Is fire-and-eject illegal?

So according to GM Schindibee, even merely ejecting to avoid being killed by enemy’s missile (looks like this would annoy the enemy) is not allowed?

Well that makes me confused. I now wonder which GM did this player meet… at Gaijin, atleast implement kill credit for players ejecting when they are acquired by your missile seeker - #21 by hinjanattori

Does the spawning of a Reserve tier vehicle in a top tier game fall under this “Deliberate Losing” rule ?


A group of Chinese players who claim to be PvE on SA servers frequently does this.
There are two possible reasons for this.
The first is simple revenge.
The other, and more important, is that they hope that by not giving us a reward, we will give up on intercepting them.
In reality, my purpose in persistently shooting them down is not to get a reward, but to do my best to fight against the abusers who are corrupting SB, but it seems they don’t understand this.

I had this several times in just one match today, either players lawndarting just after bombing a base, or if defensive. It is annoying as hell.

But, OP asked about something different namely that the attacking pilot eject befor he gets the kill, not the defending that ejects just before getting killed.

Both are aggravating to the other players.

Why? Simply stop your preferred tactic of denying the other player his kill and start playing fair. Eventually, this will backfire.


“Punishers” like you going deliberately to PvE rooms to ruin gameplay for other players will not solve the problem. Also, it will not result in sim mode popularity increase. Quite opposite.


It is not allowed to call a specific lobby “PvE only”. But yeah, the playerbase who want dogfight and the playerbase who want bombing or grind events don’t belong to a same game mode and will hurt each other’s gameplay.

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There are abusers and event farmers, and there are players who just try to play sim and get some reward from it.
I met many players on assault planes who just wanted to focus on hunting ground units, but they can do it only in so called “PvE rooms”.

I myself tried to learn how to play sim PvP, but I gave up at some point. I cannot do anything against OP planes.
So, I grind and then use planes in my own missions to enjoy the gameplay.
Many players just want to play the game, not to be the best, and Gaijin does not offer gameplay for them.


To shorten it up.

Is it sportsman/good gameplay?

Will you get punished for it?
Realistically only if you do it to a Dev in game. But like spawn camping in GRB it will be ignored 99.999999999% of the time.

There are no PvE rooms.


Cutting off enemy supplies by engaging them where they join the battle is a viable tactic.

Leaving a vehicle just to annoy others isn’t.

Maybe atm they’re too lenient about this. I can imagine if it gets more of an issue, that this may change. Just look at the TK ban wave. So, J-outers, wanna really risk it?!?

What? Is this really a thing? I liked how there is so many rules to keep pilot happy, but there is zero rules about griefting tank players by kamikaze/suicide bombings on tank players, do they have any idea how annoying it is for someone who just try to enjoy tanks? Looool

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Honestly, I don’t want to waste my time on boring tasks like pressing the fire button over and over.
And it’s not something I can do by myself.
But that doesn’t mean I’m going to give up.
Do you know why?
Even if you know it’s useless, I believe that whether you take action or not can make or break your words. If I were in a position to listen to someone, I wouldn’t find the words of someone who didn’t even try 1% of what they could do persuasive.
How many times have I thought about turning my eyes away from the problem and retreating to healthy matches?
But still, I continue to act somehow, driven by the above beliefs and my anger towards them.
So I dare to thank you. Your words have given me an idea of ​​what Zombers and those who fix matches think.
Thanks to you, my motivation has been restored a little. I think I can work harder to shoot them down tonight than I did yesterday.

Thank you.

Beep Beep zombie bomber/botter confirmed.


May I ask more: (maybe not that related to sim)

  1. Kill denying (e.g. J out against cas) in ground RB can deny enemy spawn points and help the team. Do you consider it viable or not in this case?

  2. Do you consider airfield camping in RB (in order to survive from enemies and probably fight back) allowed?

Pilots have always been privileged in this game and I’m not saying this in a rage moment, as I have like half a dozen of points to back it up with.

If you say pilots are privilidged, look at what game mode we’re talking about and look at the game mode’s rewards.

(hint: it’s way worse than ground RB. At least ground RB gets kill bonus for multiple kills in 1 match.)

Imagine if your rewards in GRB worked like this :). Now you'd understand why people griefing your kills become especially annoying


It might look worse on paper, but you need to consider that in order to be fully competitive in GRB you have to grind through three (3) different military branches, all the while pilots barely need to complete their own Air branch.

Ground has terrible grind relatively speaking when comparing to Air.

A game mode where you get increasingly higher rewards the more you do…

has worse rewards than the game mode where doing 600 (86% score and 1000 score only has a 6% increase in max rewards. Where doing 600 and 1950 score only has a increase of ~7% reward, where doing 600 and 2650 only has a difference of ~7% reward.

Where you pay repair costs upfront to even spawn, full sum, no time scaled. Where you must survive the full 15 minutes AND land otherwise be denied a flat 20% of your reward (if you failed to land) plus whatever fraction of time out of 15 minutes you didn’t survive.

Where if you stay in air for 30 minutes, you're denied one of the 2 landing rewards as the two cycles do not stack and seemiingly override the last one. (I recently tested this)



Landing at 1h:59m had 2 ~90% reward periods since the 1:29 landing. I received the same amount of score as if I only had one such reward period. 30 minutes of flying and performing and at least 20% of my reward taken away from me due to being active and helping my team

Ground has worse rewards, sure. People flying air sim are so prvilidged and spoiled

Oh, and only one of the 2 game modes has a crew skill set that can make you lose control (and potentially stall/spin) and vision doing the exact same maneuver as your opponent in the exact same plane with the exact same modifications.

Airfields do have AA. Airfield camping also does go both ways -

  1. Enemy camping to spawn kill
  2. Friendly camping to use the base defenses as an aid against enemy players - often seen in last man scenarios.

I guess airfield camping would also have the same thing as ground spawn camping. “Frowned upon” but only if you are the one being camped.

Even with Skill bonus the rewards are pretty minuscule when compared with how many actions you’ve done in the match.

Not to mention that one mode isn’t subject to an onslaught of units of different type that you can do absolutely nothing to, which will end your gameplay abruptly. This alone makes GRB much more hostile than any other Air mode and makes the grind that much aggravating.

How would you time scale that as you don’t even engage anything in the first several minutes ?
Seems like most of your woes with ASB comes from Gaijin cutting down on zombers getting really good rewards for doing close to nothing, just flying afk while watching a movie, dropping bombs and returning back to base lol.

This tells me the rewards were astronomically good before, and even now they’re really good relatively to the work you put in as otherwise zombers wouldn’t be an issue, am I right ?

For the amount of work you put in and relative to the total RP/SL you need to gain in order to be fully competitive in your mode, yes, Air is definitely in front of Ground in terms of rewards.

I have to spend literal millions of RP/SL and countless hours to grind out helicopters and aircraft in order to have my lineup “maxed” out. You playing Sim don’t need to worry about Ground nor Helicopters as they have no impact on your gameplay.

In that regard, yes, it’s pretty much a privilege as it saves you a lot of time and resources.

Crew skills are a problem in all modes and will get you killed. Reload and repair speed play a massive part in GRB, don’t forget that.
I almost forgot, in one mode you need to max multiple crews which takes much more time. Also, maxing out a single crew for Ground costs much more than in Air, so thank you for pointing out yet another privilege.

Air crew takes ~34k to max out, while Ground one takes ~71k, so it’s more than a 2x increase.

Seems like pilots can’t stop winning.