People will still 1 death leave. The issue was never repair costs

If some folk with that much time to kill do that, that’s on them.

I would ban well over half the maps without question in all modes. If I feel I am waiting too long, I would ban a few less until I got games regularly.

But I would never see clusters like Stalingrad, Sweden, Iberia, etc ever again. I seriously like Karelia more than all those.

One map ban is also less and less valuable with each update as they always add new maps.


I am surprised that all players don’t get unlimited Likes and Dislikes, at the very least. I want to give Snail my full opinion of what maps I like and don’t, but I’m not able to even with Premium time active like I had for 5+ years until it expired early March of this year.


Which I’ve already covered.

You cannot fix all the problems that cause ODL, as many of them are strictly subjective.

That’s just how the reality of things.


Some people will always ODL for whatever reasons, even if the game is perfect, but Gaijin could at least do something about it to improve the situation.

There are a ton of reasons why they should. In another post, I listed all the points, counterpoints, and counterpoints to the counterpoints with the help of ChatGPT, and the AI agrees that Gaijin needs to do something about it.

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True its sadly spreading and also i dont even bother to spawn on battle maps since gameplay there is a joke and we cant disable it like night battles.

1 death leave can actually solve most Daily missions/Battle Pass missions/mission points faster.
So yeah, I’m playing this game like Escape from Tarkov
Leave after achieving your goal
That’s fun

You can’t force a player to play a game he doesn’t want to play
As long as I don’t like a map or team, no matter how much reward or punishment you give me, I will choose to quit.

This game is essentially a zero-sum game rather than a teamwork games
The game mechanism does not encourage you to help your teammates (the dogfight points for air combat have been deleted, the points for heavy tanks to withstand enemy firepower have been reduced, and the benefits of sacrificing yourself to achieve victory are too low) but encourage you to get rewards before your teammates (this is why every day There will always be teamkill or things that prevent teammates from get war zone)
The rewards in each game are limited. Gaijin does not want players to get too many rewards, so there will always be people leaving empty-handed.
So when there is no economic benefit from continuing the game, teammates will leave. This is normal. No one wants to waste their time.

If the game’s mechanics start to encourage teamwork (restore dogfight points, increase benefits other than killing, encourage players to maintain the front line instead of using teammates as bait), I will also look forward to that day.
but not now


Hear hear… Well said.

I mainly fly planes but i have got UK and German and US tanks up to rank 4, but I can admit that, in the last 6 months, I have 2 death left a hell of a lot, and 1 death left quite a few times. The problem is with both tanks and planes, not just one or the other.

MY MAIN REASON is that the game is so very inconsistant.

Problem 1) Most of the time, I have no problem shooting planes down, but every now and then, I don’t know what happens to the game, but there are some days, today and yesterday included, where I can be 50 meters or closer to an enemy and no matter what I do, I can not hit anything and I end up with no kills, no assists and next to nothing points, but end up with an 8,000 SL debt to repair my planes. I give the game 2 lives, and when it shows me I am either shooting rubber bullets or blanks, I WILL LEAVE THE GAME. This happens in my tank games as well.

I have noticed over the last 6 months, it will normally last the whole day, then when I log in for the next week, everything is fine and i’m back to normal and killing at least 3+ planes a match. Occasionally, the torment, it will last 2 days.

Today, I 5 death left the once a day plane, booster mission, because even on that, I was killed 5 times by wave 4 and had no kills what so ever because of the poxy blanks/rubber bullets I was shooting. It was the same yesterday too.

I won’t be doing any more playing today. If I do and the game is crap, I WILL LEAVE.

Problem 2) Some games I can tell a lost cause after only a few minutes. You get team opponents, and not team mates. Every enemy is a competition to see who can kill it first. Totally thick and stupid game play WHICH I DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER OR TOLERATE - so I will leave. Game play like that is always for losers, the game is already lost, why should I have to stay? So many times I watch 4-8 players all chasing the 1 solitary enemy on one side of the map leaving the rest of us on the map outnumbered on the front line in which we get our arses severly kicked, and when you have a winge about their silly behaviour, you just get totally abused and told you are shit and pathetic with no kills and you need to get skill. It’s only kids that are always throwing the skill word at other players. Then they have the balls, after the abuse they give you, to complain that you abused them in the chat. WOKE NONSENSE COMES TO RUIN WAR THUNDER. These kids just don’t realise that leaving people totally out numbered, they get their arses handed to them on a plate with YES - NO KILLS, NO $200, AND DO NOT PASS GO!. It isn’t a skill issue at all. The issue is with greasy, acne ridden mouthy kids who are no better than court jesters and no more intelligent than a 25,000 year old caveman.

If I keep finding matches like that which are no fun at all, why the hell should I stay. I’ll be off that server quick as anything to find a nicer game without thick, stupid, neanderthal intelligence. Below is a map screenshot of “8” team mates after 1 enemy plane right in the middle of the map. You can just about see the enemy red dot hidden amongst all the blue dots. It was a 16 a side game with literally half the team chasing 1 plane, leaving the 1 team mate outnumbered 3:1 by the middle landing strip. And what about the solitary bomber we had? Where was his escort? NO TEAMWORK AT ALL. Oh… do I really have to say that we obviously lost that match because they kept all chasing the same enemy all match? Why can’t they just PLAY THE OBJECTIVE?

Neanderthal, Hill Billy Intelligence

I too don’t care what people say about punishment. Go ahead… punish people for being unhappy. All that will happen is that the people that are not happy, become people that are angry, because of people complaining their fun is ruined. What about our fun??? What total and utter selfish, bloody minded thinking. Sod our happiness, just as long as you are happy, that’s all that matters. Pathetic. Get Gaijin to sort out their shitty gameplay standards, get them to encourage team play attitudes and mentality, and everyone will be a lot happier. Put out crappy standards and you get crappy behaviour from people, in which we are already seeing a hell of a lot of. It’s not rocket science.

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Exactly! Either someone earns crew xp points in a given slot or farms SL

is there a reason to stay in the match after one death? either way i would need to made my way to a field, but in a fresh match enemy wont already stay on their comfy positions. also i will have my best and most loved tank again. for free. so whats the point?


i think the problem is becoming worse for those of us in ab. i can’t go an hour and a half without running out of reports. the only thing that will work is to stop giving these ass hats anything for what they do. they run forward and get 100-200 exp. and then move onto the next game with others tanks. they are grinding by screwing other players over. this is why i stopped putting money into this game. they run through 3-5 tanks in the time it takes for me to fight to make up for them and their friends. i personally get between 2- 5 1 and done’s per match with 2 being the average in 3-9 br range.

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I hate humanity, sometimes I outright quit to the hangar just upon seeing an enemy. He is better than me anyways, I rather spit in his face by quitting rather than have his sweaty skill and Gaijins secret hax and bias ruin my experience.

And general unfairness ofc. I charge onto the cap with the Object 268 nuke gun, and ARTY KILLS ME AND THE TANK LOST FOR THE REST OF THE MATCH! 80 score. I have only this left to spade in my lineup, why should I take this blatant unfairness of Artillery RNG? No thanks, fight your rigged battles without me.

Same with stupid jets, I see a missile coming towards me, I quit. No thanks!

Oh, and when there is any sign of a Panther II, Tiger II 10.5 or Coelian, then forget it. I am out.

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Every time i see Vidar against my 7.0 line up …bye bye baby ,let gaijin devs play against you.
Same applies to US science fiction lineup against my 6.0


Also when I am suddenly seeing vehicles from the future like a Leopard one while I am in my Object 268. Forget it. I do not fight against the future, uptiers are generally unfair and abuse of the player.


Maybe we can blame 1DL on the grindiness of the game. I would blame it more on CAS, personally, but the grind is there too.

Give me a tanks-only mode and I can deal with being uptiered. I still might 1DL or 0DL on this or that map. (I do think lowering the BR range of a match by a step would be really helpful, though!)


Everyone has parts about this game he doesnt like. Some think CAS hurts their enjoyment of the game the most as they cant stand getting bombed out of their tanks, I dislike the most that the meta of people just 3rd person camping behind hills and corners, others think 1DL and everything else that diminish their chances of becoming the victor of a round does and some others feel like constant uptiers hurt their enjoyment the most.

Most would agree that the grind of the game is a real bummer - even though it actually somewhat improved. Just shows to me though through what hellpits we already went with this game.

Repair costs are an issue. Since I startet playing BR 8.0+ almost every game ended up with my team getting spawncamped within the first 5 minutes. Therefore I would be killed again instandly if I pull a second vehicle, which would end up with me losing even more silver lions, because I don’t have premium or I leave the game and maybe don’t lose silver lions.

These are the two options unless gaijin would do something about the omnipresent spawncamping. If players would have a realistic chanche to recover, guess what:
They would consider spawn another vehicle.

Lineups are still very much worth it imo.
Especially vehicles u havent spaded since researching a mod tier gives you good rp rewards for next vehicle.
Tho at lower tiers this is not as good as high tiers.

You don’t need lineups to get those bonuses. And focusing spading just on one tank you can actually feel progress.