Air RB and its possible rework

I don’t know why they think ARB is bad. It’s been a long time, more than 10 years… still a $ machine. Lots of premium aircraft to choose from and grind the whole tree. But in the end they thought everything should be changed because it sucked, patience.

At least we are getting 2 stock radar missiles.


I mean you weren’t going to win in the first place. The vast majority playing RB are fine with how it is.

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Tell us how our concerns are invalid when you get to top tier, we are waiting.


The thing is, if I got the concept right, the general idea of what is being said here is basically making Air RB more simillar to what Sim Enduring Confrontation offers, but… there already was EC for Air RB and for some undisclosed reason it was removed from the game few years back.

I’d love to hear Gaijinn’s statement about why that was. Turning this mode back on on Air RB’s flight model literally fixes most of the issues that people are having problems with (endless furball, attackers/bombers not having a place in Air RB, matches being only 5 minutes long) while still enabling people that enjoy it to play 16vs16 death match.

It sucks that right now if you’re looking for more immersive and “realistic” gameplay experience you’re forced to either spend hours learning how to steer your aircraft on sim with M&K or spend heavy bucks for a flight sim setup. And lets be real, War Thunder wouldn’t (isn’t, actually) be the game I’d choose to play on HOTAS in its current state.


Before I wrote this I didn’t know what RB EC was since it was removed before I started playing. After looking more into it it seems very similar to our proposal and I would be happy if they just brought that back.

It really does. I quite enjoy RB mechanically but sim has a much better gamemode.

Me too.


A Huge, Dynamic maps needs to be introduced, in the lines of EC,

Incorporating multiple spawn points, again very similar to EC, this map will have various targets of interest for Strike and strategic Bombers.

For example here’s a few to list that i can think of from the top of my head :-

Strategic Bomber Targets

Infrastructure Nodes
Key Bridges, Ports, Power Stations, Transportation Networks

Industrial Facility Nodes
Factories, Manufacturing Plants, Logistic Centers

Military Installation Nodes
Airfields, Command Centers, Missile Sam Sites, Radar Instillations

Economic Nodes
Targets Vital to the enemies war making capability, like, Tank Manufacturing plants and Ammo Depots, Train Lines and Transport infrastructure like Bridges etc

This would bring in the need for more Strategic bombers like:-

(Wiki Links provided)

United States

  1. Boeing B-52 Stratofortress: Introduced in the 1950s, the B-52 remains in service today. It was designed for long-range missions and could carry nuclear weapons
  2. Convair B-58 Hustler: The first operational supersonic bomber for the US Air Force, known for its speed and delta wing shape
  3. Rockwell B-1 Lancer: A heavy bomber introduced in the 1980s, capable of carrying both nuclear and conventional weapons

Soviet Union

  1. Tupolev Tu-95 (Bear): Known for its distinctive turboprop engines, the Tu-95 was capable of long-range missions and carrying nuclear payloads
  2. Myasishchev M-4 (Bison): One of the first Soviet strategic bombers designed to reach the US with a nuclear payload
  3. Tupolev Tu-22M (Backfire): A supersonic, variable-sweep wing bomber used for both conventional and nuclear missions

United Kingdom

  1. Vickers Valiant: Part of the RAF’s V-bomber force, it was the first of the V-bombers to become operational
  2. Handley Page Victor: Known for its distinctive crescent-shaped wings, it served as a strategic bomber and later as an aerial refueling tanker
  3. Avro Vulcan: Famous for its role in the Falklands War, the Vulcan was a delta-wing bomber capable of carrying nuclear weapons

Again I believe Gaijin are missing on a massive opportunity, in introducing more well known Strategic Bombers that everybody loves, yes at the moment they don’t fit within the gameplay / design of war thunder, but why not ??? they need to be represented, make the maps larger like above, don’t let these beauties of the skies die out, give them representation.


honestly id love it if we got more very high tier bombers, mostly because then gaijin could do the FUNNIEST thing and give the brits a bomber with 8 ASRAAMS

Being Very British ^^ i’m hoping for the 3 V-Bombers

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This would be very cool indeed. I am going to continue working on that map I was talking about a few month or so ago when my exams are over. I hope to incorporate these ideas, if I am able.


i would also like to get involved as well, i want to do a map myself but i don’t know where to start.

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I haven’t gotten that deep in the CDK, but I watched these tutorials . Someone in this thread recommended them before.

As for making custom maps, as in custom geometry, I would suggest the Donut tutorial for blender to get you started on 3D modeling.


I’ve also found this, is this still relevant ?

Map creation tutorial - 2020 Update (WIP) - Missions and Locations - War Thunder - Official Forum

also this

War Thunder CDK - War Thunder Wiki

and this

Location editor - War Thunder Wiki

I am not sure, but I would guess it is. CDK looks like it is from Win98 era, I don’t think it changed that much in the last 4 years. The pictures look up to date, so I guess it works still.

nooo don’t give up :(


Seems they just want to focus on posting more and more attractive stuff to gain players instead of fix this current furball lol

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At least you can stay away from the furball now

I have stayed away from the entire top air RB [censored]show for a while now and I feel pretty good :)

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i bounced back to 9.3 to use the mig19 to finally get my mig21 sorted, and my god its brutal its just F104s and F8u2s everywhere man if you arent getting a 9D thrown at you, its an F104 coming in like a missile itself xD

EDIT, Also now this shows how busted the IR missiles like the 9D, 9G, shafir 2 are etc against 8.7 and 8.3 jets, its absurd IMO that we got decompression and then just left the f104, mig19s, etc all at 9,3 with only one 10.0 able to contest them, even the jaguar GR1A is a higher BR in ARB at 10.7 than the F8U2 and the U2 smokes it in every regard bar not having two 9G missiles.

we need to keep pushing for decompression and or a rework

I would like everyone to go over to this thread and read it. It’s in the “Suggestions” category which I think carries more weight than “Game Discussion”.

Macekeeks and I tried to post this in the Suggestions category as well, but it was denied/blocked/whatever.