still not realizing the difference in total RP/SL needed between the modes.
I can’t remember how many times I’ve been bombed 20m away from my spawn all the while my team was contesting an objective. Is this unfair as well ?
Also, driving around a point of interest is a tactic called flanking if you didn’t know by now, not every vehicle is suitable for knife fights as well.
Then don’t be a lemming and prevent spawn camping by spreading out.
I always laugh when 95% of my team are sitting in the same area and get picked off easily by a couple of flankers.
No, only silver lions.
Flying around, doing nothing?
Look at the scoreboard and the amount of people with a decent number of kills. Look at the map.
Look at the useful actions report
It’s tunisia. It’s probably one of the liveliest maps that there can be (very good visibility, narrower than usual maps due to the water)
Yeah, in sim you need way more silver lions.
Certain planes cost more silver lions to spawn than you can make in a full capped 15 minute useful actions cycle if you do not manage to land. You can be absolute top of the team, but due to capped rewards - if you die before 15 minutes you’re negative SL and need to pay some 15-18K to spawn again.
20% SL for a loss, how much % for a win ?
It’s unfair to compare a win to a loss though.
11 kills in 76 minutes vs 10 kills in 11 minutes, I think it’s pretty clear which mode has much more idle time. You had like 15 minute gaps between kills.
Considering that for Ground you need to buy Ground, Helicopter and Air units (+ Expert crews) in order to maximize your lineup I doubt this is true.
Hold on, so in GRB for example I see sometimes people spawning an reserve tank at High BR
Spawn again in an low tier tank
Spawn an third low tier tank
J out
So this could also be punished since you gave 300 Tickets with it away, also when you look in his playercard you see they have done this with the same tanks over and over again
(Highest I remember seeing was over 5000 spawns and also over 5000 deaths to 0 kills)
1 kill can take a good 5 minutes of jockeying in sim props.
Read the posts. You need to survive for a full 15 minutes AND land to earn… 1000 silver lions or so in a Horten, F80, Me262, F2H-2 after spawncosts.
If you die before landing, you lose silver lions.
I’ve never lost any silver lions playing GRB, even when doing awful and dying in the first few minutes without a kill.
I legit played GRB to farm silver lions to afford flying rank 4 /rank 5 planes in air sim. Is that not telling?
“OK, I made 30K SL in this 6.3 britain game. I can afford to respawn 2 times in my F4U-4B/F2H-2 before going broke - hooray!”
It’s justified, you waste your fuel, countermeasures, and a missile but someone ‘counters’ you by holding J. It’s downright exploitative.
I see, but I’d still count that as an exploit since the only ‘counter’ is to also eject. Someone who does this opens themselves to get a kill but not to get killed in return.
I guess J out reserve tanks isn’t forbidden? The wiki page of “crew lock” especially mentioned that reserve tanks won’t be crew locked, so it looks like people should use this feature if they want to avoid crew lock and quit the match. If I remember correctly J-ing out also won’t cause any ticket drain.
This still leaves you with 10 minutes of flying around.
You should read mine though.
But you did get defecated on by a flying thing you had no chance of countering, right ?
Get back to me when your sim games have AAs that can counter you without you even noticing. Maybe then your SL income might increase.
Yes, it’s quite telling that zombers are solely focused on Air Sim. It must be special in some regard, don’t you think ?
All of this don’t even take into consideration the fact you need to grind out a military branch you might not even like in the first place, just so you could be totally competitive in a mode you like. Countless hours lost on something you don’t even like doing.
If you open your eyes and see all of that you’ll quickly learn that Air is indeed privileged.
Sorry to correct you, but they drain Tickets with it…
100 tickets each death
Thank you for telling me that. I’m gonna do a test myself.
I fly fighters. We’re talking about fighters. As for why we get zombers:
It takes far more effort to kill someone in sim over ARB (no markers - easier to hide; big map with multiple spawn points making flight paths harder to predict; joystick controls to point the plane’s nose rather than “point at something and the plane turns its nose there as long as it has the energy to do so.”; visibility making high aspect deflection shots much harder due to the nose blocking out the view), allowing bombers to fight back and survive with much greater efficiency (third person gunner view, 3-axis stabilized mouse pointer aiming, IFF due to a.i gunner autoslew when rapidly switching gunner/cockpit view; ability to climb to altitude without the match ending.)
For event periods, it’s the event score multiplier. The event score multiplier ignores the terrible rewards, and with premium you can repeatedly spawn in, afterburner jet into an airfield for 600 score and suicide to repeat 35+ times to grind out the 40-50K score. With 2.3x event multiplier (higher in high tier jets), this makes zombing very effective in sim but the economy remains terrible (without premium, they’d probably pay around 420K SL (assuming 12K spawn cost) for around 100-200 or so K SL income depending how fast they can suicide bomb - 600 score = 86% reward, 80% (no landing) 86% of 1300 SL/min over 5 minutes 35 times should give roughly… 156K SL - negative 240K or so )
Sent you some videos of “Idle time” with “nothing requiring skill or attention happening.”
I can spawn in my cent Mk3, press E times times and die like an idiot and probably break even or even profit.
I can spawn in my F2H-2, get 2-3 kills but die 10 minutes in and I’ve lost 2000-3000 SL or so.
Feel free, otherwise I would clip it the next time I see someone doing it :)
We’re talking about modes and fighters aren’t the only thing you can spawn.
Seeing whole PvE communities arising in Sim, I doubt rewards are all that bad.
That’s great.
You still need to spend much, much more RP/SL/time in order to enjoy your mode to the fullest though.
You’re focused on numbers from a single game while ignoring the big picture.
That’s like saying one has it better as he earns 10k RP vs your 7k RP in a game, while not taking into account he needs 10m RP to grind everything out and you need only 4m. (Placeholder numbers)
I’ve edited my post to explain why zombing is “worth it” in sim as you were replying.
tl:dr - bombers have a much better chance at prop tiers for survival even despite the bad rewards
and at jet tiers, the bad rewards are ignored to exploit the 2.3x event multiplier even though it actively bleeds SL without premium.
It’s important to focus because you can legitimately progress through the ground tree without ever taking a plane out.
I’ve got my 8.0 Great Britain vehicles playing solely GRB as britain (I don’t bring my spits in as CAS) and basically self-sustained my progress the whole time.
If I had tried to do that with the U.S, my 7.0 planes couldn’t grind out my 8.0 planes because I’d be dealing with ~1000 SL per 15 minutes (assuming I do not die. if I die, i can easily end a match with -50K SL even with a positive KDR depending on when I die). Assuming you only die once per 30 minutes and get at least 600 score both times, you’re looking at paying 16.5K SL to spawn in once, then 16.5K SL 30 minutes in. For the first 15 minutes we survive and land and earn 1370x0.86x15=17673 SL (we profitted 1.1K!) and then the second 15 minutes we again hit 0.86 reward (max we can get is 0.92) but don’t land as we died - 0.80x0.86x15x1370= 14138.4 SL then we spay 16.5K to respawn again. This is assuming we die immediately at ~30.1 minutes for ease of calculation.
So, we spent 16.5+16.5=33000 SL
We maintained a ~4 kills to 1 death ratio (2 UA cycles with 86% reward, 1 death)
We earned 17.6+14.1=31.6K SL.
We profited a NEGATIVE 1.4K SL.
Getting 10 kills (absurd value, but let’s assume) every 15 minutes and 1 death every 30 minutes doesn’t change the above. It’s a +6% more SL reward (17.6 becomes 18.9k - a whooping 1300 more SL! We actually make 2x1.3-1.4=1200 SL per 30 minutes maxing out our reward potential (which already happened at 3 kills (1050+ = 0.92~0.93 reward, 800 = 0.90 reward, 600 = 0.86 reward. )
We need to earn, from f80a5 to buy the F2H2 (without modifications, experting or anything) 240 000 SL.
We have, over the course of 30 minutes where we earned 4 kills to 1 death, made negative 1.4K SL. If we didn’t die 30.1 minutes in, we’d have earned some 2x17.6-16.5= 18.7K SL in 30 minutes.
its really time that gajin does something to ppl like this (he did this every single time over multiple matches)
You’re still getting RP/SL while doing close to nothing in those cases. Premium account gives you a massive advantage in terms of progression, so not using it if you’re even a semi-regular player is weird, especially how cheap it can be bought (~3.3 euros per month). If you’re a regular player you can get it basically for free by selling event vehicles.
You can progress but you’re hampering your chances for success, especially at tiers where CAS is obnoxiously strong and require CAP to counter it effectively, or your nation doesn’t have any AA options.
GRB allows me to spawn tanks, helicopters and jets, so if I want to follow through I basically have to grind through Heli and Air trees as well, which obviously takes time and RP/SL.
I’m not talking about progress, I’m talking about maximizing your lineups and GRB is by far the most demanding in that regard.