There are rules like “don’t wear a hat indoor”, but these rules are not part of the law. They are rules among like minded people. But they have no authority. They may even be harmful in some cases.
But they are not the rules of the game. Only of a group of players.
You confuse moral with rule. Or with concealed self-entitlement, like when the word “steal” pops up.
If bringing a biplane to 14.0 in an attempt to appear funny is simply “not having the same undestanding how the game should be played”, then yes - that is my argumentation. I will teamkill his squadmates and leave the biplane dangling behind simply because it brings me joy.
I agree that one should be kicked from the game after a single teamkill. This would prevent a lot of infighting between squads at the start of the game.
Would it stop me from teamkilling those people however? Probably not.
Keep in mind that there’s reward multipler for different planes, RP modifier, bomb load modifier etc
In the “Secondary Weapon” screen, what is the multiplier for score? I’m looking for something like this:
Thank you for the above though, that’s quite helpful.
8.0 for J-7D, not sure about MiG-23ML (2x ZB-500)
Best thing we can do is mass report his profile for TK
Sorry, but these statistics are somewhat of useless because the main problem is the reward system itself. It’s totally senseless to give an action with no effect to the goal of the battle so much reward.
In lower tiers where a base bleeds tickets or you can destroy AF it works. But the higher the tier the more useless bombing becomes. 200 tickets for a base, that’s 2 small pillboxes or 4 howitzer. Every player can make this even with 7mm guns.
The reward system should be adjusted to the effect your action have to the goal.
Gaijin has it in hands to guide the behaviour of the players by changing this system.
But they ignore it for years. And here we are…
Realistic, maybe. But that’s also heavily reliant on getting good matches. Bombing is repetitive, but you get similar results. People would rather get consistent 2k matches, over getting one “good game” with 2-3k RP, followed by multiple 200 RP matches.
Come on…
One of the best jets at the entire BR range and you do that…
Oh no, it isn’t. You are paying for having targets, which in turn are needed to keep the average fighters happy.
You are implying that I am not entitled to a kill when a B-29 with his wings shot off by me is racing for the ground. Yes I believe I earned that kill even though he’s technically crit.
I am openly proclaiming my entitlement to the kill that I earned. Now tell me what is wrong with it.
You are confusing rules with laws. Moral rules exist. Is it moral to killsteal? No. Let’s not argue about the definition of words and let’s not misrepresent what I type.
Like I said before there are certain moral rules that everyone instinctually understands. Breaking those rules would be wrong even if not punishable by an authority.
One of the things that makes it good are R-24Rs, which I carry. Much prefer the consistent ZB-500s over the flare-hungry R-60Ms (personally do not have much luck with non-IRCCMs).
The average fighter don’t carry bombs, he flies in his prem plane straight in and die in headon. I saw it thousands of times this week. lol
What you think is your business. But the makers of the game you play think differently.
To interpret morals, you need a set of values.
He shoots down bombing planes. Those bombing planes only exist, because they get tipped well if they deliver their load.
Well, in fact. after all those charades and arguing. I just want to say few things to conclude
I usually don’t care about you if you bomb the base with fighter jets.
I can’t force you to not bombing like some figher jocks also would,
You will not stop, before you want to stop. isn’t it?
The only thing I can do overall is watch you fly faster in MiG-23 with ZB500 than in my Tornado IDS.
and being ready for A2A combat against enemy F-4S or F-16A. :/
Just keep something in mind too.
- A base bomber usually ends up weighing more heavily on PVP players. that is why they don’t like either Tornado or ML-bomber.
- Even though we are unsure about ‘Base Bombing gives better rewards in total’ but it is easier than A2A.
There are also Some planes whose efficiency is extremely low if you decide to bomb.
For example, J-7D or F-14A IRIAF can be an example. Those planes waste ‘bigger stakes’ for using bombs on it.
Currently, F-14A need to sacrifice ‘Fakour-90’ which is key feature of it, while J-7D sacrifice all four of PL-5B meta missile. - unlike you usually think, a2a combat doesn’t give dogshit amount of reward. they just requires higher skill ceiling for getting least amount of reward.
If you gets better and have some improvement, Both way will be happier!
For J7D then,
Ord x = 8
Economy = 2.32 x 2 (2 is premium plane bonus)
destruction damage is supposed to be worth
(7.23 x 10^-4 x 8 x 2.32 x 2 x DAMAGE)
Sum predicted RP is calculated based on sum damage, not summing of itemized destruction predictions.
Looks like I’m 1/2 your earned RP, which lines up with me not accounting for premium account in my formulae.
For raw damage:
Again, half of your values with some variance, likely due to decimals and rounding.
Looks like my formula does represent reality at least for non-napalm.
For Napalm mig-23ml you only gave me damage to bases from what I can see.
I’d need destruction too to confirm destruction formula but for damage…
Looks like formula works there as well.
Max HP dealt to a base seems to vary between Mig-23ML and J7D though despite claim that the bases above 8.0 share the same HP. Might be due to napalm.