I feel like “top tier“ vehicles and the strongly reduced numbers of spaa would be the main problem of a ww2 event/sidemode. The fact that one side has objectively better vehicles than the other side will probably lead to way more people wanting to play the “better“ side. Even with the changed sp people still like to get kills and are most likely willing to pay more sp for a vehicle that will get them this kills more easily.
They already tried this asymmetric gameplay with better stuff costing more. The mm sucked because people would just choose whichever team had the better stuff. Plus people would just leave if they could get the better vehicles.
Average player doesnt want a onesided fight
There should be 2 tech trees for nations
One - with prewar and WW2 tanks, top at br 6.7
Two - with cold war tanks, with br 7.0 being a reserve
You wanna sboxes - play tech tree number one. You wanna cool modern-ish tanks? You skip sboxes and play from 7.0
I already said this but as an extreme example: the ikv 72 is at 1.7 and also a Cold War vehicle.
Maus at 6.7?
I assume you refer to the D-day event, 75mm Shermans vs Panther?
My issue with that event is that the difference between the tanks was too great, and the difference in SP was too little.
I agree that the decision of which side to join shouldn’t be a no-brainer, that is a sign that it wasn’t balanced right.
In this mode we’re discussing the top-tier tanks of each side would be more comparable IMO than the dinky 75mm vs Panther matchup.
The US Super Pershing for instance is just as good as the Tiger II H. IS-2 1944 is also comparable.
The only real problem is the Maus, and that can be solved in a number of ways. For example by limiting the max number of maus, or in the most extreme case: exclude it alltogether.
What about the British, the Italian and the Japanese? All of them were more or less important nations in WWII.
You again, move along nothing for you here! Like one user told me you are known for nonsense and starting ridiculous arguments!
I mean he’s right about what he’s saying.
Most US T series are prototypes ,same as Coelian ,some US/USSR tanks were never built .
Yes there no denying that. But as far as I am aware the Coelian was just a wood mockup, that didn’t even have guns mounted I believe.
Same with the Ostwinds 2 and Ho-Ri and probably more tanks, not to mention aircraft and ships. But this person is asking for Gaijin to bring back these vehicles, just because other vehicles that are no better have been added. They’ve already made posts about why they took them out, and why they do not have plans to bring them back. This person made a post about this same thing last November and got an answer from @Stona_WT but they still keep asking. Like I said before, I’d personally like to see the tiger 105, panther 2 and Coelian come back, but I can accept the answers and choice of Gaijin and won’t keep making threads asking for them to come back
I have all four of removed tanks and am using them ,truth is that they are always in full uptier and it is not fun.
Gaijin has been refusing to do this since tanks were introduced since they think their flawed methods are better.
What’s the 4th??
I personally love uptiers just because it requires me to use my brain
The flawed methods of taking out vehicles that weren’t built? At least in the way they are modeled in game?