Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

… That is a warped projection (conical) (I’m a geography student, you may call me a nerd), so The east-west line doesn’t follow that North-south trajectory, but funny nonetheless XD

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final proof that poland is central europe lol



May be a good idea, true

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Shh this used to be Germany

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so ,can you tell us about which report about F-111C has be admitted by the developers now?
Thanks a lot.

@Smin1080p_WT idk if ive asked this before but, whats up with the tor still not being in the ussr tree? not really wishlisting, just curious since we were still told some version would be added “soon” back when it was originally added to china

This literally baffling. No mention of China at all, or even rest of the western allies.


This isn’t the thread for that discussion, but it does say “Allied”

I like the tomato-potato Europe more

Just spotted that in the devserver changelog. Are there any other bombers ingame that could carry those big boy bombs?

I really hope for submarines and new floatplanes are always welcome.

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Now, if only those floatplanes would also make their way into the tech trees…


Where’s my TT Walrus?!?

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How in the good earth grace is that melon having so little flesh?

@Smin1080p_WT Hi Smin are there any plan to improve J11A’s experience like SU-27 SM It’s awful

Regular watermelon.

I sharpened it



Here 's an unexpected addition:

On the first devserver version we got our first tease of depth charges for aircraft. And now on the third version we’re getting a peek at wire-guided AAM 's.


I’m calling it here, submarine closed beta test begins with the December update. That will be one of the big features, plus of course some top-tier aircraft.


F-111C and F-111F dovbleg

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So we can hope to get Rafale for France, before Commonwealth TT (India)?

What a shok 😅