WW2 vs Cold War:

Whatever you say bud.

If someone wants to ask this topic that is their right and if someone disagrees then that’s there’s but take it elsewhere this was a question for those who wanted to know.

All you do is mouth off so go cry to the admin like a baby that someone has hurt your feelings because you are not important and you probably get your kicks off from arguing since you are lonely!

Keep it going, please.

Pathetic, lol, what are you still in grade school! you’re unimportant to me so I’m done but feel free to keep trying to get the affirmation you need to go on with your life, ok!

Keep it up.

You can make the thread. But it is gaijin’s right to close it for being a duplicate.

That is true and you are right probably going to be closed because of Laserdestroy crying constantly! He needs affirmation he matters!

Both of you are doing it. Both at fault

Well, the baby will get what he wants the topic will be closed because he’ll report it!

Keep going bro, it’s great.

Two duplicate threads and you ignored the actual threads before it on both. Good job.

But you are right we both are doing it that’s why I’m not going to affirm his childishness any longer!

Ahhh, but I miss your words so much. Please ruin your duplicate thread more already.

Pathetic two game accounts, what happened did not like your stats and started over now that is pathetic!

No, account transfer you turd. Good try though!

Didn’t say account transfer you got two accounts proving you are pathetic at the game because you can’t handle one by what I saw most your tanks have been purchased and that’s why your stats are like they are but good try trying to lie! I mean majority of your vehicles were played once including a Tiger but yet you have such a high percentage and I can see why you don’t even play truly you buy your way thru instead of grinding now that’s pathetic and you call yourself a player with two accounts. Seems like you got backups for probably when you have been banned just change your user id slightly how funny!

I must say this is certainly an entertaining thread. It has become rather… unique🙂



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