This is one of the reasons that this game is broken.
there’s no excuse for this
I mean being called “Tiger tank” was a very very strong indicator that he’s not going to be a high skill player but this is the worst average stats I’ve seen of a long time player
The best part is this guy’s gives advice to new players.
So not only is he screwing the team over by not fighting. He’s teaching new players to also be bad and bomb bases.
One day TT1 will learn that getting kills = more rp. But that day is not today nor tomorrow
I mean, expecting 1:1 anymore at its current BR is… lofty.
Especially since you can’t know whether that KDR is from when it was 12.7 or with the 0.7+ BR superior F-15A but at the same BR.
compare this to one of my worst vehicles Ive played a lot of and its just abysmal
and this is a bomber not a BVR fighter
I can understand if these stats were acquired after the aircraft became 13.0 because that is still an awkward BR for it.
But I refuse to believe the majority of those deaths are from it being 13.0.
alvis mate he’s got a K/d of 0.12 in the thing and he’s played it almost 400 times
i would rather people have a negative KD but they admit they’re trying at the game rather then base rushing and complaining that you plane isnt fast enough to reach the base
#5 In his “essay” makes no sense at all.
I’m not sure what he is trying to cook up but the mods need to prevent this guy from posting anymore because it’s 100% rage bait and straight up misinformation.
I’m glad he doesn’t post his crew stats. Probably flying on level 1 crews.
its also not that bad at 13.0. shouldn’t be seeing typhoons no but at the same time its still lobbing from really far away while there’s people still in harrier 1 airframes
As one of ‘your kind’
(I mean, My most-played jet is Milan, and Tornado IDS are my fav. I also prefer base bombing.)
Every goddamn time I sees you in this forum,
Every time you say in the name of ‘for base bombers’
In fact, It is not made for respecting the Base bomber, but shames every Attacker/Bomber main instead.
Correct. but partially.
Killing a base itself gives a better reward than killing a single enemy plane.
That is truth.
But in this game, there is also a reward named as
‘Time Played’ and ‘Reward for participating in the mission’
which can be achieved by actively fighting against the enemy in both A2A and A2G.
And, usually, a Fight in A2A guarantees longer average survival time than ‘straight race to base while exposed’
Fair. If we can achieve both fragging the base and enemy players at the same time.
Then reward goes sky high.
But, at the same time, you showed us that you bombed with J-7D on full downtier match
with no missiles but full of 4x 250kg bombs.
Which makes your speech not convincing at all.
Learn to play and take perfect angle for it.
For example, R.530 Magic 2 is one of best IR missile in this game, and even with IRCCM
but if you shoots in head-on because you trusted IRCCM and All-aspect too much
enemy will flare it easily with one or two pops.
don’t dare try to defend yourself from bombing in J-7D.
‘YOU’ are the reason
- why we attacker/bomber mains are getting neglected badly. and can’t get fancy thing
- why some fighter main with bad behaviour(Fighter jocks) loves to generalize attackers
as ‘Skilless noob who are coward enough to not learn to play’ - why some of playerbase wants to remove napalm or base itself from ARB in anger.
Thank you so much, you ashamed bombers again.
as always.
dogshit level 100, god damn
cant really say anything about F-8E KD though
wearing these pants to a funeral or something soon!
stay safe out there tiger
why not napalm?
I think he wasnt playing one handed that day
please spoiler that man good lord
Base plane of A-5C is MiG-19
while J-7D’s base plane is MiG-21MF.
But A-5C has an advantage in RWR and the capability of using napalm for base bombing
18 CM can be painful but better than never.
Thanks to the fuselage and 2 fancy R.550 Magic 1
A-5C was also considered a good fighter when it was 10.0.
You want to beat one of the best low-altitude Interdictor jets in history with the MiG-21MF fuselage?
Seriously pal?
Use the best part of her instead.
PL-5B missile.
You will forever struggle to beat Tornado in base-bombing
But you can easily beat Tornado in a dogfight.
Historically, J-7D/E should have 250-2 napalm bomb. I know that.
But every time you post your discussion, it makes that I want it lesser and lesser
WDYM pal. You are giving them the reason!!!
Jesus [Censored] Christ.
Even though you loves bombing in fighter, but you sounds like one of ‘fighter jocks’ who wants full removal of A2G in ARB.
Sadly, F-14A IRIAF in this game don’t have the ability of dropping napalm.
(I don’t know about historically, it can or can’t. )