Many HUDs in this game are missing features or are just completely broken. Many bug reports have been made over these issues and rarely is any of them fixed. Here’s a list of the ones I have found that are still not fixed.
AV-8B+ Missing radar target lock box
Second AV-8B+ Missing lock box report
F-4S Missing radar target lock box
F-111A/C/F HUD CCRP broken
Another report for the F-111 CCRP not working
A-6E TRAM Missing CCRP in HUD
Alpha Jet (All) HUDs stuck on Bomb/Rocket mode when in Standard
MiG-23 (All) Lacks gunsight and EEGS in cockpit
Great Britain
Sea Harrier (All) Using wrong HUD
Second Sea Harrier wrong HUD report
MiG-21 Bison Lacks gunsight and EEGS in cockpit
Tornado GR.1 (Also all IDS Tornados) Missing CCRP marker and fall line
Eurofighter (All) Missing cockpit EEGS
Eurofighter FGR.4 (Might be all Typhoons but unable to check) TGP MFD tilted to the side.
F-4EJ Kai EEGS frozen
Mirage F-1 (All) + Mirage 2000 (All) + Mirage 4000 Missing CCRP Fall Line
Ayit HUD is missing gunsight
General HUD Issues
HUD always centred on plane’s axis - incorrectly
All aircraft - Cockpit sight mode issue
Velocity/Flight Path Vector Reports
A10A late flight path marker in cockpit is not representing real
AJ 37 Hud incorrect
F-16A/ADF HUD - wrong Flight Path Marker.
F-16A and F-16A ADF non-functional flight path vector on HUD
Aircraft HUD FPV (Flight Path Vector) Incorrectly implemented
A-10 early simulator HUD bugs (Artificial Horizon + AIM-9 stuck on HUD)
New velocity vector on Harrier GR.7 not working
A-10A HUD Velocity Vector Incorrect
Velocity Indicator in HUD wrong
Issues related to HUD display in modern fighter
Aircraft HUD velocity vectors non functional
HMD Issues
F-16C(ALL F-16C+D)+F-15C+F-15E Missing radar target box on HMD
[DEV] Eurofighter Striker HMD doesnt show friendlies
VR Issues
HUD disappears when radar locked onto an enemy.
Mig-29 / YAK-141 HUD dissapears randomly
Eurofighter, SU 27SM, F15C HMD Dead Zones
Problem with target marker on hud of eurofighter in VR
Bug with HUD in VR
Cockpit Issues
[Eurofighter (All) Buttons missing from cockpit
all phantoms have impropper reflections in cockpit.
More detailed report on cockpit reflection issues
MFD Issues
TGP MFD Screens don’t have the same gimbal limit as gunner view
[DEV]TGP MFD Zoom overridden by equipped TV/IR guided weapons
F-14B TCS MFD screen nearly impossible to see target
Kurnass 2000 TISEO not tracking targets
Eurofighter - Missing PIRATE output MFD screen
[DEV] Rafale FSO-IRST not tracking
Add the ability to slew TGP in cockpit view
This is from another post I made about cockpit TGP MFD screens not working correctly.
Read if you want to or read and interactive with the original topic
Original Topic Here - Can we get cockpit TGP screens working properly?
Currently the TGP MFD screens in cockpits serve no purpose at all despite them being very important in military aviation, mainly for targeting guided air to ground weapons and for target identification. But in-game they simply don’t work.
In-game we still lack the controls to use the TGP from within the cockpit which limits the ability for VR users to use air to ground weapons as the dedicated TGP view is disorientating even for experienced VR users.
All TGP cameras take the zoom level of any IR/TV guided weapons that are equipped which leads to target ID to be non-existent.
I made a report on this issue here.
TGP MFD's all have atleast half of the gimbal limit of their respective TGP's which make it harder to see if you are still guiding your weapon successfully to the target.
Within cockpit
From dedicated TGP view
I can’t find a bug report about this but if anyone has got one or can make one and leave it below I will add it in here.
On the F-14B, Kurnass 2000, Su-34, and the British/Italian Typhoons there are built in cameras meant for target acquisition and identification, TISEO for the F-14B, F-15E+LANTIRN and Kurnass 2000, Plantan Optical-Electronic System for the Su-34, PIRATE for the British and Italian Typhoons, and FSO-IRST for the Rafale. In real life these systems serve as both targeting systems for various air to ground and air to air weapons and for identifying targets however they are useless at identifying targets.
Since the TISEO screen on the F-14B is just a TV seeker screen pasted in it completely blocks out the target making it only useful for within 500m by which point the job of target identification can by done by just looking at your target.
Looking at the TISEO on the F-15E with the LANTIRN pod the difference in just the screen layout is massive. Can actually make out the target from nearly 7km away.//
I made a bug report here about this but nothing has come of it.
Kurnass 2000 TISEO doesn't lock onto radar targets at all and also lacks the MFD screen for the built in camera to be useful for the player if this did work correctly
A bug report was made, here ,which was marked as being fixed and 2 years later it is not fixed.
Su-34 Plantan system doesn't work on targets that are soft locked with TWS but do work with full radar locks.
Soft lock:
Full lock:
British and Italian Typhoon's PIRATE system doesn't track locked targets from both radar and IRST when it should.
Also they are both missing the MFD screen showing the view from the PIRATE system which it should have, here’s a bug report made about this which was “Forwarded as suggestion”, whether we actually see this in the future or not is up for debate as half the the issues “Forwarded as suggestion” are just abandoned and left to rot.
Rafale's FSO-IRST is meant to have the capability for tracking targets locked by the IRST and Radar however once again it doesn't
This is despite this bug report being closed by a bug reporting manager as “It can track target in the game” which is a complete lie.
If there’s any issues I have missed please tell me below and I will add them to the list.
Hopefully @Smin1080p_WT, @Stona_WT, @Gunjob, @Schindibee or any other forum CM/ Gaijin presence can push these issues further so they get fixed and are not left to rot.