Discussion on the event cycle

As it is almost the end of the year and a year since the new event cycle so we should look back and see what went well and what didn’t.
We have :

	T	A	S	Total
RU	1	1	0	2
CH	1	0	0	1
JP	0	0	0	0
UK	1	1	1	3
US	0	1	0	1
IT	0	1	1	2
IS	0	0	0	0
FR	0	0	0	0
SW	0	0	0	0
GE	1	0	1	2
Tot	4	4	3	11

We have 11 vehicules in total and we are missing a ship to make 4 whole cycle.
There are 4 countries(Japan,Israel,France and Sweden) with 0 vehicule.
The UK has the most with 3 one in each category. Russia, Italy and Germany with 2 and the US and China with 1.
With 2 premium, the Churchill AVRE and the Eremin’s Yak-3.
With 6 event with 45,000 mission point per 2 days and 5 with 35,000 mission points per 2 days.
We had 6 event with 9 stages, 3 with 7 and 2 with 6.
With a median of 325,909.1 points per event or 41,206.9 points per stage or 20,603.45 per day.

How do you like the event cycle after a year compare to the crafting events?
Do you like it? Any thought?

Blog about the events:


anything is better than how abysmal crafting events were. I do wish that nations had more meme vehicles as event vehicles (TOG ii and AVRE) as Britain only having funny/troll vehicles seems like a disservice to the other factions in WT.

Hopefully there wont ever be a “free tomcat” incident ever again tho as my lord high tier air was unplayable for a couple months


My general thoughts :

  • I much prefer this ‘score’ style event to the old ‘task’ style. Even if takes longer per ‘star’, it’s nice to just be able to grind these events passively whilst playing normally, and not forced into a certain playstyle I may not enjoy.
    Old style missions like ‘destroy 5 bases’ or ‘cap 5 points’ just led to bombers TK’ing each other, and people spawning in R3’s, B-lining to the cap, J-ing out and going to next battle. Two weeks of rock bottom, atrocious, sweaty gameplay for everyone whether they were grinding event or not.

  • Glad to see crafting events go. Maybe ousting myself as a simpleton, but they were just so unnecessarily convoluted for no real reason. I hated the way certain resources were weighted to try and pressure you into using the market too. Felt like coming home from work to do more work lol.

  • A lot of people get upset about the event vehicles being major nation heavy, but honestly, I really quite prefer this. Those countries have a lot more vehicles to spare for this purpose, whereas a lot of the the time with the smaller countries, I often feel like their event vehicles comes at the direct expense of the tech tree. These countries already have greater issues making lineups, and event/market-walling ways to fix that isn’t good to me.

  • Hope to see a ‘dreams do come true’ aircraft at some point. I’ve no complaints about the selections thus far, but it’d be nice to mix it up some years, from being tanks only thus far.


Personally i have a few ideals on it.

  1. Nations with more vehicle development should receive more events, since they have a larger pool of vehicles to chose from.
  2. Nations with small vehicle development should only receive lend lease or bought equipment as event, no locking domestic equipment behind events (looking ar you M64, Toldi, Zryini, etc…)
  3. Current event system is too demanding on players who are not unemployed…

you’re not outing yourself as a simple mind don’t worry, they were overly complicated for zero reason and made actually getting the vehicle not worth the effort.

I agree with you wholly


Far easier than the old system.
Random battles have less tryhards in them overall.

Score creates a far healthier atmosphere for mindset.

I play War Thunder far less during these new events now which is great. Overall positive.

You state your “opinions” as facts, and they come solely from your personal point of view and not as a “whole” for the player base.
“Far easier than the old system.”
Not at all, it is vastly convoluted and panders to the RB & Sim players and those that choose to play higher BRs, which are granted exuberant bonuses while a great number are penalized by their choice of playing mid tiers and AB.
The entire penalizer system(multiplier to the blessed) seems based off the kill multiplier RB & Sim get which doesn’t reflect actual scoring hardly at all.
It is a terrible and unbalanced/unfair system.
“Random battles have less tryhards in them overall.
Score creates a far healthier atmosphere for mindset.”
This is basically the same thing and is also not the case at all in my opinion.
ANY time there is an event, and even more so with these scoring based type events, there is a vast increase in "tryhards(basically everyone) and a more toxic atmosphere as well. Again, if you played BR’s where you were getting penalized 10% instead getting bonuses that were not even needed, you might see the difference.
“I play War Thunder far less during these new events now which is great. Overall positive.”
Well good for you, again, because it is “so easy” to do in the modes and at the BR’s you play, you don’t have to put forth the same effort to get the same thing.
See what I am getting at.
Events have been getting harder and harder to do over the years, with less and less chances for most to get the prize vehicles. There was a time when we had events, all 3 vehicle types at once as well, and it was doable for a majority of players as long as they had the time. It did not take 8 - 10 hours a day and you could gather in 6 vehicles during such events. These were “task” based, a simple format that was not terribly difficult for players of any skill level . . . to a degree.
Things were much cheaper to purchase as well during the earlier times.
It is not the player’s fault Gaijin offered too many vehicles, this is in hindsight.
My point is, the process getting us from there to here has taken some time, but is getting to the point where more & more players will have to spend real money to gather in the prizes . . . unless ofc they play the blessed modes/BRs.
I play AB in tanks & planes in mid tiers, because that is what I enjoy and can do better in score wise. I play naval RB for the same reasons(also in naval the difference between AB & RB is very slight compared to tanks & planes) and I can finish the event requirements in basically 1/3 the time. This alone gives me the exact opposite of your point of view, so. . … something to consider. Not everyone plays the same or like you. And that changes everything about these events . .
Something you might consider . . .


I VASTLY preferred the challenge based system. I enjoyed min-maxing loadouts to optimize my odds of completing the challenges quickly. That said, some of the challenges were annoying for some players. Challenges like “come in first place” are pretty easy to get at least once in a play session if you’re good at the game with a meta lineup, but it’s a kick below the belt for many players. Additionally, some of them like “get kills with artillery”, “get kills with depth charges”, and “repair/extinguish teammates” were pretty painful though.

I might be mixing up some of the event challenges with battle pass challenges. I think there was an obnoxious one that was something like “get kills while capturing an enemy control point”, that wouldn’t give credit if the control point was neutral or allied.

I am biased because I am a student, but I preferred only having to worry about events when they only came about during summer and winter as I was on break and had plenty of time for them. (Minus the crafting events, but they sucked anyway and wouldn’t have been worth the effort even if I were on break)

Recently I tried to do the Boxer MGS event but still had to pay to get a few tasks, simply because I don’t have enough time in my life. It also just isn’t fun spending every second of free time playing a game, and I’d rather do social activities or just… not playing War Thunder.

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Stop stating your opinions as facts then. This is twice now someone stated something they did and claimed the other person did it.
I’ll keep stating my opinions as opinions.

Score is straight-forward and the opposite of convoluted, which means your post is the opposite of reality.
It plays well with arcade battles at rank 3 where it’s among the fastest to get done.
Task-based has rules which by definition is more complicated [a fact, not my opinion] than score.

I play all the BRs.

Stars cost 999GE since the star events started, it’s cheaper today than it was in the past.
Coupon’d vehicles are still cheapest today and haven’t gone back to 2020 valuation.

Oh, and I have yet to play a single vehicle I played during the old task system since the change.
Because with score, it ended meta event vehicles entirely.
ALL vehicles in War Thunder rank 3 and higher are as good as the old meta event vehicles for gaining progression.

That’s my main complaint with the events. They’re too common and it makes it hard to get all the vehicles.

I’m actually grinding for the IAR-93, and it’s just taken a long time. I couldn’t imagine doing this as often as the events are.

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You obviously have not played any AB at any BR, so you have no idea . . and just so you do know, they have moved the spawn points to ridiculous distances on almost every single Ground Strike map in Air AB, making scoring there cut in half, and then penalized 10% . . very few players even score 1000 mission points in those battles now, so . . . yeah, no you are completely wrong on every statement, because you simply have not tried these modes/BRs . . you know not of what you speak . . . pretty simple . . . you can be wrong and not be a lesser person for it ya know.

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Old events were biased against Arcade as well. I remember tasks like “Get 12 kills in a match”, while RB players only needed something like 5. The required number of kills for tasks was also much higher in Arcade, something like 50 kills for AB and half for RB. The fact that experienced players often went back to low tiers to grind made the tasks even harder for average players. If you could complete them faster than current tasks, you were in a privileged minority. Everyone else had a worse time.

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I agree with that. They had the x2 and x3 for rb and sb.

The tasks sometimes allowed you to complete them early but most times you would get stuck for a long time.

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So those that play air arcade don’t play air arcade.
I’ll let that one YouTuber know that you said he doesn’t play arcade either.

I’ve always played arcade, arcade is the easiest to get score in for PVP.
Arcade IS the PVP game mode of War Thunder, where you can rack up 3000+ score going 1:1 KDR due to having 5 - 20 spawns.

Unlike you, I play every game mode and have played every event type multiple times.

Edit: I called it. He used the word “projecting” cause all he knows are buzzwords and is just trying to claim all arcade players on the planet are wrong.

waiting for F-111B with 6x phoenix event

I agree, but I have to say:

Crafting events where way more interesting than “Chasing the Old Blah”

I have a question during Winter event where there are 4 vehicles available for grind do you need to grind each one seperatly and can it be done for all 4 in given time?

Don’t put words in my mouth. Look you are a knowledgeable person when it comes to this game, no one is disputing that. However, you do tend to take Gaijin’s side in everything and can be arrogant & condescending when speaking to others, so let’s just set that aside. You clearly have a huge disconnect when it comes to Air Arcade(much like Gaijin), it’s current condition and perhaps how it works for the “MANY”, not just yourself, this is important. When you play a match, it is important that you look at ALL the scores in the match, not just your own, to get an idea of how the match went, clues to what is changing in the “meta” and to get an overall “feel” of how things went in that particular match and why.
And why are your “threatening” me with what a “youtuber” says anyway? You think that because someone broadcasts their games they have more say or knowledge about what is going on?
And you have no idea how I “play” Arcade mode, none whatsoever. And the idea that you think everyone should “Play like the rest of us” shows even more your arrogant attitude and self centered nature. Come down off the mountain man.
You’re just wrong in your statements and now are “projecting” because you are not man enough to admit that things just might not be as you “know” they are.
Over 250,000 players play this game every day, please tell us the “ONE WAY” to play the game . . . .
Go play Sinai Ground Strike map at 4.7 BR, where they have shoved the spawns so far back, over 30 kms apart now, go there and show us how to score anywhere near 2000 points . . because you can’t. Not now . . and almost every single Ground Strike map in AB has had this treatment effectively cutting in half any & all scoring . . show us the magik.
Last time I looked I was ranked #76 overall for all time PvP ranking… . . I know how to score in Air AB, and I play quite “normal” imho. In well over 25,000 matches I have never even shot at a single plane in their own spawn . . I just play the objectives. Maybe no one else plays this way, but it’s what I do.

Wdym, that was an awesome Event Vehicle.