I respect the grind, its a very long thing to run through, however. Bombing in premium aircraft (designated fighters ingame specifically) is primarily seen as sacrilege due to: Sacrificing missiles, being useless to the team, and usually being bad overall. In my opinion, I believe that grinding to top tier through bombing alone is lazy, takes little skill, and in turn churns out a player who didn’t advance their skill with the tech, as they never really used it. Bombing alone in fighters ends up making the player DOA in higher tier matches and effectively a detriment to the team, even if they get bombs off.
I also do it but only after rearming and the last enemy hides somewhere. I wish they gave the j7D napalm so you can actually destroy a base
You are hating on the man for optimizing his grind.
I hold no issues with him and his bombing of the bases with fighters.
If a fighter takes the bombers role and makes the bomber useless, how is that the fighters fault if the fighter is rewarded for it?
Now punishing fighters for doing that seems to be a good thing to you, but that is only if you’re too shortsighted and can only hate. By nerfing you decrease the fun and enjoyability of the game. Instead it would be better to reward fighters more for choosing to fight, even if they fail to come out victorious.
This problem was here before base bombing was nerfed, and it only got worse, and what you are hoping for is to make it even worse with further nerfs.
I believe it would be best if they revamped the whole base bombing system, either remove the health of the base or make it the game objective, change something big and give bombers some love.
You show off a 5K RP game as if it’s amazing.
5K in a premium jet, likely with a premium account.
Do you know what rewards you get for killing 3 or 4 people with zero bombing WITHOUT premium in the F8E crusader?
13 162.
Now imagine if you had a premium account.
Now imagine if you used a premium jet.
For me it is good enough. I am just trying to illustrate that I am content with 5k rp every round, doing bare minimum.
But bombing a base is a baseline of mine. I also go fight; too many people focus on my f 14 iriaf stats in which I made, when I was new to AIR RB and bombed bases/ground targets (stock grind)
Most of my non fox 3 plane stats are normal. The average according to statshark is 0.651 something.
You could optimize for fun and engagement AND rewards though, rather than monotonous bombing in aircraft that were only meant to bomb once air superiority was achieved (ergo - first merge, everyone gets back to rearm. You grab bombs because the remaining enemy team might need to be flushed out through ticket drain).
Spending 60+ bucks on a premium jet to just bomb bases is sad.
No different from a single death leaver in ground battles.
You make the game miserable for your team mates.
Yes its a team game.
Yes we all want to grind. You are not learning the game and will remain equally useless when you grind and reach top tier as you have no understanding how top tier air to air combat works.
He’s clearly not playing to win, he’s playing to grind. He optimized his grind so he earns most RP consistently. Why is that a bad thing for him, why should he change his ways?
So go and spend money and convert free rp.
He’s not earning the most RP though.
You earn the most RP by getting ~1200-1500 score, dragging a match out to 12 minutes AND get 100% skill bonus.
That gives you the best guaranteed RP possible for time played.
1200-1500 score for a 12 minute match guarantees 95-98% activity%. Match that lasts any longer has the activity% drop faster than score can be gained (although it won’t drop under 80% if you got ~2000 score I found).
1 second of time alive is 1.22 RP before any modifiers, multiplied by activity percent.
Depending on how consistently you can get skill bonus, it might be worth extending a match to as long as possible even if activity% drops to 80% but that’s an optimization and consistency problem. 3 severes + kills (3x450) and 3 crits (3x150) (1800 total) and no ground pounding gives 85% activity at 22 minutes as a reference point.
if you use bombs in fighters even like J-7D, then why you want to pay for it?
And how will you do when you get J-10A, J-11B or Mirage 2000? Use them to bombing?
It also feels less like a chore if you actually play the game like that.
But what if he can’t get the skill bonus?
Even if he can, it’s not something he can get every or every other match. For 4 matches where he died first he could’ve just dropped bombs before dying and there he gets 5k RP instead of 0, so now in 4 matches instead of having 0 he has 20k. If he gets max possible RP in on match out of 5, it will probably get him around what 25-35k RP?
If we’re talking consistency then base bombing is the way to go.
Then he will never get better at the game.
If his goal is to unlock a specific plane then he doesn’t have to. If he wants to enjoy a plane, then he will, eventually.
Considering hes said he base bombs in a eurofighter sorry but i have 0 faith
Even if you don’t get skill bonus, surviving for as long as possible remains the play.
Which you won’t get rushing a base. Rushing a base makes you part of a hungry F8x or mig23M’s lazy day.
Notice something in the data
Earning 800 score and surviving ~180 seconds gives 60% of our reward.
Earning 800 score and doing nothing else but staying alive for 400 seconds gives us 70% of our reward.
This activity% chart tracks with my observations and earlier advice:
Get 1200-1500 score, stay alive for 12-15 minutes to maximize reward for time played.
Getting 90% activity gives you 1.22x0.9=1.01 RP per second alive.
Getting just 70% activity like the OP did gives you 1.22x 0.7= 0.85 RP per second alive
You’re literally losing 20% RP by suiciding into a base.
Now, playing for SL - staying alive (and dying 15 minutes in) for a long time is detrimental due to repair cost scaling.
But he wont know how to play it…This isn’t a new strategy.
Players did this with the P-47M best high alt fighter in the game or one of and instead of climbing and using it correctly they bombed bases.
Never learning the aircraft or strengths. And complaining when a Dora or a 109 dived on them.
I’m 100% aware of the fact that staying longer gives better average RP.
However dying early into the game is much much more preferable than having no kills/only a few ground kills. I prefer the lower risk option.
Bombing is not risk free. Sometimes you accidentally drop the bombs, sometimes a teammate took it before you; in the case, I’ll just fight.
Bombing and fighting isn’t mutually exclusive.
All i see is skill issue