i mean, he cant easily beat a tornado. This is the type of people that die to the strike aircraft in the first place
US navy has incindiary bombs, but idk about IRIAF so id say probably not unless proven otherwise.
isnt F-111 better at low alt speed than Tornado? also missing napalm on the F
I also love F-111 too
(Spaded 111A, Bought 111C, working on 111F)
They are also a fine ladies, they might fly faster at low alt too!
but Eh…
I just wanted to bias Tornado.
(Evil Tonka Laugh)
- thanks to dumping fuel, which will decrease weight, Vark will go even faster for the base run
- rarely teammates on your behind will get burnt by that ‘burning fart’ and you need to pay their insurance.
imagine how fast an F-111F could go with 1 base of napalm and smart fuel dumping.
When that time has come, I am sure that I will talisman both F-111C/F
and think about going to work for free-ace crew with them.
No, the game is not broken.
Most guys (ok almost all) simply ignore the fact that they play a game optimized to be played by kids with access to credit cards.
The game looks exactly how these kids and subsequently gaijin wants it to be:
A plain vehicle based pew-pew shooter with an extremely strong grinding component without specific skill requirements t o play it - and gaijin offers a solution to play without the need to learn and to improve with a rather low skill approach called base bombing.
And, ofc, the game economy is designed to progress without the necessity to learn and the economy is a main factor of steering player actions and behaviour.
So as long as long term players don’t realize that they are surrounded by gazillions of kids unable or unwilling to invest time to learn but are willing to pay insane amounts for aircraft they can’t fly it makes zero sense to start a collective bashing / stat shaming of a guy who has at least the guts to admit that he plays with the lowest effort possible.
Take the red pill: Long-term players looking for somehow remotely realistic combat scenarios are not relevant for gaijin as long as the overwhelming majority of their income comes from kids who think that ACM is a new soft drink…
It was worse. He was sub 20 kills and 340 deaths before, only trying to improve it because he was afraid of being flagged as a botter. (he practically is)
As of 2/17/2025
Tiger_Tank_1 stats
0.05kd in IRIAF
0.94kd in J7D
0.24kd in F-16AJ
0.104kd in F-15J(M)
0.39kd in F-4EJ Kai
0.26kd in F-20
0.13kd in F-15E
0.94kd in MiG-23ML
0.36kd in EF-2000
0.35 K/B
0.41 K/B (past month)
As a joke,
At that rate, I think we are going to see this guy on ‘Fairfight: blah ba blah’ list.
by inaction/bot
Nope. Was not flagged in the recent bad wave.
Literally said in the OP that I don’t only bomb.
U killed in Air RB (in the last 4 weeks) 986 aircraft whilst getting killed 676 times. This might be above average, but is not even a K/D of 1,5:1. Nothing to write home about and no reason to point with fingers at others with even worse stats than yours…
Don’t get me wrong, but it simply looks like that you are unable to express your disapproval of this base bombing nonsense (which i share btw) without the necessary maturity.
Even if you despise others and their views it makes zero sense trying to argue with or stat shame random strangers in the web.
I meant, your former stat was way too awful so Gaijin might going to misclick the [ban: inaction/bot] button.
(Yes. It was a joke.)
Anyway, I also love bombing, but your claims in the forum are usually contain
- have many flaws which can’t be defended
- and also contradicted
- supported by selfishness
- lack of self-awareness
In conclusion, your opinion usually ends up with ashaming every base bomber.
I really am trying to be your side despite all those diabolical takes you spammed.
But your take just goes worse and worse…
I play ground primarily.
However, I do agree with your point, it is in bad faith to statshame.
This would be a fantastic mode for people that don’t like PvP
That’s why most of them play ground battles to bomb tanks in there.
You’d be surprised-