Why I bomb bases in premium fighter jets

It seems that we premium jet fighter-bombs are seen as alien specimen, while in fact, we are, very common, so I want to share my thoughts and experiences on why I do this “forbidden action”.

A picture of one of my favorite planes in game, and an example of my most preferred loadout (missiles + 2x napalms)

  1. Bombing gives good rewards.

I am a modest person; 5k RP every round is enough for me. This is slightly more than a kill.

If SL and RP did not existed, I would not bomb at all.

  1. Fight + bomb

The best option, earning wise, is to bomb then fight. People talk about positioning a lot, but most people will be multipathing anyway so you might as well just have as good as chance blasting someone out of the sky on your way to the base or fighting.

Pure bombing is less efficient. The best option is to carry as much missiles and bombs as possible.

This is a picture of stat card with my Mirage F1C (I did not focused on bombing with it, because it was too slow) against MiG-21BIS Lazur-M. I bomb + fight with the MiG-21Bis, but only fought with the Mirage F1C.

  1. Missiles are unreliable compared to guns (less consistent)

MIssiles in the game are unreliable compared to guns, which are pretty much guaranteed damage if you managed to hit someone with it. Missiles, other than IRCCM directly on the back of a plane, can be notched, multipathed, dodged, flared etc etc.


  1. Flight performance doens’t matter as much

Compared to gun tier, flight performance doesn’t matter as much (it still does), you can fire some of the best missiles with a poor airframe (F-4 series come to mind). Especially with modern jets, such as Eurofighter, where carrying 6000lbs of bombs can still get you up to wing-ripping speed easily.

(Above picture: I have not grinded up the 2000lbs bombs and more missile modifications yet, I will carry more missiles and less bombs (but more powerful ones) soon)

  1. Reliant on the broken spotting system (for IR planes)

The fact that I bomb in the J-7D is a fact that shocks many. But I have my reason for this. The reliant on the broken spotting system is a part of this. It is reliant on being “invisible” to the minimap, so you do not know if you are spotted or not by the target. If so, then you are easily flared by one flare.

For me, bombing is more reliable, even if I couldn’t finish a base; as noticed above, I am content with 5K RP.


cool. good to know. lets just hope you stay on the enemy team.

bombing in the Eurofighter is bad enough… but the J7D too?


it doesnt even get napalm or enough to destroy a base? why are you even playing it when the A5C would be more efficient.

gaijin, if youre reading this post, THIS is youre reason to nerf fighters bombing bases.


The A-5C is slow and it doesn’t get many flares; whereas the J-7D already struggle against Tornado, Migs, F-104 etc in traffic hours but is better than a5c

I wish gaijin gives it the 250-2 fire bombs in next update.

Also,this isn’t a reason to nerf bombing. People have stock grind too.

my brother in christ, just DONT base bomb in them. J7D is one of the BEST at its BR. 10.7 with 72 countermeasures supersonic flight performance and mig21 AOE, with upgraded magic 1 missiles. its insane.

yet hear you are, complaining its “too slow” compared to the tornado STRIKE AIRCRAFT. The F104 is also annoying but its flight model and BR is so gimped right now.


can get napalm after F-111F and F-15E and F-16C

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its a shunned action because there’s strike aircraft and bombers that can only do that and you’re taking that from them.

you’re worse than the enemies to them


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yeah, like when people steal base from F-4

This is a problem I’ve actually heard lots of people mention. But discounting grinding, does it really matter?

A strike plane also takes up slot, and is a worse fighter in fighting.

Striker bombs base => can fight with 50% efficiency

Fighter bombs base => can fight with 70-90% efficiency (depending on missiles sacrificed/positioning)

In the end result, it is preferable to have a fighter bombing than a striker.


YES people like bombers, they contribute to the team through ticket bleeds and you’re taking that only thing from them instead of playing your fighter as a fighter


Base bombing doesn’t decrease tickets, striker, bomber, or fighter.

In high tier jet matches, idk about low rank

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‘More reliable’ is actually ‘supreme skill issue’


they at least did. with how heavy base bombing nerfs have been (because of base bombing fighters) may not be the case anymore

Aren’t you the same person who is like . 05 KD in the F-14IRIAF???
yeah I’m sorry but you could just say you are bad at the game next time…
It’s very clear to Everyone else just by looking at your stat card that you simply don’t understand jets.
So you type out some big ass thread every other week asking for jets to get bombs because you simply don’t understand that 1-2 kills will equal more than 5000 rp.
I don’t understand how someone can be so bad at the game.
I’m not even flame baiting.
I’m just being genuine.
Your stat card is atrocious and I have seen zombie bombers with better stats.


that’s humanly possible? I’m certain I could teach my 91 year old grandmother whose only played atari 50 years ago how to get more frags in that plane


Or, if a fighter can use his superior FIGHTING capabilities, he can protect the strike aircraft and let them take care of the targets with their higher payload… like real life

but this isn’t exactly your problem YOU create. you just don’t have the skill to fight people with advanced aircraft, so you take the easy option and instead of trying and failing, you gave up and just zombie your way though the game.

you COULD do better, and learn the weapons, airframes, how to defend and defeat missiles and eventually, how to earn resources the correct way, which is PVP.

at the end of the day, gaijin has created this environment and it isnt great. free food for me who enjoys playing strike aircraft as fighters in some sort of twisted satisfaction



Instead of bombing bases in fighters learn to fight against other fighter. This will be valuable thing when you get to 14.0 jet battle and grinding other nations jets

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This dude has continuously stupid takes.
It’s all rage bait.
He says his justification is grinding but he genuinely just really bad at the game


he must’ve armed his F-14A IRIAF with most powerful A2A weaponry
instead of AIM-7E-2 or Fakour-90.

The 500lb Mk.82 GP bomb.


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