Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

Might as well vote on the thread about this.

If someone has a good KD across many vehicles they probably are a good player. That’s the easiest and fastest way to determine their performance.

The only example of this not being the case is if people are 4 man squading in ARB but they’re the minority and can be filtered out by looking at Kills/Match.

The issue is, many players are going to disagree with the system that bases player performance on K/D.

There already was an uproar when gaijin introduced ‘skill modificator’ for RP after getting certain amount of kills.

War Thunder is much more fast paced than real life so are the deployment and repair times. Idealy they should be close to RL but if necessary there’s no reason not to adjust them for the sake of balance.

Because most of the ones that disagree are the ones that would be considered bad.

The one we have now with the extra RP for 3/6/9K for GRB and 2/3/4K for ARB? I’ve never seen anyone complaing about those. TBH I didn’t pay much attention to the discussion as I didn’t think they were controversial at all.

I know, that is why it is always amusing.

There is a lot of people who had problem with the name ‘skill’ there.

Doesn’t surprise me. This playerbase has a massive unironic skill issue. The extremes between good and bad players is bigger than in any other game and the amount of 10 K/D and 0.1 K/D ARB pilots is insane.


I agree that, generally, KD across many vehicles can somewhat describe a good player, but there are other factors that come into play. I wouldn’t say a spawn camper is a particularly good player just because they know how to get to a position and destroy unaware players that exist in a pre-determined spot.

I’d say map knowledge is a part of getting better at the game. Of course it’s annoying to get spawnkilled by a VK, M18 or any wheeled tanks but it’s Gaijins job to provide balanced maps however they haven’t managed to create a single one in the last 10 years. Most of the time if a team gets spawn camped it means they lost the fight for map control (other team controls all points and flank routes) and have therefore lost the game. If you think certain maps have spawncamping issues make them public. I have some maps I dislike for this reason too as shown here: Kursk Map Spawncamping From Behind The Spawn

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NEED to? dude shutup. T32E1 belong at 7.3 along with the practically identical T32

wtf does the stats of one single guy have to do with anything?

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T32E1 removes the entire Achilles’ heel of the tank, the MG port, which can be penned by basically and tank it fights, and replaces it with one very thick and well angled plate almost invulnerable to the vast majority of AP rounds. It’s like any heavy tank, it’s great in a down tier but terrible in an uptier.


And this is the main problem almost every heavy tank faces in this game. I’m not sure if I like it this way.

The heel is the gun. Two part shells universally have too long reloads in this game. 6.7 nearly every nation has access to HEAT rounds. By 7.7 only russia uses AP rounds. Even at 7.3 almost every nation uses HEAT or APDS that don’t care about the buff to your UFP. You still play the same hull down game as the T32 which means your UFP is nearly irrelevant.

Even if the T32E1 was at 7.3 and full downteir, its no different than 5.7s facing tiger 2s. As it is, no one plays the T32E1.

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As Germany mains say,

Playing the T32E1 a decent bit yesterday, I feel compelled to try helping clear things up a bit.

The positives:

  • it is shockingly mobile for something with the level of frontal protection it has. It feels far more like an M26 or even a Tiger 1E mobility-wise. It also can actually accelerate to its top speed very quickly. Only the T-10M and IS-7 are better in that regard, in my experience.
  • The rounds have no issues one-tapping most opponents (T41) or penetrating and dealing decent postpen (APCR is actually somewhat good on this thing)
  • Amazing gun handling and .50cals to hose down go-karts
  • More than good enough reverse speed.
  • Great hull maneuverability, again like the Pershing.

The negatives:

  • Barrel damage is obnoxious, meaning your armor is at best an emergency save against someone’s panicky shot at best.
  • The gun zoom is terrible
  • All the go-karts that laugh at your armor like they do to all heavies

That’s true for pretty much all heavies at this BR haha

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It should still be put at 7.3 with the near-identical T32


Yeah, but since you are playing a lot of hull down, your turret gets shot at disproportionately to other heavies. Sometimes its a good thing your barrel gets broken, but it is obnoxious to be repairing it 3+ times in a single game.

I think it is due to the statistic, only the best player will play this one and keep it’s K/D and winrate at very high level, that’s why gaijin keeps it at 7.7, For balance, there is no need to make it have same BR with IS4 and maus.