WW2 vs Cold War:

giphy (2)

Why do you want to destroy Sweden + basically any aa that isn’t radar?

I kinda do,cause MK 108s are trash and Komet loves to burn with any .50cal hit. And honestly both Ki-200 or 163 are in bad spot atm. Ki-200 at BR higher than Korean war jets,on bigger maps than before,you fly slow at 30% at 3k max to get most of your fuel,and yet still have 3min left when in combat effectively having fuel for a minute before having to return back.

When I last used Mk 108, it was functioning quite decently if you know how aim low velocity guns.

Current M3 50cals are insane like that.

That’s very true.
I guess we need old small maps below 9.3BR but, Gaijin and community doesn’t care anymore because they love to fly City lmao

I think a WW2 only mode with asymmetric balacing could work and be pretty interesting if the vehicle effectiveness was reflected by an appropriate SP cost.

Light vehicles like M5 Stuart and Sdkfz 234 Puma were both used late in the war. These could cost like 100 SP, while a M26 Pershing or Tiger II would be 600 SP. Rough estimate here, don’t look to much into it.

This way all WW2 vehicles could be in the same battle, and it would still be balanced. You can spawn a cheap vehicle and set your expectations accordingly. If you manage to punch above your weight it will be especially satisfying!

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How would you balance the Maus and what equally strong vehicles would other nations get?

I guess it depends if you’re willing to accept prototypes, and how asymmetrical we want to go.

T28/T95 was a 1945 development I believe

For the soviets it would be IS-3 I think

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Then, what about some postwar jets that flew for the first time?
Yak-15 and MiG-9 are jets that first flew in 1946, but technically they are almost the same as WW2 jets.

What vehicle for Sweden? What vehicle for France?
Btw the Ikv 72 at 1.7 is a Cold War vehicle.

Eh, it depends on what cut-off date we go by.

It’s a real interesting concept though! Might be worth a suggestion post

Calling a 7.0 vehicle equal to a 7.7 vehicle is a bit of a stretch.

Well, it stands to reason that some nations didn’t have much presence in WW2 or don’t have many competetive vehicles.

IMO it would be reasonable to either exclude those nations, or allow them to use the few ww2 tanks they have.

For France the best stuff they would get is M26 Pershing and other Free-French equipment. This isn’t too bad compared to WW2 standards.

Sweden is less fortunate. As I said earlier, less effective vehicles would be cheaper in SP. If any Sweden player feels brave enough to spawn their comparatively weaker tanks, more power to them!

Again, nothing SP cost balancing couldn’t solve.

They are close enough

Me when I see ARB.

Oh I forgot to specify the mode. Sorry bout that.

I was mainly thinking of a WW2 combined arms mode, based on ground realistic SP cost model.

This tank isn’t even close to being as good as the maus.

That’s just the current be system with extra steps.

I don’t care how much sp I need when I can’t get any kill and I would be even less interested if I had to grind the Swedish tree with that.

Also what would you do with stuff like zachlam tater or the type 60 both are already some of the worst vehicles and would be even worse after this.

And there are a lot of post war spaas in the game what would you do with them?

Ok, lot’s to unpack here.

Firstly, this would not be a replacement for Ground RB, but an entirely optional mode under the “events” tab.

Certain nations would neccesarily be less viable or not represented at all due to the nature of an “authentic” WW2 only mode.

This is not a problem in my eyes, because it’s just an optional extra game mode. Nobody is forcing the Sweden or France mains to play it.

As for the M26, no it’s not equal to Maus, and that is OK. At risk of sounding like a broken record, this is where SP cost comes in. What does it matter that a Maus is superior if you can spawn the M26 three times to their one?

You can kill the Maus using APCR, track/barrel torture them, or report their position so CAS can deal with them.

This is what “a-symmetrical” means.

As for post war AA and Zachlam Tager, what about them? This is an optional and hypothetical WW2 mode we’re discussing. It wouldn’t change regular RB ground.

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Let’s get back to the basics. How authentic? Just a hard cap to the Cold War or completely historical matchmaking? Only with realistic team like axis vs allies or teams like we have already in RB?

Das is already dominant and if I had to guess I would say half of the SPAAs up to rank IV are post war. Removing them would make CAS even more dominant.

Good question, and a very difficult one to answer.

I think there’s a lot to be said for all of them, pros and cons.

Some people want a 100% authentic matchup with allies vs axis, some only want production vehicles, some just want HEAT-FS gone, and so on…

If I were to guess, the most popular sentiment seems to be capturing the essence of WW2, with vehicles from the actual time period. I don’t think the majority is into splitting hairs over prototypes and production numbers.

So IMO an Allies vs Axis matchup with a selection of vehicles that fit into the time bracket 1939 to 1945 would be pretty interesting, and something many players could enjoy. As for the exact time bracket, I don’t know. Probably V-day in Europe, or V-day in the pacific?

As for the SPAA, that’s a tricky one. I know there’s still untapped potential with WW2 options, still quite a few vehicles we could get in the future.

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