And how can you be certain that a bad match won’t turn enjoyable?
Personally, in my 3,000 matches so far, the best ones were those where I initially felt like quitting but decided to stick to it. There were times I respawned up to seven times. But how can you be sure that the rest of the match will continue to be garbage if you leave immediately?
When you are capable of staying alive for a long time and notices the match is close to ending or done for it is understandable to leave at this point.
However, it’s often when the enemy is about to win that they make mistakes. I’ve been in matches where, despite being outnumbered (four against more than ten) and with our spawn already swarmed, we managed to turn the tide.
We killed like four enemies while in Spawn Protection, reached the Capture Point, and held it as every enemy blindly rushed toward our position, then managed to get the other Objectives. Ultimately, we won the heavily outnumbered, over 20-minute match, and it was immensely enjoyable.
I would have missed out on that if I had left on impulse after my first or second death, both of which happened within the first two minutes and were quite annoying, because it really wasn’t fun until then and they were already Helis and Enemies sniping into our Spawn, but I stuck to it and voilà, turned an utter garbage Match to one of the most enjoyable I ever had.
The same principle applies in real life. Past negative experiences often cloud your perception of the future, and you automatically assume the worst when, in reality, you cannot predict what will happen.
I don’t see how it is ‘engaging’ either to jump from one Match to another without finishing any because you automatically assume the entire Match is going to be bad because of the first few Minutes, which also ruins the fun for everyone else on your Team who y’know…actually want an engaging experience and balanced Match. And so what if it continues to suck? That’s part of Gaming.
Some battles you lose, some battles you win.
When has it become so common to just leave mid-Match in Multiplayer Games? This was definitely not the case years ago; people joined in and stuck to it, tried their best or played for fun but remained in the Match regardless if it was a loss or not. If I’m being honest, it really sounds more like an ego/sensitivity issue to do this in an MP game. And from my experience with dozens of other MP games I’m playing from all across the board, be it RTS, shooters, beat 'em up, etc., that is also always the case…
That + the Points i have already listed above in my other Comment(s) / Original Post.