Sea Harrier, Gr Harriers, AV-8A/AV-8C, and AV-8S discussion about flight performance

its on the f4s and has a much longer burn time



I also happen to have a rare updated AV-8A/C flight manual. All the harriers should have AtA gun sights as well.

The gr harriers and av8 harriers should all get funnel gunsights.


interesting… A2A gunsight would be useful


Extremely useful it would be similar to the A-10 ata sight mode

I want to take a second to point this out. The AIM9L is notorious for eating flares. Yet the Harrier is so unrealistically hot this happens.
I fly with only 85% throttle as well.


Hey if you can make a report on the HUD I can add it to my growing list of cockpit issues which is supposedly being looked at by technical mods.

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f86’s radar gunsight doesn’t automatically adjust for range either


Some have been made - a year ago

The Sea Harrier don’t even have the HUD they use. They are missing Missile symbology and radar/radar lock symbols they even had EEGS radar gunsights (even the FRS.1)
This makes them almost impossible to use in sim.

Again OVER A YEAR no fix we have all the sources and pics they need to fix it they just choose not too.


Literally the next game i played in the Gr.3 this happened again.

its cause it locked on to your rear if you had set your thrust vectoring to be angled and then turned it would have made a difference most likely

It was launched side aspect I pre-flared and intermittently flared as it was incoming.

BTW vectoring actually doesn’t change anything in the way the Harrier functions I have tested all that a good bit now. It doesn’t change the direction of heat. IR sig in war thunder is based on thrust and it comes from a determined point (usually where the nozzle is) most planes have 1 or 2 the Harrier has 4 nozzles each with hot sigs due to the Harriers having a lot of thrust.

it was fired in side aspect but once it got behind you it became rear aspect

actually, only the rear 2 are “hot” (the front 2 are actually in front of the hot section of the engine) not sure if that’s how it’s modeled in the game, but that’s how it works irl

also might have helped if you set your throttle to 0 for a second, forgot to mention that

I’m talking about in game. Its got 4 Hot nozzles basically.

You shouldn’t have to cut throttle at all in a harrier (I cruise with 85%)

oh cutting the throttle is just to cool it enough so that the missile goes for the flare not cut it completely just to like 30% for a sec or two

No I do understand what you are saying and yes it is proper practice to do that.

The point I’m making is that the Harrier was so cold IRL to IR missiles that it can deny sidewinder shots by just tilting the wing. (from Sharkey wards book) I also have the exhaust gas temps

In fact an AIM9L wasn’t even able to frontally lock a Gr.3 in the Falkland’s it was that cold.

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it should work like that but the games mechanics don’t work that way for what ever reason

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The game doesn’t model that level of detail. All aircraft have a single heat signature in the centre of the aircraft. This has been dementated by people locking missiles onto bombers with engines far apart and observing how the missile always flies for centre of mass, rather than one of the engines.

well it does model it so some degree of detail when it comes to different aspect shots otherwise I would be able to lock an aim 9 b onto the front of an aircraft, also helicopters have their exaust heat signatures modeled cause its hard to lock them from the front with SAM Ir missiles

Well it looks like I might stand corrected.

If it is just a central heat source would not not just require Gaijin slapping a modifier on it and calling it a day.

Adding a USSR report that helps confirm a higher top speed for harriers.