No, I’m asking you so you wake up and realize what is really happening. It’s not a change based on realism. It’s an oversimplification of the gameplay to appease new and lesser skilled players.
You can’t see this because you think you’re a high skilled player because a website told you.
I see all, i asked for this in first place, just implementation is kinda rough, and other bugs ruining first impression.
They aren’t bugs.
Honestly I can’t even fully comprehend what this patch is about. I feel like they want me to quit or something. It was so poorly implemented. That we agree. They got the money they wanted from me, now it’s nuisance time to drive me off.
There’s been no public statement about the patch despite the horrendous feedback. They’re just going to carry on forward as usual. Making slight changes like AA range or even accuracy nerf. They should have caught this in the test server, which means they released it like this intentionally. They could have patched it day 1 or 2 after push. Nope.
The AA firing max distance instead of aimed distance is a bug.
How is that possible? How is it not fixed yet? lol
You say it’s a bug because you are aware that it makes no sense for it to be allowed. It doesn’t make sense how it occurs so often and yet can be called a bug after that when it’s obviously the design.
There is a bugs that arent fixing in years, and even decades like that one with missing XP that fixed in this patch.
Again, that’s not a bug. That’s a convenient design to make people lose progress to make them requeue.
They spend their QoL points when they need to, when it suits them, not us.
Ain’t design someone messed up, before patch AA and medium guns fired at aimed distance not always.
What the hell is this unwatering :O
Never had this long unwatering (it was like 160 sec originally)
Yes, and they buffed all the crew xp to AI and as an oversight, didn’t micro-manage the AA targeting range. That’s not a bug.
You such a drama queen btw.
Yes it’s a bug, they changed aiming but messed up with fire start range.
Show all of the screen.
Messed up does not equal bug, dude. Bug implies there’s a problem in the code producing unintended errors, and the delay in fixing it means they can’t find it or it’s buried under backlog of other bugs.
It’s not an error in code. It’s a literal crew xp measurement.
Yes it’s a bug either in design(asking to shot at max range all the time ignoring physics) or in implementation.
Call it a design oversight, not a bug. They released a rushed patch without updating any of the pre-established aspects.
That’s why there’s no way to know if your guns are targeting the ship properly because they aren’t tied to a green sight indicator anymore. They simply removed the feedback and gave nothing in its place.
I dont have whole screen bro I window screened. Had game - screended probably longest unwatering I ever had in game - finished the game. Would have to go to replay which I am not willing to do for sake of “show full screenshot”.
He’s just a fanboy that debunks criticism of a game he seemingly never plays because he’s always here arguing with me.
@Kweedko Yeah, if I’m such a drama queen, why are so many people talking about quitting right as Spring begins. Seems like they’re saying “hey go take a break, let the dumb people enjoy the game while you enjoy the sun.” What else should I take from such an absurd game design change and implementation? IT’S SUCH A MASSIVE CHANGE AND WAS IT MENTIONED IN THE ROADMAP???
Conversely, would it have been so difficult for Gaijin to toss out a promotion invitation for Realistic if they wanted to push Arcade players to RB?
It just stinks beyond belief.
I’m gonna try to stop it, cause you not showing me your stats.
I liked the new aiming mode too
Then vote [Poll] with multiple options for the changes to Naval Battles show em that not 99% against like they saying.