I like the new naval arcade aim

I was displeased with it for the first few rounds, not knowing how to shoot at moving targets.

But after a few rounds, it’s certainly more precise than manual guessing of range, especially with the increased speed for zip zapping ships.

It’s a very good system. In my opinion, however, horizontal aim should be a lead cursor rather than automatic adjustment, so you can “man handle” the guns more easily when needed, especially for rapidly evading small boats and when you don’t have fast firing guns.

The trade-off is that coastal boats are way more vulnerable but in exchange, you can also kill other coastal more easily.


The fact that you are a voice that supports the change AND you were unable to shoot people that were moving is proof that this is a flawed update.

The fact that you still want manual control for closer range people is also proof it’s a flawed system.

Coastal does not sell as many premiums as Bluewater. It can die on the vine for the bottom line.


You can compensate it manually if target turning, just move left or right where target turns and guess amount of ajustment.

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If you have to lead the AI, why have AI at all?
It’s because it removes control from the player to make damage more random to make it easier to balance everyone’s play experience.


You do realize all of Tiger’s posts are Devil’s Advocate positions at worst and sincere views at best?

Go vote for it mate. If you don’t mind.

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Stop ballot harvesting.

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Voted for 4. I don’t mind the increased AI accuracy but the ashville boat AIs, US destroyer AI etc…

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I understand my posts can be conflicting with a lot of people, especially with ARB; but if I have an opinion I won’t hesitate to voice it; after all, what is the point of a forum if there are nothing to discuss? When everyone moves in same direction? Well, I voice them in a civil manner.

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I don’t have much issues with moving/evading target. All I’m saying is that the update improved my precision.

Indeed, it has its flaws, but I can see it being improved over time to evolve into something really enjoyable.


I like your posts, I disagree with most of them, but I’m glad you’re voicing them.
Your voice matters as much as anyone else’s regardless of my disagreements.

No matter your intent either.
If you’re sincere, or making a Devil’s Advocate post, both are equally valuable to me.


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LOL! 😂

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yep there is a trollercoaster all over the treads keep on going

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It’s a simple issue. The people that liked to have some agency in the game, that liked having to aim and the ability to make it difficult for others to hit them, they dislike the patch.
People that just like to passively farm lions like it.


Then show us you are the first one, not second who afraid of being unable to farm bots due everyone gonna kill him and prevent farm.

ps. There was no difficulty to aim green circle and stare at the sea.

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Apparently there was difficulty or they wouldn’t have changed it to make it more accessible for new players which was the original argument in support of it from some people here.

If you think they are making Arcade more realistic like real ships, why didn’t they add it to RB?
I already asked you, and you said ask Gaijin. lol

You should be able to think for yourself instead of insist on my stat page.


Who told you they ain’t gonna. I suppose they gonna tweak it a bit(return leading but compensate your speed like in wows) and push it to RB.

Why didn’t they add it there first if it’s so realistic?

Ask them.