I’ve edited my post to explain why zombing is “worth it” in sim as you were replying.
tl:dr - bombers have a much better chance at prop tiers for survival even despite the bad rewards
and at jet tiers, the bad rewards are ignored to exploit the 2.3x event multiplier even though it actively bleeds SL without premium.
It’s important to focus because you can legitimately progress through the ground tree without ever taking a plane out.
I’ve got my 8.0 Great Britain vehicles playing solely GRB as britain (I don’t bring my spits in as CAS) and basically self-sustained my progress the whole time.
If I had tried to do that with the U.S, my 7.0 planes couldn’t grind out my 8.0 planes because I’d be dealing with ~1000 SL per 15 minutes (assuming I do not die. if I die, i can easily end a match with -50K SL even with a positive KDR depending on when I die). Assuming you only die once per 30 minutes and get at least 600 score both times, you’re looking at paying 16.5K SL to spawn in once, then 16.5K SL 30 minutes in. For the first 15 minutes we survive and land and earn 1370x0.86x15=17673 SL (we profitted 1.1K!) and then the second 15 minutes we again hit 0.86 reward (max we can get is 0.92) but don’t land as we died - 0.80x0.86x15x1370= 14138.4 SL then we spay 16.5K to respawn again. This is assuming we die immediately at ~30.1 minutes for ease of calculation.
So, we spent 16.5+16.5=33000 SL
We maintained a ~4 kills to 1 death ratio (2 UA cycles with 86% reward, 1 death)
We earned 17.6+14.1=31.6K SL.
We profited a NEGATIVE 1.4K SL.
Getting 10 kills (absurd value, but let’s assume) every 15 minutes and 1 death every 30 minutes doesn’t change the above. It’s a +6% more SL reward (17.6 becomes 18.9k - a whooping 1300 more SL! We actually make 2x1.3-1.4=1200 SL per 30 minutes maxing out our reward potential (which already happened at 3 kills (1050+ = 0.92~0.93 reward, 800 = 0.90 reward, 600 = 0.86 reward. )
We need to earn, from f80a5 to buy the F2H2 (without modifications, experting or anything) 240 000 SL.
We have, over the course of 30 minutes where we earned 4 kills to 1 death, made negative 1.4K SL. If we didn’t die 30.1 minutes in, we’d have earned some 2x17.6-16.5= 18.7K SL in 30 minutes.