Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Wire guided AAMs? Isn’t that X4 the only wire guided AAM ever built?

the Eurofighter is analogous to the Rafale afaik so I don’t think there’ll be a pressing need for Rafale in the UK tree. I can see it eventually being used as an event or premium plane, as (so far) there’s no Indian stuff in the regular tree

bro couldnt find a watermelon and instead went for a melonwater


Big boom
Gotta larp the wargame nukevark with 4x mk84s





Seems like they might be placed in a location separate from the coastal, and bluewater light/heavy spawns.

Examples of regular spawn locations:



Submarine spawn:

Also interesting to note that the " cruiser " and " battleship " spawns are separate, but overlap in functionality. Maybe they’ll become exclusive to one another at some point.


Most likley he meant the Centauro variants that were trialed by Russia and USA.
There was an active topic that discussed the addition of the Centauro MGS to USSR TT coz IRL Russia’s got no modern wheeled MGS like other nations.

I say the Atom AFV for Russia is still a better choice.

Oh and here’s the Centauro for USA one:

Only after they add the BAE FRES SV
(I want it before Ajax)
also, still no Marder 2 IFV for Germany

now that’s a watermelon

I’ve seen bigger…


watermalone base defense dosent count

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There is no reason for one tree to have all 3 eurocanards. The Rafale is a unique French vehicle and should stay in the French tree to convince players to grind it if they want it.


Same thing happened with US fighters, unfortunately

Us fighters are kinda iffy because Japan would still have the EJ Kai as its top tier and a lot of other nations would be screwed over.

I’m of the philosophy that if the nation in game (the actual base TT nation) operated it than it should have it in its TT/ Official Sub TT. But things like Germany getting an Argentinian F-16 would be stupid.

Pretty sure Argentine hasnt even received their F-16s yet

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Quiet, the German mains might hear you and bring up the F-16AJ


Would have been cool if the Gripen remained exclusive to Sweden as well, but here we are

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So more Japan fakes you say ?

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It’s a pretty weird balance between maintaining tech tree uniqueness and not having their top tier plane not even be able to face top tier lol

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