Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Do you know if the vilkas will get a movable spike launcher aswell? I saw in the datamines that a few vehicles got one, but didn’t see the vilkas

Thank you! I’m just happy that it’s still in the plans for the future.

Even more funnier if we do this lol


So it’s actually southeastern europe lol

You can see the unused droptank of the F6F in this wallpaper:

O3U-1 is now used by USS Arizona(BB-39) and USS Trenton(CL-11), replacing the SOC-1

Now we just need to see what happens to it 's sister, the Fairey IIIF Mk.IIIb.

Seems like third-person gyro crosshairs are making a return. Finally, my A21A-3 is saved

The G7e torpedo used by the Uboat in the Battle of the Atlantic event had it 's range increased from 2000 metres to 5000 metres.

submarine spawns


Aight, so people will have to dig out more sources I guess.

Anyways, thanks for the response

I know right we all those extensive reconstructions of ships super structures must never of happened

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I mean yuguslavia is a ex-communist nation or nations now. West and east are mostly used due to that. But I guess you could count it to balkans (which is mostly used for that region) or central europe aswell if you look at other aspects

Central-southern ish, I’d say

Well then czechia is the only real central europe

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Until 1948. And then what?

And this is where you’re wrong
Yugoslavia was actually one of founders of Non-Alligned Movement

do it like this



Ok I think we are going a bit too far here guys

You’re the one saying it lol.


You started it…


The Dutch CV9035NL has a very large amount of open-source data available about it, that is coincidentally not classified information. Many ‘Q&A’ sessions in parliament and the house of commons of the Netherlands are publicly available information, which isn’t the case as far as I can tell in Denmark… But let’s hope the Danish players will be able to bug report enough for all missing capabilities to be added to their CV9035mark3.

Ex.g: Dutch defence newspaper published videos of their CV9035NL sights whilst tracking drones and shooting them down with programmable air burst munitions:

The Danes aren’t so generous when providing information about their equipment.

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Yes to say where east west and north Europe was, now you guys are flying too close to the political side of thing.

cuz you literally pointed your own arguments towards it and are making illogical and factually incorrect statements lol

Yes and now I’m end it here before it get’s out of hand

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ah and now we have something to cross of my bingo card.