Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Thats american

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The Eurofighters performance is based on all available public information and all known details that can be confirmed by as many different sources as possible. These are cross checked to ensure for example one claim about X part of the performance does not conflict with all other known details from multiple sources.

As for the second part of your post, its not relevant at all currently to the topic at hand. As with any modern aircraft and as with the Eurofighter, all aircraft will be created not from a single source or statement, but a combination of everything that can be gathered to paint the most accurate and feasible picture.


It appears that flight model developers need to take a look at other aircrafts occassionally in order to deem what is possible or not possible. For instance, they once deemed the Rafale’s flight control airbrake as “definitely impossible” until it was pointed out that the F-22/F-35 did the same thing.

Screenshot 2025-02-08 120522

So perhaps they should investigate the F-22’s supercruise claim before they deem the Eurofighter’s supercruise as “definitely impossible”. It is the case that devs do investigate what is possible on other unrelated aircrafts that would affect or determine the possibility for a particular aircraft.


This would be incorrect. It was fixed as there was far more sources and contextual evidence included in the second report, both in the report and comments (which you have entirely cropped out here) and there was further internal investigations done by the developer working on it in order to make it possible. It was not fixed because “F-22 and F-35 does the same thing”. The dev answer was also referring to what’s “impossible” in game based on how airbrakes / canards were set up, not what was possible in reality, however that was more a case of the answer not being translated in the most clear way. Something which we are now rectifying on as many future dev comment responses to reports as possible.

The F-22s performance has no relation to the EFTs performance. This would be like saying the Spitfire is incorrect because the Bf 109 can do X.

Smin every time he visits the R&R topic



The Rafale seems to be Gaijin’s priority aircraft with how many reports on it get accepted and fixed.

Still waiting on HUD radar lock boxes for the AV-8B+, F-4S. HMD radar lock boxes for the F-16’s, F-15’s. Ayit HUD to be added, EF to get any fix at all, Harrier HUD to be added and the bug reports in this topic to not be dismissed and not believed (Technical mods say the sources are accurate, Devs say they are lies.)

Also on the HUD/cockpit issues I have made a list of 72 reports which have either been ignored, accepted for months or that have been lied about being fixed. Some of these reports are years old and yet the Rafale reports last seconds until they get accepted.


Or stingers can’t do X because the IGLA can’t


That’s is essentially an early US Calliope.

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Luckly they didnt pulled that move,
oh wait, they did it actually xD


I am (fingers crossed) really close to getting an official Harrier 1 E-M diagram. I have been talking to the RAF Historical branch about a few pages that where photo copied incorrectly in the National Archives.

For the time being I have looked into CVR(T) and Chieftain models again.

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This would be a different situation entirely. One that has been detailed at length and not in need of discussion again here.

But we are in need of a part 2 for that perticular discussion with all that has been found/reported since

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Hopefully they accept it. But I wouldn’t mind betting that they will close their eyes and cover their ears and shout “it’s a lie” instead of accepting the report and fixing it.

Ugh, im getting dizzy, this thread is going in circles.

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Again? Its just the norm ))

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What about the Harrier reports Hmmm.

I’ve spent a lot of time researching so I can find good and credible data. The devs denied the time to climb report without even stating how they matched the IRL time. The in game tested time is a minute too slow.

It also takes over 30 seconds longer to accelerate to .9 Mach as also confirmed by a credible document.


Im not sure which one in particular you mean. However im 100% sure it has no relation to ether the EFT, Spitfire Vs 109 or the Igla/Stinger conversations or even this topic in general. Not that it seems to stop anyone here.

Any dev response to a report, once there is one would be shared in the comments of that report on the CBR.

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I want off Mr. Smin’s merry-go-round
On that note Imma stop scrolling and make garlic bread


The time to climb report was passed 12 days ago. Once we have a full response, that will be shared here: Community Bug Reporting System

With the R2Y2 getting the axe could we get a idea of what other vehicles are being looked at for future removal?