Why T32E1 no move to 7.3 :(

But isn’t the E1 considerably better than the base model, with a stronger lower plate and no hull bulges that can catch HE rounds?


Ironically, if the APCR was properly modeled and un-nerfed, the T32E1 would be totally fine at 7.7. That APCR round is supposed to pen 373mm and spall as well as 90mm solid shot (due to larger-diameter cores American HVAP and early APDS rounds used compared to most other nations from their large tungsten reserves). It would pen as easily as a 20-pdr British tank but have armor comparable to the IS-4M and mobility better than both, with a reload still better than both the Maus and IS-4M.

It is shockingly mobile for something of its weight (only the IS-7 and T-10M in my experience are better) and armor.


If properly modeled, T43 APBC would go through a T-54’s upper glacis.

This is true.

The IS-4M is even worse than the T32E1. Why does everyone act like the russian counterpart is automatically better.

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Most of times, I just assume the T32 as a medium tank. Compared to the IS4 and MAUS, the T32 doesn’t have good protection or survivability, as it can’t be angled and has very obvious weak point, but of course, with good APCR or BUFF reload time, it has no problem keeping at 7.7.

At least it makes people believe it is a heavy tank, it’s armor is good enough, even 20 pounds apds or 120mm gun AP can’t easily pen that.

Its hull is still a major weakspot. The only tanks effected by the removal of the MG are tanks that should even being higher than 6.0 anyways, e.g M26 or Jumbo 76. It’s pretty much the same tank with the same playstyle, the only difference being SPAA can’t kill you. It seriously doesn’t deserve a higher BR when the normal T32 already struggles against tanks like M47 and M48 in uptiers.

Its at 7.7, the same as Cold War tanks, with a WW2 era gun. That long 90mm shouldn’t be anywhere near 7.7 thanks to an absolutely abysmal reload rate and unexceptional penetration for a heavy tank’s cannon.

Unfortunately the armor setup prevents it from being downtiered. You should be asking for decompression.


If anything entire US Sci Fi T series should go up to be separated from WWII stuff

E1 especially

More armor then Maus ,better mobility ,Sci Fi ammo

I’d love decompression but that isn’t happening despite all of the yelling we’ve done towards Gaijin for it. 7.7 is probably the worst BR to be at too since there’s a lot fewer of vehicles there than at 8.0. So you wind up facing 2nd generation MBT’s that render your armor completely ineffective, and able to nail you with either HEAT-FS or sabot from ranges your own 5.0x zoom and lack of rangefinder or stabs renders almost impossible.

And of course they’re faster than you are, rendering any mobility “advantage” moot.



I wonder how surprised he will be when he learns that not only was the ammunition used by all the T seriess heavies built and tested extensively, but it actually performed better irl than in game.


Moving it down would have no issues. Any tank that relies on the mg port to kill it is being played wrong.

So how does the Tiger2 kill a T32? Or anything else using conventional ww2 ammo?

Shoot the hull. It’s pretty thin.

For the E1 that doesn’t work. Only the side of the LFP can be penned.

Track and barrel. The Tiger 2 reloads twice as fast and its weakspots can be made almost impenetrable for 90mm and 122mm guns when wiggling.

Pretty sure its the same thiccness and angle. I’ve been frontpenned plenty times by King Tigers in the normal T32, and the side plates are only 76.2mm so it’s not rare to get penned at like a 10 degree angle when you think it’ll surely ricochet.

Lol? Shoot it where?